![]() Author has written 5 stories for Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Being Human, Thor, Grimm, and Fall, 2006. Hiya my name is Becky Im 24 years old and i was born 28th july 1994. I LOVE supernatural things. fairies,angels,demons,ghosts,vampires the list goes on. I am a big manga fan and I have a eclectic music taste. Unfortunately My Microsoft word trial ran out and i cant get it up and running just yet so I have to cheat a little and use a previously made story and make new ones on the editing page...sneaky i know but I gotta do it. Any requests I will see what I can do. Fav TV shows: Big Bang theory, Sherlock, Being human, Supernatural, Grimm, Criminal minds, Pushing daisies Fav Films: Thor, Avengers Assemble Batman begins/The dark knight, The lovely bones, Aurora, Harry potter 7 Part 2, Holes, Haunting in Connecticut, How to train your dragon 1 2, Insidious, Hannibal rising, Tangled, Jennifer's body, legion, Sweeny Todd, letters to juliet, Bram stokers Dracula, Dracula 2000, the fall (2006) Fav books: Twilight series...i know i suck, Sisters red (, bunch ov other books I dont wanna name cause im too lazy. Fav anime: Naruto, mini series and oneshots, ... Song im addicted to right now: I got you - white bufalo Fav characters from Tv and movies (random order) 1.) Joker 2.) Dean Winchester 3.) Sam Winchester 4.) Castiel 5.) Michael (legion) 6.) Loki (Thor and Avengers Assemble) 7.) Dracula (both interpretations) 8.) Jonah (HIC) 9.) Toothless (HTTYD) 10.) Hal (BH) 11.) Mitchell (BH) 12.) George (BH) 13.) Annie (BH) 14.) Sherlock 15.) Sheldon (BBT) 16.) Roy Walker/ The red bandit (the fall) 17.) Héctor Rivera ( Coco) Favorite quotes at the moment: Captain America Avengers Assemble: "And hulk...Smash" HELL YEAH! Black widow Avengers assemble: "cognitive re-calibration...I hit you really hard on the head" You really did ow *DONG!* Loki and Iron man AA: "I have an army." "We have a hulk." loved how funny the film was but this was my fav quote. George Being human: "Have you ever actually had sex, Adam? You know proper balls deep sex? You touched a boob? Be honest with me,Adam. Have you ever even touched a boob? because I have...Loads!" Get you playa George Adam Being human: "I am Chika chika back! and I brought with me one fine motherfu-*SMACK*" hahahaha makes me laugh every time nice one Yvonne! Hal Being Human: "I was having a shit" This too made me laugh at how blunt he was and how hard he was trying to be gay. Kirby Being human: "...Like a fart on the breeze" tickled me somehow... The Joker: "Why so serious!" ...it's a no brainer. Anyway hope you like any and all stories to come! The fall: "I will destroy all things Spanish!" Alex to roy "I thought he was Spanish (about red bandit)" roy "...(red bandit frowns)...noooo...he was French!" the film makes me laugh and cry and fall in love with lee pace just that little bit more each time Becky xxx |