Chapter Twenty-Four: Kids.
Okay, next chapter up and ready... and it didn't take us a year! Are we good or what:D So, this chapter is long, but we're going to have to start making them longer anyway to start getting somewhere with these. We didn't even get to where we wanted to in this chapter because the group had to figure out what an escalator was. -.-U ANYWAY, onward to the abyss!\
My-Kokoro: PERFECT! SUBJECTS! Just what I always wanted! ;D Thanks for the review!
Hearii-Sama: I'm as surprised as you are:D
LordOfTheWest: I read your review to your Lord and he said, after much blinking: "...The human did what to my toilet?"
MangaGirl7980: Wow... you said a lot. Thanks for all your reviews... you're very... talkative. Lucky said he liked the smile-face one before proclaiming "Only one shall get Lucky! ...I mean, there can only be one 'Lucky'!"
Ayralnn: Gravity's a bitch, isn't it:D
Kasei: It's not the fact that we hate him... it's just that he's so easy to poke fun at! The feared, powerful and snobby are always fun to bring back to reality:D
Disclaimer: ...uh... um... uh... Line?
"Now, there will be no nonsense, you hear? You will all behave in the strict, well-behaved manner of civilized man. Look with your eyes, not your hands, and no staring at the freaks. Any swords, staffs... or other sharp things on yourself WILL BE KEPT on yourself and there will be no threatening the public with violence! No running, especially with scissors, no screaming, and no reckless destruction! Remember: INDOOR voices! If someone asks you for directions, give it to them... even if you don't know the way. Remember, you break it you bought it and if you make me buy anything we don't need I'll break a chair over your head. Look both ways before crossing the road, don't accept candy from strangers, and stay with the group. If you find yourself lost, wander around aimlessly until someone finds you. Chew with your mouth closed and cops are not to be trusted." Bob crossed his arms over his chest as he scanned over the group in front of him, "Any questions?"
Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Naraku, and Miroku stood before the guide, most of which looking rather dumbfounded. They had been getting ready to leave to go to the food market, but, before they could even open the door, Bob had... well... started a lecture.
The Western Lord frowned slightly, "...'Cops'?"
"No questions? Good. Let's go then. I want to get back from the... the..." A blank look flooded over the man's face as he looked to Lucky who sat on his shoulder, "...Where are we going?"
Naraku beamed with happiness, "THE FOOD MARKET!" His tone dropped dramatically as his hand came to his chin in thought, "Market... market, casket... casket, corpse... corpse, dead... dead, chicken..." Naraku rose his hand to get Bob's attention, "WE HAVE TO GET CHICKEN! And beef too... and lamb... and lobsters..."
"What the hell is a 'lobster'?" Inuyasha inquired with a growl and hands buried in his sleeves.
Miroku cringed slightly, "It sounds painful..."
"No, no, no." Naraku corrected, "They're red, they snap, and they go like this!" And he made a wiggly motion with his hand in front of him, "They're like big bugs but they're not!" He frowned, "Not... not, got... got, pot... pot, hot..." He snapped his fingers, "We have to get chill-ee pep-ers."
Everyone blinked repeatedly, but Bob was able to find his words, "Maybe we should go later and you could make a list? So, you don't forget...?"
"Oh, I have a list!" Naraku then pulled a stack of about 500 papers from under his robes... after doing which his posture straightened considerably (everyone was wondering why he was leaning to the left but had said nothing.). "I made it after watching that show with the women and the food and that man that sounds like a woman!"
Bob's face went even more blank then before, his eyes wide with awe. He pointed at the stack of papers loosely, "...Most of those are blank right?" He asked hopefully.
"Of course not... I ran out of paper though so I had to use both sides."
Pausing while flipping through his papers, Naraku's eyes gaining a complete clueless expression, "...'Pay'?"
"Okay! That's it! Enough Mr. Nice Bob! I'm not going and you can't make me! I'm not going anywhere and you're not coming with me!" Then he threw open the door, only to come face to face with... the mailman.
