InuYasha and everything in it is NOT mine! Also, thanks to LadyJet2 for helping inspire the last two.

Domestic Life: on Uniforms

"This is ridiculous, Naraku."

"Come on! For me?"

Sesshomaru sighed. "Fine."

"I love you." The words were disturbing enough, but the earnest face that accompanied it was down-right terrifying.

"Feh." The bathroom door slammed behind him.

With a delighted little giggle, Naraku skipped into their bedroom.

Meanwhile, curses and snarls rang from the bathroom.

"How the hell do you put this on-- ... oh. This is supposed to be comfortable? And what--"

"It clasps in the front." Naraku's helpful voice reverberated down the hall.

"... Oh. This is stupid."

A few grunts and mutters later, Sesshomaru appeared and sullenly plodded to the bedroom.

Naraku took one look at him and was reduced to the metaphorical puddle.

Sesshomaru sneered. "You're insane. Why, exactly, am I dressed up in a school-girl uniform?"

Wooden tentacles snaked towards him.

"... oh."