Hello !

Title : Fade Into You

Genre : Drama, Romance.

Disclaimer : I don't own the characters unfortunately. They are the property of HBO and Charlaine Harris ! I only own my OC, Scarlett Lockhart.

Chapter 13 :

Eric clapped ironically as he walked in his maker's room. He hadn't seen or even heard the entire scene but Scarlett's sudden departure from the room was just enough for him to understand. Though the one thousand years old vampire could not consider the mermaid as a friend, he appreciated her presence. He was also in debt because she saved his maker while he couldn't. That was why the vampire believed he owned her something and why he felt a little bit bad for the poor girl.

She was so devoted to his maker that his rejection definitely hurt her badly. That rejection was a surprise for the younger vampire. He was perfectly aware of the fact that his maker didn't want to rush things or just didn't want to hurt Scarlett but in the end he just managed to cause her a great amount of pain. Somehow, Eric pitied her because she clearly didn't deserve that treatment. Godric should have probably been more tactful with her. That mermaid was very sensible when it came to her idea of love or how it should happen between her and the older vampire. She lived in a perfect world, in her own world where she and Godric would ride off into the sunset together, which was likely never ever going to happen. Perhaps, Eric was exaggerating a little bit Scarlett's conception of love but she still had her own idea on that point.

Also, the temptation the mermaid was couldn't be ignored. If Eric had been in his maker's position, he would have just taken advantage of the situation and of Scarlett. She was basically giving his maker everything she was, how could a man, let alone a vampire, could resist that? The one thousand years old vampire had to admit one thing : his maker was one stubborn mule. Why was he so determined to push her away while she was there? It didn't make any sense. Sure his maker had changed a lot, he had evolved as he kept telling him, but his behavior was still incomprehensible. If he wanted to get to know Scarlett better before anything, he should have spent time with her, tried to get to know her and tonight, he should have reacted better.

"Well done, Godric." Eric said as he laid against the wall, staring at his maker with a disapproving look. Usually, the situations were reversed. Eric would be the one to be reprimanded by the older vampire.

"Not now, I should probably catch her before she leaves." Godric quickly answered as he made his way through the room and towards the door.

Scarlett's proposal and behavior tonight surprised him tonight, he had been stunned when she walked in and offered herself to him. A part of him was overjoyed by that vision, a part of him was consumed by a burning desire to have his way with her but he resisted. He had to behave properly or rather less like the vampire he one was though his inner beast wanted the mermaid completely. Her blood and her body were calling for him. Her scent could make him go wild and any newborn vampire would have already drained her. Sometimes Godric was convinced he was mad because of his new behavior but he liked that. He was calmer, he was not driven by his emotions or urges anymore otherwise Scarlett would already be begging for him to stop and leave her alone. He wasn't that kind of vampire anymore but in the end he only managed to do one thing : hurt the poor girl who was just being so sweet and lovely. He had to make it up to her, he had to apologize for not using the right words to make her understand that he just needed more time. There was just no point denying that he was attracted by the mermaid but he just wasn't ready to give in, too afraid to behave like the monster he was once or taint her sweetness.

The only thing he didn't realize was that the mermaid was not as innocent as he believed her to be. Sure, she wasn't as old as he was, she didn't do all the things he did but she wasn't a fragile little lamb. She had definitely proved it tonight by being so bold and straightforward.

"Or you should just leave her be. She doesn't seem like she wants you to follow her. My guess is that she doesn't want to see you for now but after all, who am I to say anything. I do not share a bond with her." Eric said, knowing that his maker would make a mistake if he followed Scarlett.

It was definitely strange for him to care about someone else than Pam or Godric but he owed that to the mermaid. It wasn't like she could count on anyone there and he was completely honest with himself, he was also doing it for his maker's happiness. Godric definitely needed to unwind.

"Are you taking her defense?" The older vampire asked, dumfounded. It was like his child was someone else for a brief moment. It didn't look like him at all to behave that way, he was being too nice.

"I'm merely pointing out that you're not being very clever. She might a mermaid but she's a woman too. You should know how their minds work after two thousand year." Eric smirked at his maker.

A part of him was enjoying this situation because despite his old age, Godric was clueless. He didn't even know how to behave around the girl while Eric perfectly understood what was happening. If Godric wasn't so stubborn, he could get lucky every night.

"You don't understand. She's not safe out there on her own." The former sheriff argued.

"Not safe? Are you kidding me? She's more than capable to take care of herself. She's no weak human, Godric. She'll be fine." Eric answered though he noticed that his maker definitely cared for his little mermaid. That was almost cute, almost because Godric was the one to talk. His maker wasn't supposed to behave so humanly.

"I'm aware of that but do you think she'll be fine against vampires? You've smelt her, just like I did. Do you really think she could stop vampires? I need to bring her back inside or at least somewhere safe."

The youngest vampire shook his head. That wasn't going to end well. The only thing Godric would manage to do was to anger the girl even more and who knew what she could do.

"I'll go." Eric said, though he wasn't very excited by the idea of running after the mermaid. Yet, he would do anything for his maker.

"What? Eric, I don't think-"

"-It's the best thing to do." The sheriff interrupted his maker. "She won't listen to you. You won't bring her back. You'll only be able to make things worse."

