Author has written 54 stories for Invisible Man, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Reboot, Star Wars, X-Files, Touching Evil, Sentinel, Stargate: SG-1, CSI, Firefly, Harry Potter, Numb3rs, Alias, Miami Vice, Supernatural, Life on Mars, Doctor Who, Tron, and Twin Peaks. Hey, everyone, Izhilzha here. Thanks for visiting my archive. There is a lot here, from 200-word post-episode meditations to actual epilogues to (one here, more in the works) longer case stories. I have a toe or a few fingers in a lot of fandoms. On this page, you'll find stories set in the universes of The Invisible Man, ReBoot, X-Files, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1, Harry Potter, The Sentinel, Numb3rs, CSI, Alias, Touching Evil (USA), and Firefly. Most of my fic is gen, and all of it (unless specifically noted) is canon-compliant, because I feel that if I love the canon source enough to be writing fic about it, I should respect it as much as I can. I love getting reviews, reply to them whenever possible, and constructive criticism helps me figure out how to make my writing better. Welcome! I hope you enjoy what I've written. There's more coming soon. |