Author has written 1 story for Batman. Hey all! My name is Llrael. Currently a first-year maths undergrad at Lincoln College, Oxford. My many and varied fandoms include the entire Tolkienverse, Forgotten Realms, Garth Nix, Good Omens, an assortment of manga and anime, and a few comics. The current love of my fandom life is Batman (you can tell because it's the only thing I've ever written fic for), but this is subject to change without notice. Top 3 PC games are The Sims 2, Assassin's Creed and Dungeon Keeper 2, in ascending order of awesome. I like most music, but I prefer the stuff that lasts. This includes European female-fronted metal (Nightwish, Leaves' Eyes, Epica, Diablo Swing Orchestra), new age (Sally Oldfield, Loreena McKennit, Enya, Elane), folk rock (Steeleye Span, Jethro Tull), classic rock (Queen!), a little German industrial (Rammstein and OOMPH!) and Tchaikovsky. I collect ball-joint dolls, can sew, knit, crochet, weave and spin (drop-spindle and wheel), speak a reasonable amount of German, wear large amounts of black with interesting jewellery and have funny views about religion (namely, that it's a good laugh, providing you don't take it seriously). If you'd care to know more, you can find me on deviantART, where I do vaguely artistic things. |