InuYasha and everything in it is NOT mine!

Domestic Life: on Last Names


"Don't you like it?"

"Inu... Gumo..." There was a short but exceedingly awkward break. "How come you're first?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Inu before Gumo!"

"It sounds better!"

"Oh, it does not!"

"Besides it's a pun. InuGumo, Onigumo, see?"

Another break.

"GumoInu sounds wrong, Naraku. Even you must be able to see that."

"... Fine."

"There, now that that's settled--"

"You just made that pun part up now, didn't you?"

"... No."

"You did. Don't lie to me, mutt."

"It sounds b-- I'm not getting into this discussion again."

"Fine, what else do we need to discuss?"

"Where I'm getting a job."

"Wait." A second passed. "What about my job?"

"Naraku... you're not getting a job."

"Excuse me...?"

"You have to stay home and watch the offspring. And Rin."

"Jaken can do that!"

"But he can't shout at them."

A long break.

"Lock Kagura in the basement. Take Kanna's mirror away. Let Hakudoushi ruin the neighborhood with Entei..."

"What about Rin?"

"She can ruin the neighborhood too if she wants."

He chewed his lip, considering.

"I'll let you do the gardening."
