Title: When An Angel Loses Flight

Author: Sesshoumaru Minion

Rating: At the moment T, but as the story continues, I can't promise that the rating won't go up to M. This is not only for violance, but swearing.

Summary: Sesshoumaru is the lawyer working on a murder case. Digging deeper into this case, old wounds will be brought up. Why? Because of the witness, Inuyasha Kasai.

Warnings: None this chapter, though a swear word might have popped its ugly head in there. Funny, I'm not a swearing person myself, but these characters I write about tend to have dirty mouths. Oh, a quick mention of porn. Nothing bad.

Chapter 1

"The Case"


Wine colored blood trickled down the snow-white skin that was sliced like warm butter under a butcher knife. His skin trembled with the violent blood loss, he himself slipping in and out of consciousness. The man above him had his large hands against his back; blocking his escape as his eyes drank up the sight of his bleeding. Mumbled words of profanity were sent to the poor bastard on the floor, though his ringing ears could hear nothing of it. Still his life was being poured out of him, staining the already red sitting-room carpet with the colors of what he was sure was to be his last moments. And the monster had not even reached his climax. All he could do was pray that the pain would end soon.

On a Thursday at 9:00 am, most people would be working hard at their desks; either it be in an office in a large, multi-million sky scraper, or a high school ghetto classroom filled with kids who only went to school to get out of the house. However, in this law office in Tokyo Japan, a man sat with his head on his desk, his breaths being taken in evenly. The blinds were pulled down to hide his sleeping form from anyone who would try to peek into his small office on the 3rd-story floor. Unfortunately for this lazy soul, the evil secretary of the west had spotted him slacking off. As her angry Prada high heels clacked against the cherry wood floor, male heads turned at the sight of her short navy skirt that clung to her hips as they swayed back and forth with each loud step. She entered through the door, not caring as it flung into the cream colored wall behind. Even this did not wake him up, which seemed to feed her anger.

Her face scrunched as she thought of all the things she had done to him in the past to snap him out of his constant daze of inattentiveness. Dumping water on him had been done multiple times, slamming books on his desk just ended up getting complains from the man in the next office, and yanking his ear made him complain all day. So she settled for a more settle way.


Said man snorted under his folded arms, and his eyes gazed up at her. "What is it, Kagura?"

"That's Miss Hamada to you, Mr. Tashiro," she huffed, folding a piece of hair behind her ear in frustrated habit. Miss Asano's face then twisted in a cringe of distaste as she spoke, "Don't look now, but you're drooling."

Slowly the man identified as Mr. Tashiro wiped the slobber from his face. He then leaned back in his chair, and with an exaggerated sigh, he spoke, "What have I told you about disturbing me while I'm working, Kagura?"

"Miss Hamada. And since you seem so busy, should I tell Mr. Takahashi that you have declined his request?" She spoke with a knowing look in her eye, waving the papers she had in her hand in front of his nose. He snatched them up and scanned with his now alert eyes. Then he smiled, and with a low chuckle he spoke, "I see our friend Mr. Takahashi has gotten himself another big case."

The woman sighed, "So it seems."

"Well, tell him that he has my loyal services." As the secretary was about to shut the door to his '2nd bedroom,' as he had deemed it, he shouted to her, "And get me a coffee while you're at it!" The door slamming shut told him that he would go through this morning caffeine-free.

Sitting back at her desk, Kagura flipped through some papers she had to deliver, not truly paying attention to them as her eyes scanned the perfectly horizontal line of pink sticky-notes she had at the top of her desk, with reminders of things she needed to accomplish that day. Sighing, she put the papers she was holding back into their right folder, and put it down neatly on the left side of the light colored wood desk. Throughout her life, she had been told on many occasions that she was a neat freak. Kagura Hamada would proudly agree to that. What is there to be ashamed of being organized? Absolutely nothing. That's what.

Grabbing the mirror she always kept in her purse, she checked on her high bun for any stray hairs. She always wore her hair that way. Her long black hair would be too much of a hassle to let it hang loose. Her mind began to wander as she sat back in her chair, waiting for someone to distract her from what she really needed to do. Deliver those damn papers.

Speaking of damn papers, Tashiro didn't even look at the ones she shoved in his face before accepting, all he wanted to know was who they were from.

Kagura snatched the folder up from her desk, to take them to whomever the hell she had to give them to. With her mind busy (or trying to be), fumbling with the papers that needed to be taken to who knows where, she did not notice the slumped over form of Tashiro Miroku.

Bored eyes stared at the computer display as two females on the screen preformed sexual acts upon each other, kissing, naked, on the sand of some random beach in the western part of the world. Slowly the mouse was dragged across the pad, clicking twice to get rid of the box of what was supposed to entertain him. The phone snapped this character out of his relaxed state of being, and he paused before speaking, "This is Takahashi Sesshoumaru."

"Hey, Sesshoumaru! Did you get the video I sent you? Amazing, right? Did you like the blonde chick better, or the brunette? I think the blonde was more into it, but the brunette seemed to know what she was doing, if you ask me. But not that I would know, ya know?" Sesshoumaru sighed, taking the phone away from his ear in hopes or drowning out that annoying voice. Unfortunately for him, he had a superb sense of hearing.