The middle-aged man dressed in a blue-suit blinked repeatedly when he was confronted with the angered property-owner, for he had just begun to slip the mail into the slot.
"Good afternoon," The man smiled warmly as he straighten, "You must be Bob McCoy."
Bob glared at the new arrival, "YOU'RE NOT COMING EITHER!"
"Um... yes, the weather is nice..." The mailman replied, obviously not paying attention, as he rummaged around the bag on his shoulder to get the rest of Bob's mail, "Ah! Here we are!" He handed Bob a large stack of fat, yellow envelopes, along with a couple normal-looking ones, before reaching for his clipboard. "That hail was strange a few days ago, hm? For this time of year?"
Bob frowned, then his eyes went wide as he pointed his finger towards the man accusingly, "YOU'RE WHERE ALL THE BILLS COME FROM!"
The mailman just chuckled, "Sign here, please."
"There better not be anymore bills in here!" The guide growled before harshly scribbling his signature on the paper, "Or I'm getting a dog!"
That just made the man chuckle again, "Have a good day, sir." Then he turned and walked off.
Bob glanced down to the first thing on top of the pile of envelopes, "...Bill. I'M GONNA GET A REALLY BIG DOG! A MANEATER! A CHIHUAHUA OR SOMETHING!"
Lucky squeaked from Bob's shoulder, "You realize a Chihuahua is the size of me, right?"
"Really? I thought they were the ones that fought bears?" Bob shrugged it off as he threw three more bills and a third jury duty on the floor before turning his attention to the yellow envelopes. There were four in all, each of them bearing the name of one of the members of the group. Attached to the first envelope was a handwritten note addressing Bob McCoy, thanking him for choosing to use End of the Line Auction Services to sell his group's coins. Working his way down the stack, Bob handed each of the packages off as he came to it, "...Inuyasha... Naraku... Miroku..." He stopped at the last envelope, "...That Guy."
As everyone tore open their packages and gathered their money within, each had their own comment.
Inuyasha frowned, "What the Hell are these? Spell wards?"
"DAMN YOU, HUMAN!" Sesshomaru snarled darkly, "Why did you trade good money for PAPER? What kind of fool are you?"
Naraku smiled, "Can we go to the food market now?"
The monk, though pleased with the money he did get, cursed at a familiar pile of tokens at the bottom of his envelope, "Blast, my wooden-nickels didn't sell! What am I going to do with these? I have two more bags of them at home!"
After two hours, Bob successfully lead the group to the store that was a grande total of one block from his house. The store was quite... decent in size as the name suggested.
Bob read the name out-loud from where they stood in the parking-lot as a group, "The GREAT, BIG, HUGE, MEGA-SUPER-COMBO, ENORMOUS, COLOSSAL, GIGANTIC, IMMENSE, MAMMOTH, TREMENDOUS, AMPLE, SIZABLE, LARGE ALL-IN-ONE MART."
Sesshomaru sneered, "That's a stupid name."
"I donno." Inuyasha smirked, "It's kinda catchy. Try saying it three times fast."
Bob shrugged, "Everyone calls it the GBHMSCECGIMTASL All-In-One Mart for short."
"That's short?"
"Get Blueberry Humps Medical Spray, Casey's Exotic Camel Gas, Iguana Monkey Tits, And Slug Laxatives."
"That's how I remember it."
Naraku frowned and looked down to the papers in his hand, "I don't have any of that on my list!" He looked around, "Who has a brush and some ink?"
Bob blinked, "...I have a pen."
"Why would I want a pen? I don't care if the animals get out!"
Smacking his own forehead, Bob groaned, "This is going to be a long day..."
Walking forward, the human guide, with Lucky perched on his shoulder, stepped through the automatic doors like any normal person would... but the remaining four were left in awe. Inuyasha said nothing though his ears were twitching like mad, Naraku was torn between fear for himself and fear of losing Lucky, Sesshomaru seemed uncertain yet plotting, and Miroku... well, let's just say he was a bit unnerved.
