![]() Author has written 7 stories for Naruto. Name: Jaz Age: 15 (as of april 2009 that is, i turn sixteen this next december) Well, I hate writing about myself, really. But this is my profile and if you're here to read about me then... I guess I will for those who even care. I'd say Naruto is my most favoritest anime in the world- no question about it. Why? I don't know, but it's amazing. One thing you should know, is I watch AMVs. Another thing you should know is that when I watch Sasunaru AMVs, whether it implies yaoi or just friendship, I get very emotional. I mean, I cry sometimes. I know, stupid to cry over fictional character. I don't care. I try my hardest to keep up on Naruto Shippuden, I've seen every episode that's uploaded on so far. I'm an anime freak. When I get into my writing mood, nothing can stop me. Except maybe chores and homework... But it's summer so no worries about homework. If there is anything you want to know, just email me or PM me or whatever. june 30 2009 It's me, back again. I've been gone fore a while, I know. But I've been through a lot of shit this summer and got too depressed to write. But I have a request!! If you are a naruto fan, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read my current story, Six Feet Under! I promise it's good!! Well, ta-ta. I'll try not to procrastinate so much. august 5, 2009 Yes, well I PROBABLY should have mentioned this before but I'm gay. Completely and totally. Into girls. if you are or have ever been in love with a fictional character copy and paste this into our profile. If you have ever pulled a door that said push, or vise versa, copy and paste this into your profile! If you cried in new moon then copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile If you have ever gotten so completely sidetracked in a conversation that you don't remember why you were talking in the first place, copy this into your profile (nearly every day) IF YOU HAVE EVER SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE(everyone should have this) Naruto!!: Fav Boy character: MEEP! Sasuke/Itachi/Naruto Fav girl Char.: Sakura all the way . Least Fav boy character: ...probably lee (no offense, just don't like him AS much) Least fav girl char: Ugh Karin! She's even worse than sakura or ino before shippuden. HATE HER GUTS! Favorite Yaoi pairing: ItaSasu or Narusasu or Itadei or Sasodei or... gah Least Fav Yaoi pairing: hmm... gaaraXlee Fav Yuri pairing (from naru): probablyyy... hinata and sakura Least fav yuri from naru: Ino and Sakura BARF Favorite episode: hm... how about... nope, it's still when naruto and sasuke fight x3 before sasuke leaves for orochimaru, the very last battle~ Least favorite episodes: Fillers!! Like the one before the chunin exams 2nd tests where konohamaru goes and interveiws them!! DX Number your 12 fave Naruto characters (In no order) and answer the questions!! 1) Naruto 2) Deidara 3) Hinata 4) Hidan 5)Sasuke 6) Sakura 7) Itachi 8) Kakashi 9) Neji 10) Orochimaru 11) Tsunade 12) Sasori 1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? Actually, yes. I have... Mmmm yuri... 2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? =D OMG HE'S BRINGING SEXY BACK~ 3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? O.O what? seriously? Eh... I don't think puppets can get someone preg... But... It'd be a very interesting kid...? 4) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Hm... I know one that's "60 things Hyuuga Neji must never do/remember" 5) Would Two and Six make a good couple? NO! 6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? X. X five/ten if I have to choose between those 7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? He'd be very, very jealous and kill twelve 8) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten Fanfic. He came in the middle of the night. He told me how things I'd never had said to me... He told me I was his. 9) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff? pppssssshhhh duh~ 10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Unlikely (XD) 11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? Er... the akatsuki kidnap Naruto, but what happens when one falls in love with the jinjuriki? 12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? Uh no one on my friends list, so i'll just use my real friends O.O and no i doubt 13) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? If i asked her to she would 14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five ? i hope not O.O 15) What might ten scream at a moment of great passion? SAAAAASUKE! oh shit, this is kabuto (sweatdrop) 16) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? If you were gay~ (i know, not very original. just couldn't think of what to do -_-) 17) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Naruto walks in on Sakura and Sasori... WHa-wha-WHAT!? 18) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? I can make YOU go boom~ wink 19) How might Eleven describe a relationship between Two and Eight? Was this jiraiya's idea!? goes off to blame jiraiya, then gets seduced 20) How emo is Seven? REALLLY emo... but he doesn't show it unlike his little brother... pft. EMOS. Favorite story I've written (fanfictionwise): You're a WHAT? oooor Six Feet Under |