![]() Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha. Name : Maria a.k.a Lord Sesshomaru (if you want) Me and my friend Brave have been Role Playing for the past Year and 4 Months and it has gotten SO intense I have decied to type it down into a story for all of you! Warnings: This story has many many different crossovers and ideas swirled with the two charaters Sesshomaru( Inuyasha) and Rachel(Made up by Brave) There are many deaths to Rachel and Sesshomaru because of the plot. They die and revive but have many difficultys. Theres wars between Human's and Demons, theres people loseing there memorie, transformations, kidnnaping. This story envovles Spirits and Reapers of Hell. ALL Inuyasha Charaters do NOT belong to me or Brave. There are Harry Potter Crossovers, Final Destination, ideas from random movies and Eyguton Past Lives. This story has far more different idea's twists and turns all to keeping an Role Play alive for a Great Year and 4 Months! This story is called Reapers, Demons, Humans Oh Wow! I hope you all will love it. I do not care if you don't. Then don't read it if you don't like it. I am now making a new story along with Reapers,Demons,Humans Oh Wow! It is called The Bachlor It is based on that one life TV show 'The Bachlor' where the single supposedly rich man go out with many many girls to find his match! But, I also got this from the Popular show 'Flavor Flave Flavor Of Love' This story takes place in the Furture Mondern times and is an Inuyasha/Sesshomaru fic. There will be Yaio and Incest yes but also this is a Romance and Humor. Summary: Inuyasha and the gang all helped deafeat Naraku, but he is not dead. But hasent come out of his hiding for years and they all decided onmce they had the intior Shacred Jewel they would destroy it. They went into the furture leaving everyone in the past behind along with Kouga, Kagura, and Kanna. They all lived in the Mondern Era..But one was left behind. he did not want to come and he did not want to make peace with his brother. Sesshomaru lived for 500 years more catching up with Inuyasha and the gang. But they all do not know it. And there is this strange human that looks oddly familar. Sesshomaru Bachlor by accident, Inuyasha Secret Love that no one in the World would have guessed! Kagome former lover of said Inuyasha and has now become great friend and annoying loud mouth at times, Sango, Miroku who have not married and are having hard times keeping there relationship together, Kouga who wants to try out new things, Even Ayame who tries to steal the heart of the man she loves, Shippo who has grown only to the size of an 8 year old...FINALLY! Kagura who wanted to be free but now is enslaved in her own dreams, Kanna who cannot dress in ANYTHING other than white, and many many other characters who have been ramdumly chosen into the show from the streets. ALL have to live under one roof together for a whole Year. Who would snap and just go nuts? Who would steal the Heart of the Virgen Bachlor Sesshomaru? Who knows! All know is that its in LA and is the Top rateings in all of the United States! Would they all be there only to be on TV? To make there work company more reconised? Sesshomaru Is! But the Demon had NO Idea what he will find in this Adventarous Year with the 20 people who he doesent meet until its Too Late! Anime Other Interests I do not care if you don't like my story. Done read and don't review. If you do like it but want to give me pointers or advice then that is fine. But no Haters! |