"DEMON BEGONE!" A sutra went flying and hit against the glass doors... making them slide open... and thus making the monk retreat to a safer distance.
Wide-eyed, Inuyasha pointed at it, "THE DOOR...!"
Naraku rose his hand and strained his fingers in a bizarre sense of wickedness, "...IT LIVES!"
"It's... moving." Was Sesshomaru's only comment as the doors slid closed, then he growled darkly, "...This place is cursed."
"It ATE Bob!" Inuyasha yelled, then growled in annoyance, "That prick! He took the easy way out! What are we going to do now?"
"WHY?" Naraku suddenly yelled in horror, "Lucky, why? Why did you have to leave me? Why you? Why not one of these other idiots?"
In a flash of movement barely seen, Sesshomaru's clawed hand gripped the front of Naraku's shirt and hurled the dark half-breed at the cursed doors with enough speed to make the Dark One nothing but a purple blur to onlookers. Luckily for Naraku, a woman happened to be stepping forward into the store seconds before the Dark One had become airborne, resulting in the doors being open to allow Naraku to pass through unharmed. That is, if you don't count the face-plant he did on the other side as he skidded across the floor into a stacked pile of canned spam with a CRASH!
The Lord jumped to his feet and padded himself down, though to some, it might have looked like he was feeling himself up, "I'M ALIVE!"
Bob, now sipping on a brand-new cup of coffee, quirked a brow at the Dark One, "Ya know, most people put out their hands to save themselves after a fall..." He took another sip, "...So, you know, you don't have to land on your face and such?"
Naraku's orbs flew to the human, "BOB? You're alive! Lucky! You're alive! I'm alive! We're all alive! ...I like being alive."
Bob looked down at himself with a frown, "Last time I checked."
Outside, the woman had been caught completely off guard by all this and stumbled backwards in surprise, losing her balance on her high-heels as she began to fall, only to become caught in the safe arms of a certain monk.
The woman blushed slightly, "Thank you."
"Never fret, my fair maiden, for I will always watch your back... your lovely, lovely backside... will you bare my...?"
Inside the store, Bob was carefully analyzing a store map he had bought, his coffee now chugged and in the trash since he had to use both hands to hold the map.
The store itself, as the name suggested, was rather big. Where the doors were there were rows of benches, a stretch of indoor garden-beds, trash cans, and one very tall, very big clock at the end of a long pole. The ceiling was quite high up because the first three floors were open to one another in the center where the rows of escalators went up, and it was painfully obviously this was the original portion of the store. The rest was simple addition after addition as the remaining five floors of stores were only reachable by elevators and were closed off as their own floors instead of being open. The building reached out in all directions from this spot at the store entrance, making it look like a maze, as both big and small stores competed for the customers business. The closest of all the business was a small coffee-shop/snack-bar place where Bob had decided made good coffee. However, it would be WAY to easy to get lost in a store this humongous, not just for kids but for adults too... which is why Bob spent that whole five bucks to get a map.
"Okay, we're here at the door." He said while gesturing to the bottom of the map, "And we want food and stuff so we need to go..." He unfolded it... and unfolded it... and unfolded it... and unfolded it... then he turned to Naraku, "Hold this." And he handed one side of the map off before unfolding it again, "Ah, here we are. Frannie's Foods is way up in the corner here and... the Kitchen Appliances are..." He unfolded the map again, frowned, swapped ends with Naraku, only to unfold the map once more, "Right here... on the opposite side of the store..." He scoffed, "Well, that's brilliant." He growled, "That's it, I'm spending that fifty bucks and getting a GPS thingy!" He then stomped off and when he came back he was carrying a small black box and muttering to himself about blood-sucking salesmen.
Naraku frowned, "GPS?" Then smiled wildly, "Go Please Sit... Great Panda Shit... Go Pound Sesshomaru... Glory Perhaps Sedated... Gloomy Peasant Soulstealer... Gorilla Pelt Scary..."
