There was nothing remotely welcoming about Roy's expression when he opened the door this time.

"I told you to be on that train this morning. I may have been lenient last night, but I meant what I said. When I give an order, you will follow it."

Ed pushed past him into the house, waiting as Mustang reluctantly shut the door behind him. Clearly the man wanted to throw him straight out again.

"We'll go tomorrow. Really this time," he added at the Colonel's unbelieving look. "I just didn't want to leave any unfinished business behind when we left."

Mustang leaned against the closed door, his arms crossed. "Unfinished business?"

Ed shrugged. "You know what I mean." When Roy just looked confused, he sighed. "What we talked about this morning," he prompted.

Roy's expression shifted to thoughtfulness. "I find it interesting that you can do it but not talk about it. Sometimes you really are just a kid, aren't you?"

Ed's temper flared immediately. "Stop saying that! That has nothing to do with anything."

"No?" Mustang's posture was still rigid, his face unreadable. "Let me see if I understand this. You ignored my orders – again – to come here and have sex, something which you were fairly opposed to last night, and still unsure of this morning. After we're done, you're going to get up and get on the train you were supposed to be on Monday morning. Is that the gist of it?"

"More or less," Ed admitted.

Roy abruptly squeezed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "I really need to have my head examined."

Sensing the victory, Ed started up the stairs toward the bedroom. He was stopped by the Colonel's voice.

"It never occurred to you that I might have other plans for these evenings, did it?"

Ed only paused long enough to shrug before he continued up. "No, not really."

"Of course not." Mustang threw one wistful glance toward the living room, where an open bottle of scotch sat invitingly next to his chair. The sound of Edward's boots hitting an upstairs wall as they were kicked off made him smile despite himself. As choices went, they really didn't compare at all.

A/N: There will be a scene inserted here …eventually.