Humiliated, I just felt humiliated by what had just occurred. He had rejected me in the most cruel way. I was completely his, I gave myself to him but he didn't want me the way I wished he would. Was I not pretty enough? Was I not good enough? I didn't understand. I even found myself wishing that he would truly reject me so that this pain would come to an end. Sure, that meant death but I couldn't help but wonder if death wasn't less painful that what I was enduring.

Being a mermaid and seeking real love were hard to reconcile and I was starting to wonder if I hadn't made the worst choice of my life. Perhaps I should have stayed under water, life was so much easier back then. Why being human and being able to feel pain were connected? I didn't expect everything to be easy but I didn't expect that, not at all.

Now, all I ever wanted was to leave this place, to go back home and forget about him. However, I couldn't. I was stuck on land with legs, I didn't have my fins anymore. I regretted them.

What was even worse for me was that I was currently crying. I hated that, I hated myself for being so weak. My tears should not be wasted because of the vampire but I couldn't help myself.

"You shouldn't be on your own." Suddenly a voice said but I didn't have to turn around to know who it belonged to.

Eventually I did turned around, knowing that it was the only thing I could do. There stood Eric Northman, he probably followed me to make fun of my suffering and pathetic attempt to seduce his maker. I could not truly blame him. It was definitely pathetic and something anyone could easily laugh about.

"Thank you for your concern." I started ironically. "I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone." As the words left my mouth, I knew the last part was wrong, well not completely. In a way, I didn't need anyone, I was good on my own, I was independent and completely fine. Yet, I also needed Godric there with me as painful as it was to think about it.

"I know you you're fine on your own but my maker doesn't share my opinion. So here I am."

I almost laughed at the stupidity of this situation. Godric, the one who pushed me away, cared about me. If he was the one standing in front of me, I would have slapped him.

"You can leave and tell him I'm fine."

"I have to bring you back inside the house."

I clenched my fist. I would not go back there, at least not now. I just couldn't be in the same room or place than Godric. That would just be too hard for me. I was already ridicule enough. My tears had thankfully stopped falling from my eyes.

"I don't want to go back there."

"Oh come on don't be such a child." He took a step forward. "You might be a mermaid and kind of old but you're still acting like a baby."

I didn't answer because deep inside of me, I knew he was right but I couldn't tell him that. I would never ever say that Eric was right about anything. I was too proud.

"Do I have to force you to come back ?" The vampire asked, clearly annoyed despite his emotionless face.

"I don't want to go back there now. I will when the sun goes up. For now, I just want to be far away from that place. Is that too much to ask for ?"

I knew exactly where I wanted to be. Under water, with my friends, my family but that wasn't possible. That was the only place where I could be myself, where I could just forget for a little while about what was happening to me. However, perhaps I could just spend a few hours swimming in the sea. The only problem was that I was probably too far away from it and couldn't get there all by myself. First of all, walking was out of the question because of the distance. My feet would not get me far. Then, I did not know how to drive a car, I should probably work on that. Then I wasn't sure that at this hour, anyone would willingly take me to the sea or perhaps I was wrong.

"You know what, I'll go back to your house if you bring me to the sea before."

"What ?"

"You heard me, Eric. With your vampire speed and ability, you can take me there so I can take a little swim there. I need it and you're the only one available to bring me there. I'm not asking for the world, just for that, please. Do you agree ?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Why should I do this ?"

"Because I can be a real bitch to you and your maker. Plus, even if you did try to use force to bring me back to the house, you won't succeed. I will stop you and you know it."

Of course I could stop him but not for the whole night, I wasn't that strong and he was a very old vampire but I could bluff, hoping that he wouldn't see right through my game. I just hoped that he would agree. I needed this, I needed the sea.

"Fine." He approached me and before I knew what was happening, I was in his arms, my arms automatically reaching for his neck to steady myself in fear of falling. "Hold on. We're going to fly there."

Okay... So first of all, I want to apologize for the very very very long delay for this chapter. My life has been crazy for the last months. I had this competitive exam to prepare and it was intense. I had a lot of work to do, I even had lecture on sundays so that didn't leave me time to write. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that I failed... So after that, I didn't want to write or do anything anymore.

Anyway, here's the new chapter and I hope you'll like it. I also hope that there are still people there to read it.

I had planned this chapter to be longer than that but I thought that it would be better to post a small thing instead of nothing. I don't know when I'll start writing the next chapter since I have to go back to study very soon just in case I succeed the written part of the competitive exam. So there might be a delay between the chapters but hopefully not as long as this one.

Star-Moonlight1: You just described Scarlett so perfectly.

A huge thanks to KAYKAY22PRINCESS, lunasheart, jensenkent, clo78, Baie Noire, Omega-Maharan, Sweet Summer Heart, Kyokkou, Prettygirl16, mia, Spark10111, Bleeding Blue Kunoichi, Sidnika, Star-Moonlight1, DanathaKettu, LyzzSQ, galwidanatitud and JamesNorthman96 for their reviews.

I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter.

Please don't forget to review to let me know your thoughts and if I should continue to write this or if I have lost my readers. Again, forgive me for the delay.

Please Review !