Reviews for Wyze Lies
AndurilofTolkien chapter 6 . 6/7/2017
codename00guest chapter 5 . 1/14/2016
I love how Elladan and Elrohir have the perfect amounts of creepy benevolence and horrifying plotting capabilities. Seriously, imagine their pieces of dialogue spoken in a quiet monotone.
Although they ARE making a mistake thinking they can control Glorfindel...
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2/2015
write a sequel fic where erestor works as a double agent for mirkwood! Legolas is probably actually really good at disguise, and can give him a few pointers as per the subterfuge business.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
i suppose Legolas WOULD know a thing or two about alien abductions... all lotr fanfic writers kidnap him sooner or later, meaning he probably feels like we play tug-of-war with him as the rope...
The Mysterious Masked Hunter chapter 6 . 4/8/2015
A grand ending! Amazing! Stunning really!
HellStark13 chapter 6 . 1/27/2015
hai.. i'm again. well the trilogy of this fic is the best after all. maybe i'll not review AtM. but i still like it. Wyze lies in my opinion it's the great one for that trilogy. it's cool how you development the character. Glorvinder the authoritator, anxiety Erestor. i love it. and the turn table is a twist one. Arwen in the the evil one. lol

i love how you made Thranduil and Legolas as a light in this heavy story. the politic you made it's cool. who know the politic conspiracy story can be this laughing. that's why i really one everyone to know tjis story. i really want made a fanart and introduce your story to the world. at last to my friends. hahaha...
Thalion Estel chapter 6 . 11/27/2014
Wow; that was absolutely amazing! Thank you for a thousand smiles and laughs!
rogue planet 13 chapter 6 . 6/19/2014
Yay! Happy ending! Love this.
Lily Lindsey-Aubrey chapter 6 . 6/18/2014
Love it! Your characters are epic; somehow you take Tolkein's and make them cute and even more intriguing than they are in his books. I was detesting Glorfindel with a amiable detestation, but by the end I found myself feeling condescendingly fond of him. ;D Erestor I adore. He reminds me of the way I wrote Lindir in one of my fan fics.
Thanks for this story; I enjoyed it way too much XD
Leonora Lai chapter 6 . 5/24/2014
It seems to be a mere parody but after reading...I feel like it is more like some political story which is based on the world that created by Tolkien. You showed great and hilarious personal views on politics. I had kinda feeling of rereading my favourite Atlas Shrugged when I read your story.
It's a pity you won't continue to post your story on this website...
Guest chapter 6 . 12/17/2013
Haha! I love how Erestor changes from a shy advisor in TGBC to a courageous balrog slayer in Wyze Lies. One complaint: WAY too short!

Just a comment: Are you retired from writing fanfic? Because I would love to read more of your work... it's so hard to find good humor/parody writers these days.
Pergjithshme chapter 6 . 4/14/2013
I thought about mentioning my favorite parts and promptlt gave up because all of it was my favorite.
Especially Thranduil.
Larisya chapter 6 . 3/29/2013
Nice culmination.
Shayne Pratt chapter 6 . 1/19/2013
This was a entirely entertaining series! I've never seen Glorfindel characterized thus and it was really refreshing. I can not help but notice- that the idea of whether or not Balrogs really exist was never answered, which is both hilarious and frustrating. ...Unless of course Balrog is a term used by the Wise and those like them to describe a corrupt individual, which would actually make a great deal of sense. Hm...
IadoreFeanor chapter 1 . 1/19/2012
This was splendid!
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