First story on the site! Here goes! Reviews much appreciated and rewarded with hugs via the interwebs!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA! If I did, naughty things would be going pun intended! (Well, maybe a little bit...)

Warnings: You've heard it all before, mature situations, inucest, rimming, man on man lovin', and just general smexiness. All that good stuff! Perhaps some slight OOC? Unbeta'd! Mistakes are my own!

If you don't like yaoi or anything of the sort, just click that lovely little back button at the top of the page. ^_^

Inuyasha sat by the waters edge, shaking his long silver hair to help it dry as a breeze crept over him. He shivered when the air hit his cold skin and quickly slipped back into his fire rat robes. As he secured his obi and bent to retrieve his Tessaiga, a strong scent hit him, familiar and yet completely new. The sweet smell made his skin tingle as heat began to course through his body. He knew he needed to return to Kagome and the others but the scent was beckoning to him and it was not something he was going to ignore.

He followed the scent for miles, his determination only growing the closer he got. With every step, the smell became stronger, more intoxicating. He'd never smelled anything like it, even including the strange things Kagome brought from her time. He could only compare it to rich, sweet honey taken from a hive. Leaping from tree to tree, Inuyasha increased his pace. He had to know where this scent was coming from.

Sesshomaru growled deeply to himself once more, fury increasing with every passing second, and Jaken tensed even further, hoping his lord would not pick up the nearest heavy object and crush him with it. The daiyoukai clenched his hands into tight fists against the dark, smooth wood of his writing desk. It was preposterous, absolutely impossible. The Lord of the Western Lands, firstborn of the Great Dog heat. It absolutely could not be!

However, he knew it was true. Even he could smell the pheromones he was emitting, calling out to his Alpha. Grasping the finely crafted – and very heavy – jade paperweight on his desk, he hurled it at the kappa demon by the door, taking slight pleasure in watching it hit the imp right between his eyes.

"Leave, Jaken." He snarled, his voice much more ragged than he intended, but it got his point across as the imp staggered from the room, shutting the door behind him. Sesshomaru stood from his desk, the heat causing him to stagger slightly and he suddenly felt very light-headed. If anyone saw him like this, his reputation would be destroyed. If his Alpha did come, he'd be quick to dispatch them. He could take no chances.

Inuyasha stared at his brother's palace for what seemed like hours. Could Sesshomaru really be the source of the delicious smell? Or just one of his servants? He would find out soon enough. With a deep breath, he took off towards the front gates, clearing them with a single jump. He followed the scent, scaling the side of the palace to reach a window on the top level. He slipped inside and into a low crouch, letting his eyes rest on the sight before him as the scent swirling around the room made his mouth water.

His brother lay on a huge bed covered with what was surely the finest silks, eyes closed as if sleeping as his chest rose and fell steadily. His pale cheeks were tinged a pale rosy color and his body was relaxed, long silver hair pooling around him. Even if he had made no move to kill him yet, Inuyasha would bet anything his elder brother knew he was there.

"So...that smell is coming from you, aniki..." Inuyasha hummed low, watching the way Sesshomaru's breathing faltered as his breath hitched in his chest. Inuyasha may not have known everything about demons and the way their bodies worked but he knew enough to know that his brother was in heat. The fact that he was attracted so strongly to the scent meant that he was Sesshomaru's mate, his Alpha. Inuyasha stood and crossed his arms, waiting for his brother to further acknowledge his presence. Finally, those golden honey eyes slid open and locked with his own.

"Inuyasha." The elder inu said simply, moving to sit up. Inuyasha noticed his brother's movements seemed sluggish, unguarded, and he realized that the youkai had no intention of killing or even harming him, "What are you doing in this Sesshomaru's room?" He attempted to make his voice hard and his eyes narrowed in a weak glare. Inuyasha grinned and stepped forward, watching as the muscles in his brother's body tensed. He stopped when he was standing beside the bed, watching the way his aniki's eyes softened, though he still tried to glare as hard as he could.

Inuyasha would be lying if he said he never desired his brother, though those feelings were very fleeting, especially during times when he was close to death at the hands of the older inu. However, there would be times, as he lay nestled in a tall tree to keep watch over his friends, that he would think of his tall, slim half-brother and his body would heat up, sending his heartbeat into rapid pounding. After, he would have to retreat to a remote area to relieve himself.

"Answer me, half-breed." Sesshomaru hissed, snapping Inuyasha from his thoughts. He grinned wider when even the slur thrown at him held no malice in it. He reached out and placed a hand on his brother's cheek, the full demon shivering at his touch.

"You called me here, aniki. I followed your scent." Inuyasha said low, smirking when Sesshomaru instinctively leaned into his hand. Those glaring golden eyes stayed locked on him even as Inuyasha leaned closer, intent on tasting those pale pink lips. He could feel his brother's breaths quicken and just as their lips brushed, he was sent crashing into the desk behind him by a powerful shove. In a second, Sesshomaru was on top of him, legs straddling his waist and hands pinning him into the smashed wood.

