A/N: Guess what? I finally got a new laptop! ^_^ That means more frequent updates! Yay! The song used is Light A Roman Candle With Me by Fun.


Superdani4ever: Nope, I'm not abandoning the story. I'm just super busy.

Guest: Thanks. I try my best.

Gwilwillith: Thanks ^_^ I really appreciate that.

Everyone else who favorited and followed: Thank you so much.

Addia came home from her classes a few days later, determined to tell Sherlock how she felt. She had finally found the perfect song to tell him. She peeked into their room and found him lying there, propped up on the wall and looking bored. She almost lost her nerve. He was so amazing in every way and his friendship was precious to her. Did she really want to risk that? She decided to take that risk, knowing if their friendship was as strong as she believed it to be, they would work past it. Still, she was hesitant as she cleared her throat. Sherlock looked up, asking her to go ahead with his gray-green eyes.

"Can you help me?" She asked trying to not let her nervousness show, but she ended up looking like a scared mouse.

"Of course, what do you need?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow, knowing Addia was about to make a confession of sorts to him.

"I was thinking of doing a new song for our next gig.. Can you tell me if it sounds good when I sing it? It was originally sang by a man so I don't know how it will sound with my voice." That was a load of bull. Addia had sung plenty of songs originally done by men.

Sherlock nodded, amused, and gestured for her to begin. Addia took a deep breath and started.

"Light a roman candle with me. Just a roman candle, you can wear your sandals and I'll pour you just one cup of tea. Then you can go and rest, you haven't seen my best, so... Just spend an evening with me. Just a lazy evening, then you could be leaving or we could stay and talk until three. I will think it's magic and I'll hope you'll agree, so... Light a roman candle with me. Just a roman candle. Just a perfect apple."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, already knowing what the song was about and why Addia was singing it to him. Addia was turning pink and trying to avoid looking at him at any cost.

"Light a roman candle with me. Just a roman candle. Just a perfect apple. If we were honest and both wrote a sonnet together a sandwich with everything on it, at least we would know that the sparks didn't glow, but we owe it to ourselves to try, so we aim and ignite! So often I call and I plead with you: 'Give me a chance!' It's not often that I understand the ins and the outs of what's wrong and what's right. So don't think of tomorrow tonight."

Sherlock stood up and walked over to her slowly, his eyes taking in everything about her from her wavy blonde hair to her obviously carefully picked outfit. She was wearing a deep blue fitted shirt and dark faded jeans, obviously meant to appeal to him as a male which was stupid because Addia was the only person who appealed to him at all.

"Oh, I know, it goes on, it gets old, but for now we're young, we smell good, we're alone, so alive. You look for a legend, I'm looking for common ground. Your heart isn't breaking and mine isn't making a sound. Oh I know, it goes on, it gets old. Oh I know, it goes on, it gets old, so... Light a roman candle with me. Just a roman candle. Just a perfect apple."

Addia finally opened her eyes and looked at Sherlock who only a couple of feet away from her. Her blush darkened and she looked down at the floor embarrassed. "So, um..." She started, but Sherlock pulled her into him and pressed his lips awkwardly to hers. Addia blinked several times before kissing him back and wrapping her arms around his neck with a grin.

"You know, you could have just told me." Sherlock hummed and pulled back, stroking her hair back.

"Mm, that I'm in love with that boy from my philosophy class?" Addia teased, kissing his jaw lightly.

Sherlock only rolled his eyes and kissed her again, wanting more of the sweet pleasure of Addia's lips. Addia smiled into the kiss and nipped his lips. "I love you, Sherly," she murmured against his lips.

"I love you, too, Addiana." Sherlock pulled back and kissed her forehead before leading her to their bed. He laid down on it and pulled her on top of him, kissing her sweetly and softly, but still, awkwardly. There would be time to learn how to kiss and explore each other later though. For now, they just relished in being together.

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