Bob frowned as he looked over at the Dark One, only for a lightbulb to go on, "God Plays Soccer."
Lucky added his own, "Grandpa's Perverted Sister."
The guide tapped on his chin in thought, "Galaxy Protection Service."
Lucky smiled, "Good Porn Selection."
"REALLY?" Bob smiled widely, then cut himself off, "Wait, let's stop this now before it gets disturbing..."
"Oh..." Lucky sighed, "Just one more?"
"Fine, what've ya got?"
Lucky smirked, "Grandma Pees Steadily."
Bob cringed, "ARG!"
Suddenly, Bob's hair flew forward in a rush and, when he turned, the others were all clustered behind him looking either scared, determined or pleased with themselves. With some, it was a bizarre mixture of all three.
"'Bout time." Bob glared at the three, "Don't make me buy a rope to string you morons together, we don't need to be drawing anymore attention to ourselves!" His eyes falling to the monk, he snapped his fingers and turned to Lucky on his shoulder, "Great Pervert Society!"
The rat nodded, "That's a good one."
Inuyasha scratched his head, "I think we missed something here." The others behind him nodded in their own confusement.
About to say something, Naraku took a confident step forward and stepped onto one of the many, many, MANY toppled cans... only for his foot to roll forward and result in him thumping down on his back HARD. The Dark Lord's only response to this was an agonizing groan as one can became lodged into his back.
Just then, a small boy that was following his mother out of the store, stopped dead with a beaming grin on his face minus a few teeth. Pointing at Sesshomaru, he yelled as loud as he could, "LOOK, MOMMY! CLOWN! CLOWN FUNNY!"
The mother glanced over to the group, then turned back to her kid with a soft voice reserved only for children, "Yes, he is dressed funny, isn't he?"
Sesshomaru, while stroking his fur, barely had the time to let out a low growl in annoyance... before a swarm of young children - sticky, loud, and screaming - descended upon the group like a sticky plague of unyielding doom. Sesshomaru was attacked first as the children started clawing at his robes, pulling on his obi, latching onto his armor and fur, and drooling... positively drooling on him.
As the tall-other's lip began to twitch into a snarl, Bob decided to stop anything before it begun, "Hey! Be nice! They're only kids, ya prick!" Then he seemed to think about it, "And no colourful language!"
"That is easy for you to say, human Bob!" Was Sesshomaru's abrupt retort as a small being latching around his leg and wouldn't let go. "I don't DO WELL with pups!"
Bob only quirked a brow with arms folded over his chest casually, "'Pups'?"
But Sesshomaru wasn't listening, he was removing a child who was swinging on his spiked armor that stuck out over his left arm. The brat had a pretty good grip on it too. "Get your paws off that! You'll infect it with some human disease!"
Bob's other brow rose, "Infect armor?"
"This fatter one stinks!"
Just a little further away, Naraku had not moved from his spot on the floor amongst the many cans. He didn't even seem to admit to the children's existence as they crawled and ran over top of him. Though he did groan every now and again when a small shoe stepped upon some unspeakably sensitive area. He remained completely still, but not because he had cleverly thought of a plan to become invisible, but simply because of the can that had made itself one with his spinal cord.
Miroku had a kid on his back, arms clutched around his throat so tight he could barely breath... but not by the monk's own choosing. Many others were pulling on his robes and asking him to do clown stuff, but his attention was rather diverted as he was currently fighting with a bunch of kids who were trying to steal his jingling staff.
"JINGLY STAFF!" The kids screeched as they pulled on the bent staff that was missing a few of its hoops - with thanks to Sesshomaru. "JINGLY STAFF! JINGLY STAFF! JINGLY STAFF!"
"NO!" Miroku pulled for ownership, "It's my Jingly Staff!"
