Author has written 9 stories for Pokémon. OK, so I finally decided to do this realistically My favourite Fan Fictions to read are Pokemon - mostly Ash Betrayed stories. I post on this site as a way to vent and relieve stress as well as have some fun. I am your typical teenager, sports, video- games, etc. If anyone wants me as a beta/proof reader or even a co-writer, I'll be more than happy to help (no matter the story). My 10 favourite Pokemon - Dragons are usually nicknamed Damon Charizard (my no. 1), Mewtwo (really only legendary I favour), Tyranitar, Lucario, Blaziken, Salamence, Damon the Dragonite (always nickname my Dragons Damon), Sceptile (he's agile/fast), Nidoking/Nidoqueen, Absol |