Rating: K+
Theme: Golden Eyes
Golden eyes.
They looked back at him nonchalantly, not their usual sparkling splendor. Usually, those golden eyes just dared him to follow, provoked him to call out the owner's name in spite. But no, not now. That look made him wonder if those eyes would ever taunt him again. They were back to their normal icy composure, as if there were some wall, some invincible wall, blocking him from seeing the owner's true emotions. Were emotions even hiding there?
The owner – Sesshomaru.
How could Inuyasha ever forget? He and Sesshomaru went too far back to be casual around each other. Even his elder's kimono seemed to spit at him when his brother turned sharply to walk in the same direction he came in. Inuyasha stared and stared after him. Cruel, that's what his half brother was, just cruel. The hanyou shivered when he felt the chill of the air bite at his bare skin. It was all cold here.
He stood in the hallway; it was quiet. His brother's image just wouldn't leave him alone.
Golden eyes. How cruel. As Inuyasha looked about on the walls and hanging portraits of other demon lords before him that had ruled the Western Lands, he realized something.
They all had golden eyes, or close to it. Each and every one…
And that made him realize one more thing.
So did he.
All right, I haven't been feeling well lately. By this, I mean I've been sick for 3 months for one thing, and for another I haven't been feeling myself at all. I'm hardly even sure who I am anymore, some things happened and now I don't know what to think. I hope everyone understands. I think I'll be putting up a lot of drabbles from now on. I can't seem to make myself feel like everything's OK and that's when I write the most. Forgive me for rambling and for this, I just need someone to hear it.