My dear, wonderful readers,

I am writing this message to you to express my deepest apologies for not updating my story in such a long time. I am truly sorry for not having the time or the energy to sit down and write the most important story I have ever written in my life. My story means the world to me, and I miss working on it very much, but things happen in life when you don't have control over matters that interfere with doing what you most love.

I have not been able to update because I am in a tight bind right now in my personal life. As you know, I hope to graduate this month, and my school work has kept me so busy I have not been able to sleep well these past few days. On Sunday I only slept for an hour. You must be asking what I must be doing to be so stressed out and to lose sleep over. Well, I'll tell you. I have been doing my school work plus studying extra for a state standardized test I have to pass if I want to graduate. When I took it last year, I passed all the sections of the test except math. I took it again in the summer and did not pass it either. I was very upset because I failed it by 2 points. I only have one more chance at it next week, so if I don't pass the math part next week, I am doomed!

Now you know the reason why I haven't worked on my story. I have been going crazy preparing myself and studying extremely hard to pass this test. Although I am an honors student and am a member of the National Honor Society, that does not necessarily mean I am perfect in every subject. I have always struggled with math, and now it will determine my fate concerning graduation. I know I am an intelligent individual, but I am very disappointed in myself that I have been unable to pass a stupid test. All I can do is hope for the best, but I am nervous like hell. I can't eat, sleep, or think straight. This test is in my head 24 hours a day!

I know, my precious readers, that you understand my situation. It hurts me so much that I cannot work on my story and entertain you the way I was once doing. You know I am a responsible writer and that I put my whole heart into writing the best story I can. You have proof of that with all the 27 chapters I have written. You have read my words. You are smart readers. You know a good story when you read it. I know I have been doing something right to have kept you reading for all this time. Thank you so much for that, my friends. I just hope you don't abandon me or my story. That is also another thing I'm afraid of. I'm scared that I will lose all the readers I had because I haven't updated lately. I swear to you that I will as soon as all of this stuff that's happening in my life is over with. I have to finish this story. It means everything to me. When I start something, I do not stop until I finish it. You can count on me that I will update as soon as I can. I promise! I truly, truly promise!

I must depart now, but please give me your support, my lovely readers. I need it now more than ever. I feel as if my life is on the line. I am very scared at this point. I have worked so hard in school, and now I feel as if everything I have done will be for nothing. Please cheer me on! I only have this week to study and prepare for next week's math exam. I need you all very much.

Your caring and loving writer,