Inuyasha was fairing quite well, pretty-much ignoring all the kids that were pulling on his clothes. He just plastered that famous "I'm pissed off with the world" look on his face and shoved his hands into his sleeves, doing his very best to ignore the fact that he was surrounded. He was trying even harder to ignore the fact that there was a particularly-annoying kid who INSISTED on using his hair as a swing in a tarzan-like style. Mind you, he did have a theory to his Ignore the Brat attitude... surprisingly. He had at first copied Bob who wasn't being bothered at all in hopes to end up with the same result, but that was hoping for too much with his red outfit and all. However, though the half-demon was surrounded, he did note that less were bugging him and Naraku - who weren't doing anything - than Sesshomaru and Miroku - who were making a fuss. Thus, his thesis appeared: Stay still, stay less-sticky and less... childreny.
Speaking of our nonchalant guide, Bob just surveyed everyone with an amused smirk on his face that broke into laughter more than once, Lucky still perched contently on his shoulder.
Back to Sesshomaru, he was having - shall we say - difficulty with those that insisted on making his existence a living hell. No matter now many he removed, made cry, and yelled at, they just wouldn't leave him alone!
A mother approached Sesshomaru, but she appeared to be talking to one of the things which clung to the Lord, "Dear, you stay here with the funny clown, I'll be back in two hours." Then she turned and swept away.
Holding one kid aloft by its petite leg - though the kid seemed to be enjoying itself - he gestured after the woman roughly, "Take care of your own off-spring, wench!" But to Sesshomaru's own displeasure, the woman didn't even glance back.
Suddenly, a screechy voice that hurt his ears erupted from his right leg, "CLOWN! CLOWN! CLOWN!"
Sesshomaru growled - though he was silently relieved that there was a human-shaped reason for this noise and it wasn't him losing his mind - and he turned a glare to the child latched onto his leg, "I'm am not a clown! I am Sesshomaru, Lord of the West!" His snarl darkened as the kid started laughing even harder.
"Sesshomaru -!"
"- Lord of the West!"
"Sesshomaru -!"
"-MARO!" Suddenly, the Lord frowned, his face twisting with disgust, "Sesshoclownmaro?" His eyes darkened, "GET OFF MY LEG!"
This chanting by this single child was like that butterfly-effect thing with a beat of wings from a single butterfly creating a hurricane on the other side of the globe because soon ALL the children were chanting the same word at the same time in one deafening roar.
He pointed savagely at the monk who was having his own problems, "THAT is a clown! Go bug him!" However, in this gesture, his eyes accidently found the face of a small boy that was smiling sweetly up at him, just standing there... doing nothing... it made the Lord suspicious. Baring his teeth, he snarled, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
The child merely pointed, "PRETTY CLOWN!"
Sesshomaru seemed taken a back slightly as he twisted and turned this idea in his head, before he pointed at the child with a growl, "NOT A CLOWN!"
The child just clapped his hands together and began chanting, though his chanting was different than the rest, "PRETTY! PRETTY! PRETTY! PRETTY!"
The Western Lord knew not how to handle the annoying brat before him, though he did prefer its chanting over the 'clown' chant, but he still found the child's screechy voice gnawing at a headache. "FOR THE LOVE OF THE WESTERN LANDS, SHUT UP! AND GO BUG THE MONK!"
From across the way, Miroku responded, though his voice sounded desperate, "I have enough, thank you!"
At his location, the monk was currently in a battle of wills to remain the proud owner of his twisted and bent staff. Though it had seen better days and was now sticky with small fingers that were probably much less than sanitary, it was still HIS STAFF.
"CLOWN! CLOWN! CLOWN!" The children screeched as they pulled on the staff.
But Miroku was doing screeching of his own as he pulled back, "MONK! MONK! MONK!"
Inuyasha was grounding his teeth while his fingers necrotically tapped his own arms within his sleeves and his eyes were clamped shut... all in an attempt to try to control his rising temper. It wasn't really that he didn't like kids, he just didn't want to deal with them NOW in this WAY. The kid on his hair kept falling off and bursting into tears before resuming swinging and the half-breed's only comment to the wails had been "Good." However, Inuyasha, pushed to the edge by his point, did the one thing he never should have done: he twitched his ears.
