Author has written 21 stories for Charmed, Bonanza, Lord of the Rings, Moulin Rouge, Star Wars, X-Men: The Movie, NCIS, Dark Angel, and Criminal Minds. So, who is Sternenlicht? And how did she come to use a German name which about 95 per cent of all people here can't pronounce? Well, the answer to the second question is easy: "Sternenlicht" is German for "starlight" and was the German title for an episode of the X-Files (which I watched I lot when the show was still good). Later, I'd come to love the name and so I didn't give it up after I'd stopped watching Mulder&Scully chasing aliens... The answer to the first question, though, is much more difficult. Let's start with the obvious: I am a 23-year-old girl from Germany. When I was about 13, I started writing my first fanfiction stories, but those were either never completed or simply bad, so they never got published here and never will be. Later on, the stories got better (or so I think) and when coming across, I wanted to take some part in the fanfiction community - these were still the days when the fandom of LotR consisted of about 300 stories! Well, it's been a long time... I wrote a lot when I was about 17 or 18, but then I stopped writing for almost three years, because I just couldn't find the time for it. Life was too much. But recently I've started again - though not with the same intensity as three or four years ago - but now my focus seems to have changed a little bit and the last stories of mine are not about LotR anymore. I haven't forgotten LotR, however (still reading the book about once every year), but for the moment I seem to have lost my inspiration in that fandom. Nowadays, it's just about kind of everything that I like to write about, be it StarWars, or Moulin Rouge, or X-Men or what else (we shall see...). My newest obsession, however, is Criminal Minds. Matthew Gray Gubler is just one fascinating actor! If you want to know something more about me or any of my stories, don't hesitate to write an e-mail. I am going to answer each mail, I promise! So, last but not least, forgive my mistakes with the English language! (Gotta add a recommendation of "Robin baby" here, 'cause she's not only my beta but a very gifted writer; so if you're interested, go read her stuff:) |