![]() Author has written 2 stories for Teen Titans. Aloha to all you ff-ers! I'm MonkeeNoodles and as you've probably guessed...that's not exactly my real name though it would be extremely funny if it were, you know? I mean, c'mon...how insane must my parents be if they decided to name me MonkeeNoodles. Seriously. I'm FINALLY 17! Wehey me! :grin: So anyway, I'm actually not that new to the whole fanfic business (despite the fact that I only have 1 story currently up) but I am new to the whole Teen Titans and posting the on thing...I used to do the whole Dramione thingy back on and it was fun for a while but then I got lost in the plot then that disease called writers block hit me and then...well...you probably can guess the rest... So, since I've noticed this on other people's profiles, I shall write down a list of my favourite ship thingies: 1. Rae X BB: OK, this is just cute, and well, it can be quite deep and complicated as well...which is nice, you know? I mean it doesnt have to be angst all the time but it doesnt have to be all cute and fluffy all the time...perfect balance. The fact that it was canon makes it even more exciting. 2. Star X Rob: Just frickin adorable, it ain't even funny. 3. Rob X Rae: Funnily, I actually like this shipping, it's just really different to the RaeBB ships coz this ship is just a really angsty ship and though I enjoy reading RobRae fics, I know that I'll never write one. 4. Rob X Babs: In the comics they made a genius couple and I still love them together even though they're now officially apart...wow...I love Rob with everyone don't I? I kinda make him sound like a manhoe...even though he isn't one...not really. 5. Huntress X Question: How can you NOT love this ship? It's just too weird not too love...Question just cracks me up...especially when he sings cheesy pop tunes while smashing through doors. 6. Batman X Wonder Woman: I don't understand...must I really explain myself? 7. Draco X Hermione: Opposites attract...especially if one of them is a hot blonde with grey eyes...I mean...yea, OK, he's evil but hey he's a bit fit, innit? 8. Scotty X Lilly: Cute and angsty at the same time...so totally made for each other So yea, those are the only one I can whip up from the top of my head. Well, I shall be going now...I'm actually in the middle of finishing off a last chappie and I don't think my readers will be too pleased when they find out that I've been using up the time to write the last chappie to "pimp up" my profile page. Hope you enjoyed this random little drabble about uselfess ol' me...read my fanficcies and review 'em? Please? Puppy dog eyes Some MonkeeNoodles news for you: MUAHAHAHAHAH! I have two of my fanarts up now! So if you wanna look at it just go to my account and click on the two pencil sketches and you can find them at... monkeenoodlesdotdeviantartdotcom Wehey for my scanner!! Hope you all like it! Works Completed: - Renovation Raven's bedroom is destroyed after an ambush by Brother Blood, causing her to move in with the annoying (though much loved) Starfire. Soon though, she witnesses something that prevents her from going back into the room and sleeps in the Common Room from then on. Enter Beast Boy with his Casanova ways and his love for Humphrey Bogart and we get what? Complications? Hell yea. Writing in Progress: - Disassembling Situations (The title is still in the works...Oh...not to mention that this will be the sequeal to Renovation) It's a year and a half (OK...maybe more than a half...but still less than two years) after the incidents that happened in Renovation and all seems to be going well on the surface. However, the team starts to feel their ties to each other start to crack and despite their efforts to stay true to their Titan roots, each member strays from them and maybe, just maybe, being a Titan is not priority number one anymore. Raven knows this more than anyone and she tries her hardest to keep them together which causes ridiculous amounts of stress (which isnt a really good thing for anyone but for Raven...hmmmmmm...) in her...plus mix in Garfield's attempt to take the relationship to the next--cough let us just say...PHYSICAL-- level, a new-- ordinary yet intriguing-- girl and a team leader who is given the choice between two cakes and decides to take a bite from each and we get a whole new level of chaos. Like Garfield would (most probably) say; "It's like Mega Monkeys 4 on crack!" Coming Soon (to a cinema near you...well, not really...): - Reconstructing ties (Title also still in the works...-grin-) All I'm going to say that it's five years AFTER the Titans disassembled. |