At first it went unnoticed, but a big pair of gleaming eyes foretold doom. Eyes nearly bulging from their sockets, the child pointed and screamed, "DOGGIE EARS!"
Inuyasha paled as his eyes shot wide in horror as the roar from the horde of children hushed, then they all turned... and LAUNCHED themselves at the poor hanyou. Inuyasha only had a split second to spare himself being swarmed over, and he used it wisely. Springing upwards as high as he could, Inuyasha took seat on top of the tall, nearby clock with the most annoyed of looks to his face as he ignored those who gawked at him.
Bob's eyes flew wide and he spit out his mouthful of coffee - which he had recently gotten, his second in less than ten minutes - onto Sesshomaru's turned back. "How the Hell he do that?"
The Western Lord whirled around, his eyes on the verge of going red again, "THAT'S NOT HELPING!"
Bob shrugged and took another sip, "My bad."
"Well... nice weather, ain't it?" Bob finished his coffee, "Be back in a bit." Then he turned and left.
Sesshomaru snarled and, turning to those that were crowded around him and had latched themselves onto him, he pointed at Bob as he spoke. "SEE HERE! That useless one has things pathetic human offspring would like!" ...Surprise, surprise, this got no result.
Just then, one kid swiped Sesshomaru's fur from his shoulder and took off running with it wrapped around his neck. The Lord turned, "HEY, YOU–!" At this point, another kid swiped Tensaiga from its sheath and took off running in the exact opposite direction, making Sesshomaru turn again, "GET BACK!" A snarl on his lips, he turned one way to see his fur disappearing into the crowd and another way to see his sword doing the same across the room.
One poor kid jumped up and down excitedly in front of the Lord, having really done nothing wrong except join in with the chanting, "CLOWN! CLOWN! CLOWN!"
"SHUT UP!" Sesshomaru snarled... before wacking the boy over the head, sending him to the floor in wails, before turning to Bob's retreating back, "DO SOMETHING USELESS HUMAN!" Then he sprinted off after his fur... though the child kept dodging in and out of the mob, keeping easily out of the Lord's reach.
Bob turned to see a sword hovering towards him... then he looked down to realize there was a child attached to that sword, waving the weapon around above his head wildly. As the kid ran past Bob, the guide merely put out his hand and caught the sword as it went by, easily removing it from the now-crying child's possession. Looking at the sword, he smiled and he began tossing it from one hand to the other, trying to do tricks that he saw in the movies.
Lucky watched this from the guide's shoulder, only to frown, "Can I try?"
"Sorry, buddy, this takes skill and... and..." He glanced to the rat, "Long... arms!"
Bob tossed it high and went to catch it again, only to stumble over a kid and miss, sending the sword clanging to the floor before Bob was able to tenderly picked it up again... just in time to watch a small chip fall from the otherwise unmarked blade.
"Oh... shit."
Miroku struggled over towards Bob with kids crawling all over him to the point of where you weren't sure what was monk and what was a kid. He was bent over with the weight as the whole group continued to try to pull him down... all in an attempt to get to the monk's staff which he had raised way above his head and out of their reach... for now. One kid had a firm grasp around his neck, neatly cutting off Miroku's air.
"HELP ME!" He wailed in an overly-dramatic way, "I'M DYING! I... I..." His voice was being choked out as his face began to turn the colour of his robes, "I... I can't breathe...!" He collapsed to the floor and immediately was engulfed by the swarm of kids, his last request barely reaching Bob's ears, "KILL ME!"
Bob rolled his eyes and smacked his own forehead, "Oh, for the love of..."
Not being able to take this ordeal much more, the human guide cupped his hands around his mouth and drew a deep breath, "FREE CHOCOLATE AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORE!"
And, in a wave like the children were one big organicism instead of many small ones, the horde went off running and screaming "CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE!" at the top of their lungs.