"This Sesshomaru submits to no one, hanyou." The daiyoukai growled low, menacingly, "I care not about this heat nor the fact that by some sick twist of fate you are my Alpha. No demon, let alone a half-breed such as you, shall ever make this Sesshomaru submit." The anger was back in Sesshomaru's eyes and Inuyasha could feel the older inu's long claws beginning to dig into his shoulders. The broken desk was beginning to dig painfully in his back as well and it didn't seem like his brother had any intention of moving. He quickly made a decision and hoped that it worked.

When his lips covered Sesshomaru's, he half expected the daiyoukai to simply rip his head off. But the older inu remained frozen, his harsh hold on his shoulders finally loosening. Taking this opportunity, Inuyasha pushed his brother off without relinquishing his hold on soft, sweet lips and rolled him onto the floor, hovering over him. He supported himself on one elbow while one hand slid into the silky softness of his brother's hair. Satisfied with Sesshomaru's reaction, he opened his mouth and slid his tongue over a lush bottom lip, groaning low at the back of his throat when his was granted access into the hot cavern on the daiyoukai's mouth.

Sesshomaru's hands came up to rest on his chest as their tongues met and they both shivered at the sensation. Deciding it was getting far too hot for his liking, the daiyoukai untied his brother's obi, pushing open his jacket and kosode (shirt). As much as he resented submitting, his body would not allow him to do anything else. He wanted to enjoy himself at the least and with the way Inuyasha's tongue was tangling with his, he could tell that enjoying himself would not be a problem. He let go of his pride for once and allowed Inuyasha to take control, giving his body over to his instinct.

Not wanting to go too fast in the beginning, Inuyasha pulled away from Sesshomaru's addictive mouth, enjoying the small whine that slipped from his brother's lips at the loss.

"Otouto..." Sesshomaru breathed and the whispered, pleading tone almost made Inuyasha come undone.

"Bed, aniki." He commanded, panting lightly as he leaned back to allow Sesshomaru to slide out from underneath him. Sesshomaru climbed onto the bed and laid on his side, watching Inuyasha closely, waiting for the hanyou to join him. Inuyasha stood, jacket and kosode hanging open to reveal his chest. He let them slip to the floor with a whisper of fabric before walking over to the bed and climbing towards the waiting Sesshomaru, shifting him onto his back and beginning the task of undressing the daiyoukai.

He first slid off the mokomoko, then his armor. Sesshomaru watched silently, honey eyes swirling with lust and need. There was another emotion there, hidden deep, but Inuyasha kept that to himself, wanting to see if the Lord of the Western Lands would ever admit it aloud. He moved next to the sash, undoing it swiftly and tossing it aside. Opening the kimono, he let his eyes slide from his brother's golden orbs to that lean, pale chest he'd fantasized about unveiling. He let his hands roam the smooth expanse of flesh, loving the way the lean muscles bunched and twitched under his wandering touch. He dragged his claw around a dusky nipple, teasing it to a hard point before bending down to take it into his mouth, lapping at it slowly, teasingly.

Sesshomaru nearly gasped aloud at the sensation of Inuyasha's tongue on his sensitive nipple and the gentle tugging as he sucked. His golden eyes slid shut and his fingers found their way into Inuyasha's hair, raking his claws gently against the hanyou's scalp. Teeth scraped against his nipple and he released a light hiss when Inuyasha's fingers found his neglected nipple, pinching it hard and sending pleasure shooting down his back at the slight pain. He did gasp that time, releasing that small breathy noise and he was sure Inuyasha heard it when the hanyou groaned against his chest, releasing his nipple with a wet, obscene pop when he pulled back to gaze down at him. Sesshomaru bit his bottom lip to keep in another noise of pleasure when he saw the look in dark gold eyes as they swept over his exposed torso then finally up to lock with his eyes. A gentle smirk twisted onto the hanyou's lips and that warm hard cupped his cheek again. He leaned into it by choice this time, placed a gentle lick against the palm.

"The great Sesshomaru is blushing..." Inuyasha chuckled low, leaning down to claim his lips again, barely touching the swollen petals of flesh. He pulled his brother into a sitting position and slid off his kimono before quickly pushing him back and disposing of his pants and boots, leaving the daiyoukai naked and vulnerable beneath him. As much as he would love to keep teasing the older inu, he couldn't wait anymore. Teasing would have to come another time. Though he did stop a moment to enjoy the view. Sesshomaru's skin was pale and perfect, his body lean and his member flushed and needy. He was eager to see the rest of the gorgeous inu beneath him.

