A/N: Decided to try my hand at a fanfic trailer for the sequel, which is up but some of you may not have seen it.

Captain James T. Kirk sits at his desk. "Captain's log, stardate 2261.01. It seems that Khan and his crew have been . . . abducted. And Lieutenant Commander Anthea Mackintosh is missing."

Commander Spock speaks. "You think that she had something to do with this?"

"Anthea Harrison had everything to do with it."


On a colony, on an otherwise deserted planet, Khan converses with his wife.

"I still feel sometimes as if I don't know you."

"If I had told you who I really was, would you have believed me? Would you have trusted me?"

"I've trusted you always, even when common sense and the whole of Starfleet said not to."


The Enterprise finds the colony, sending down a landing party.

Anthea breaks up a fight between Kirk and Khan.

"Anthea. What are you doing with this guy? He's a monster."

"He's my husband, Captain Kirk. The one you conveniently forgot to mention was still alive."

Khan appears, punches Kirk, attempts to strangle him.

"Khan! Don't kill him!"


Lieutenant Uhura runs up to a battered Kirk. "Sir, we caught a distress call from a nearby system. They're being attacked by Klingons."

Kirk looks to Khan.

"My people will help on one condition. You leave us here, to live out our lives in peace, and you do not tell Starfleet where we are."

"Done," Kirk says.


A battle rages between Starfleet, Khan's crew, and some Klingons.


The shuttle returns to Khan's colony.

Khan picks up his son's toy.



"I do not often beg for anything, Captain, but I cannot find her alone. Please."


"Captain, I do not believe this is a wise idea. Given our previous experience with Khan, I am given to believe that even if we do retrieve Anthea Harrison, he is likely to seek vengeance upon the Klingons as a whole. We have seen what he alone is capable of. Do we wish to risk his eradicating the entire species?"

"Y'know, Spock, while I'd normally agree with you, they really should have considered that before they took his wife."


Khan holds a katana, death in his eyes.

Kirk speaks. "What was it that guy said during World War Two? Something about waking a sleeping giant? Well, this time, it was a dragon. The Klingons are gonna get burned."

The story continues in "The Life To My Soul", available now.