"Miroku. I did not watch the video. Stop. Sending. Me. Porn." And with that, he hung up.


As to be expected, not a moment later, the phone rang again.

"This is Takahashi Sesshoumaru."

Guess who?

"Hey! That wasn't nice! Come on! Alright, fine. Next time I'll find one with a nice redhead, how about that? Don't even think about hanging up that phone! I know you're about to!"

Sesshoumaru resisted the urge to sigh into the phone. "What is it that you want, Miroku?"

"Huh? Oh ya. Just wanted to say that I got the papers. Big case, huh? Well, send over whatever papers you got on this so far, and I'll see what I can do."

"Did you really want to help me on this case, or did you simply wish for an excuse to talk to that woman?"

He nearly rolled his eyes as his companion spoke next, "Ah yes. My dear Sango. Such a beautiful flower, isn't she? Her behind is so firm I can just picture what it feels li-"

"Is that all you needed, Miroku?"

"Not much for talking? Same old Sessh, I'd say. Oh, before I forget to ask, what's the name of this boy we're working with anyway?"

Sesshoumaru paused before speaking, "Inuyasha."

The quiet whisperings of school girls giggling, gossiping about the latest hot shot that happened to be walking the streets did nothing to help the people around them concentrate on the already impossible subject their teacher had been lecturing about for the past hour. As if anyone could possible grasp the concept of…whatever she was teaching about. Being next to the girls, who thought that no one could hear them (but wouldn't care if they knew that they could), was not only making it hard to concentrate, but annoying. How long can a couple of girls talk about some tall, dark, and handsome stranger? Apparently, a long time.

Staring out the window, Inuyasha tried to zone out the obnoxious high school girls. But no matter what he did, he just couldn't get his mind to relax. His arms ached from the night before, and even his chest had moments of shooting pain.

"Mr. Kasai. Please answer the question."

The golden eyes of said boy met hers, then the board. She saw his eyes gaze at the numbers, and for a few moments stayed silent. However, he then lowered his eyes to his hands resting on the desk, and speaking quietly said, "I don't know."

She made a small noise of discontent, but did not push the matter. "Alright, who thinks they can tackle this equation?" Several hands shot up, and she choise a random student whose hand was up. As the student gave the correct answer, she unconsciously nodded, though her thoughts still lingered on a certain teenaged hanyou.

"Thank you, Oichi. You may be seated."

Chest puffed out, the boy did as he was told.

Glancing at the clock, she saw it was only seven minutes before the bell rang to let the students free of this so called prison of knowledge. Taking a quick peak back at her quietest student, she saw that again he was zoned out. Turning back, she could see the students were etching to leave. This almost made her smile. If only she still had that much energy and life. "Homework!" Everyone groaned, making the smile that was threatening to show break free, "Page 438, problems 1-23. Due Monday!"

The bell rang just then, and students jostled out of the room at different speeds. Some taking the time to chat amoungst themselves, others rushing out the minute the bell run.

Miss Tanaka started to wipe the board of the equations she had written up, trying to stall herself as she waited for a certain student to come by.

She turned around to see him slowly dragging his feet towards the door. "Kasai! Can I have a word with you for a moment?"

Inuyasha Kasai turned towards her, nodding. By then the other students had left, though the hall way was still noisy with students getting on their way.

"I know that right now you seem to be having trouble with math. You know, you can stay after school so I can help you sometime," she offered him the brightest smile she could manage after her invite, trying to ease his nerves.

He seemed hesitant to answer, but finally gave a small "sure."

Though he made no other move to leave, he also looked like he wasn't comfortable staying either. "Well, if you would like to, we can go over today's lesson really fast right now. Or are you busy?"

He shuffled his feet, looking at the ground, "I better get home."

Her face fell, as long with her spirits, but tried to not see too disappointed, "Alright. Please feel free to come in at any time and get help. Perhaps talk it over with your parents."

Inuyasha hardly mumbled his reply before leaving, not looking back as the teacher sighed once more.

What was she going to do with that boy?

She pondered over this as she walked to her small home a few blocks away from the high school. Her long hair swayed slightly in its high pony tail as her boots clanked against the cement. Her black long coat kept her warm from the crisp November air, the bag she carried holding the latest assignments that needed grading.

It was obvious that her student was troubled…he was far too quiet and unsociable for a teenager. He was beyond quiet. When he first came into her class, often she would forget that he was there. Not a peep would come from his direction as if he was invisible. And soon his classmates treated him as such. No one bothers to try to talk to him, invite him to eat lunch with him, or even glance his way. And although she wouldn't admit it, she had even started making less group projects just because none of the other kids would want to work with him.

Without realizing it, her feet had taken her all the way to her front door. Searching for the key in her large coat pocket, she fiddled with the metal before putting it into the go slot on her door.

She would have to think about this another time.

Notes...As you can probably tell, I've majorally changed things up. I've written out everything that has to happen, when it happens and how it happens.I told you before that I wasn't going to change much...well, I lied. Things were so scambled last time, I'm suprised anyone even read it. But I'm still going to have Sess and Inu time, so don't freak out. They aren't going anywhere. xP