Sesshomaru gasped lightly when his was flipped onto his stomach and his was positioned on his knees with his chest still pressed against the cool silk of his sheets. He could hear Inuyasha taking off his remaining clothes and he tried to twist around, eager to see his mate's body for the first time, fully unclothed. He caught sight of a thick, dripping member before a body draped over his back, lips covering his own.

"Calm down, Sesshomaru, we have time." Sesshomaru gave a gentle nod in understanding before laying his head back down. A moan escaped before he could stop it when a wet tongue trailed down his spine and hands slid over his backside, parting his cheeks, "I don't have anything to lubricate you, aniki, so..." Inuyasha trailed off and Sesshomaru was about to ask what he meant when a wet tongue slid over his entrance.

"I-Inuyasha...!" Sesshomaru gasped out, no longer caring to keep in his noises. He knew his brother was smirking without even looking at him and he couldn't have cared less. All he cared about was that sinful mouth. When the wicked muscle slid into him, he moaned like a proper bitch and arched his back to open himself up more to brother's tongue. The tongue slid out of him and he whined low in disappointment only to have it replaced by a deep gasp as one of Inuyasha's long fingers slid into him, lips pressing kisses to the small of his back.

"Let me hear you, aniki..." Inuyasha husked out, sliding a second finger into his brother's tight, velvety heat, making sure to be extra careful with his claws, "Don't hold anything in." The two fingers pumped and scissored in and out of his entrance, stretching him for his mate. Sesshomaru's hips began to roll smoothly, moans and pants slipping from his lips as kisses and nips were trailed all over his straining back.

"Otouto..." He gasped out, wiggling his hips lightly, "Enough..." It sounded more like a plea than a command and he sighed with relief when the fingers slid out and Inuyasha positioned himself behind him. Moments passed and nothing happened. Just as he was about to ask what Inuyasha was doing, he was flipped onto his back, his brother lifting his legs and hooking them around his waist.

"I want to see your face when I take you, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha breathed, leaning over his brother's body to brace himself with one hand by the daiyoukai's head while the other gripped his rock hard arousal, using the precum dripping from the slit to coat it from tip to base. Sesshomaru was panting heavily as the blunt tip of Inuyasha's manhood pressed against his entrance. Inuyasha was patient, slowly easing himself forward until finally, the tight ring of muscle gave way and the flared head of his cock slipped inside of that strangling heat.

Sesshomaru winced, Inuyasha's member stretching him much farther than his fingers had. He wrapped his arms around his brother's neck and pulled him down into another kiss, rolling his hips to help ease the thick length into him. By the time he was all the way inside of the older inu, both were panting and covered in a thin sheen of sweat, pale bodies glistening in the orange glow of the setting sun. Inuyasha stilled his movements to allow his older brother time to adjust, pressing kisses to his pale, smooth neck. Sesshomaru pressed his hips against Inuyasha, signaling the hanyou to move.

Inuyasha began with slow, careful thrusts but this only caused the daiyoukai to whine low, thrusting his hips up urgently. Inuyasha placed a hand on either side of Sesshomaru's head and quickened his pace, groaning at the feel of his brother's tight hole seemingly dragging him deeper with every thrust.

"'re tight, aniki..." Inuyasha breathed raggedly, thrusting harder into the heat surrounding his member. Suddenly, Sesshomaru's back shot off the bed and a strangled moan was ripped from his mouth, his inner muscles clamping down on the hanyou's length.

"Inuyasha!" He moaned wantonly, thrusting his slim hips up, "Right there, again!" Inuyasha buried his face in his brother's neck and angled his hips before he started pounding into his prostate with every thrust. The daiyoukai was reduced to a moaning, quivering mess, his hands gripping his mate's back as he met every single thrust. He felt heat coiling in his stomach and he knew he was close and by the now rapid and irregular thrusts slamming into his body, he guessed Inuyasha was too. He opened his mouth to tell his brother but was cut off by his own lustful cry when sharp fangs sank into his shoulder, heat exploding in his entire body and his release came so hard that he thought he might pass out, his semen coating their stomachs. Inuyasha's release followed in a split second, his hot seed filling the daiyoukai's pulsing entrance before he collapsed on top of him.

The two lay together for a long time, panting and lifting their heads every so often to share a lazy kiss. Finally, Inuyasha pulled out and slid down to clean the seed from his mate's stomach, the muscles twitching as his tongue roamed the pale skin. He groaned at the taste and had to restrain himself. He would give them some time to rest before that. When he finished cleaning Sesshomaru off, the daiyoukai returned the favor before they lay down, Sesshomaru's back pressed tight against Inuyasha's chest, the hanyou's rams secured around a slim waist, tongue tracing the mating mark he'd left on a pale shoulder. The silence was finally broken by Sesshomaru.

"I suppose...being your mate will not be so terrible, otouto." Inuyasha chuckled and kissed his brother's neck gently.

"I love you too, aniki."

Well, there it is! Leave a review if you want! Thanks for reading! 3