Author has written 1 story for NCIS. Don't know if I want to put too much here right now. I'm fairly new to the whole fan fiction scene, so I'm just in exploring mode . I will say that I'm a college graduate, born and raised in the USof A. I have a lot of story ideas but I have never actually written any fan fiction before. Hopefully I can work up the nerve to post a few things after reading some of what's out there already - I'm concerned that my writing will be just unreadably awful so I want to see the general quality level before posting anything. If I comment on your story and you come here looking for more info on me, well, just know that whatever I say I mean in a constructive manner - I know I can be real nit-picky on spelling and grammar. As I said, I'm hoping to get some stories out of my head to where others can read them; when I do I'll update this to provide a little more info about myself. |