As janitors seemed to appear out of this air to clean up the mess left behind, the others were trying to regain some sense of dignity. Naraku was prying himself up off the floor while holding onto his back painfully, using his arm to extend behind him and yank the can from his spine.
His glare darkened at the can of spam in his grasp, "DAMN THE SPAM!" Then he turned and threw in as hard as he could across the store... only to smash Inuyasha in the head as he was jumping down from the clock.
A startled yelp escaped Inuyasha's throat as he successfully twisted around, unbalanced, and did a face-plant with a SMACK... a child still attached to his hair.
Peeling himself up with a groan, now holding HIS sore back, Inuyasha growled at the Dark Lord and the monk, "WHOEVER THREW THAT IS GOING TO KNOW THE TASTE OF THEIR OWN FACE!"
Naraku paled and pointed at Miroku, "He did it! I saw him!"
The hanyou turned fully to the monk, only to come face to face with a grown man nearly in tears over his staff which, not only was far more sticky than before, but also had one less loop.
This was when Bob meandered over with yet another cup of coffee in one hand, having finished his second and now on his third, and waving around Tensaiga in the other, "Now, that was fun wasn't it?"
Lucky was still chuckling to himself on the guide's shoulder about Inuyasha's comment.
"FUN?" Miroku echoed, then - very uncharacteristically - he growled as he rung his staff in his hands, "Whoever wants children is an idiot!"
All members of their group turned to the monk, an astonish look upon all their faces.
Miroku caught every glance with a frown... only to then think back onto his comment and have his face fall, "Oh... right." Then he brightened again, pointing a finger in the air in a matter-of-fact kinda way, "But MY children will be properly behaved!"
Naraku, still dusting himself off, rose his brows to the monk, "Yes, I suppose that would be from the shock of being born with a hole in their hand?"
Bob frowned, "...A hole in their what?"
But, once again, Naraku wasn't listening, "...Hand... hand, help... help, hired-help... hired-help, servants... servants, dead servants... dead servants, resurrected servants... DAMMIT! How could the Band of Seven actually fail? They were so... neat to look at! Impressive, even!" He glared at Inuyasha, "But, no! Did you and your brother care about that? NOT THE SLIGHTEST! You killed them all!" Naraku paused, "Well, except when Guy with the Guns killed Guy that Looked Like a Girl and had a Crush on Inuyasha. That was an unexpected pain in the neck."
Said hanyou twitched an ear, "...I really wanted to be the one to kill that one."
"Then, after Leader found out about Guy with the Guns killing Guy that Looked Like a Girl and had a Crush on Inuyasha, Leader killed Guy with the Guns to avenge Guy that Looked Like a Girl and had a Crush on Inuyasha. Then Leader had to fight Inuyasha... and lost. HOW COULD HE LOSE?"
Inuyasha stopped and looked around, "Speaking about losing to me, where the Hell is Sesshomaru?"
Bob, obviously having his thoughts elsewhere this whole time, snapped his fingers and looked to Lucky, "Goldfish Planning Suicide!"
Lucky frowned, "How'd you come up with that one?"
Bob just smirked as he pointed to a little girl walking out of the store with a goldfish in a plastic bag, "Beat that!"
Lucky merely smiled confidently, his arms crossed over his chest, "Getting Probed Slowly."
Bob laughed for a moment, "Ha... Getting Probed Slowly... that's good."
The others all turned to their guide with uncertain expression, except for Naraku who had heard everything else and knew, somewhat, what was going on.
It was Inuyasha who spoke, "Uh... what are you doing?"
Bob smiled happily, "It's a game."
"A game...?" Inuyasha's face became slightly distorted, "GETTING PROBED SLOWLY IS A GAME?"
OKAY! THAT'S IT FOR NOW! Don't forget to R&R!
ATTENTION EVERYONE! Do you like our GPS game so far? Have an idea of your own? Submit it in your review! If we like, we'll use it in up and coming chapters! Good luck and think hard before giving up! You can enter as many as you want!