Last Time On the Ending of Ultimate Betrayal...

Our Heros had begun the tournament, with Ash having made it past the first round. Now waiting for the rest of their matches and the second round, they went to the market area to see what they could get, but little did they know they where being watched.

What they also didn't know was that Team Rocket would be there selling items. Now that Ash has exposed them, what is to happen now?!

Theme Song;

Our lives had gone astray..( All the gang are screaming and falling into a black abyss)

But Now We've rejoined the fray! (Shows cuts of everyone face with Ash and Pikachu in the middle)
And with Our Strength! (The Mystery man in Black is shown overlooking the city with a Pink Electivire

We'll Prove You Wrong.. ( Oak and Pine in the background as Justin and Ash train)

We will follow our vows and will stay Strong! (A Figure watches the gang from the building, before jumping out of sight.)

Lets Go! (Lets Go!) ( Max and Bonnie are battling an unknown opponent.)

Prepare to Fight! (Jessie, James, and Meowth are shown at their store with Wobbuffet and Chimeco)

We Know! (We Know!) (Serena is staring at the moon with Ash, an unknown person watches them.)

We'll soar to new Heights! ( A red blur zooms past Ash and Pikachu, who are grinning)

We'll Show! (We'll show!) (Clemont is working on a holograph while Caleb and Justin Battle)

Who's in the right! ( The Gang and Traitors stare each other down)

And when we fight, together as one.. (Shows quick cuts of everyone, Max grinning, Bonnie and Dedenne also grin with their teeth, Clemont waves, before something explodes)

Finish this quest, that's almost done.. (Now Justin showing a peace sign, Serena smiling, and Caleb throwing a fist into the air, and then Abel facing Ash on opposite ends of an arena.)

We will have our comeback, (An unknown Mega Charizard X Shoots a flamethrower at Pikachu, who Ash then yells to use a move and Pikachu attacks with an unknown move.)

Our Ultimate Comeback! ( Pikachu's attack collides with Flamethrower)


Hey hey hey guys! I'm back ;) and I would like to thank you all for your feedback, and, as you can see, ready to start the sequal to ultimate betrayal :D I hope you all enjoy! Now that I'm back I'm going to start this and another pokemon story, but that's for another day ;)

I'm glad that you guys where able to solve most of the puzzle, you hit the nail on the head for Part 1, but Part 2 left you kinda stumped. but DON'T WORRY! You will understand all soon.

Alright, well here we go!
Disclaimer: I donz own the pokemanz.

Chapter ~ An Honest Living

Ash stared angrily at Jessie, James, and Meowth as the rest of the gang just stood there kinda stumped. Justin was the first to say anything.

"Umm, Ash? Are you SURE these are the guys from that team rocket? I mean they look like normal shop keepers to me." Justin inquired as Caleb nodded in agreement. Jessie, James, and Meowth sighed.

"Look, Ash here is right, we were apart of team rocket, back when he was still a twerk kid." Jessie responded making the rest of the gang look at them in shock.

"What do you mean, were apart of Team Rocket?" Serena quizzed as Jessie, James, and Meowth looked at each other, before sighing.

"Guess we can tell you, you deserve a right to know." Meowth said as James walked over and opened the door allowing the gang inside.

"Here, have some tea, and take a seat." James said as he, Jessie, and Meowth took seats on some chairs inside the little market. After some suspicious looks, the gang sat down and accepted the tea.

"So, here's how it happened.." Jessie started..

*Flashback (Yay Finally, a flashback in my story :D) *

Jessie, James and Meowth walked into Giovanni's room, extremley nervous. After all their failures in Kalos, they were worried about what would happen. After all, Giovanni had told them they were on their last strike. As they walked in, Giovanni imediatley turned the chair around and gave them cold and deadly stares.

"Well.. explain to me exactly what happened in Kalos with you three? I hope you got some rare pokemon." Giovanni said, already knowing the answer.

"W-well.. you see, we kinda.. didn't... really.. get.. any.. rare p-pokemon.." James responded nervously. Jessie and Meowth gulped. Of course James had inkay and Jessie had Gourgeist, but they both had grown extremley attached to them, and didn't want to give them up.

Giovanni scoweled before looking at them with a sinister frown. "Then I have no choice. Cassidy! Butch! Take these three to the testing room. Let's see if our mind control will finally work instead of killing the targets." Giovanni stated as Cassidy and Butch appeared from behind them and handcuffed them.

"Wait! Boss you don't have to do this! We'll do better we swear! Just please don't!" Meowth begged as Jessie and James struggled to get out of their handcuffs.

"I've given you time and time again to prove yourselves. And you've failed every. single. time. So now you're going to become lab rattatas to our experiments. Let's see how long you la-" Giovanni began, but didn't finish as an explosion occured in the HQ building causing everyone to fall to the ground. A grunt ran into the room.

"Boss! We're under attack! An unknown pokemon resembling a Charizard is charging this way! It's only a matter of time until he get's here!" The grunt shouted as he ran back to try and stop the approaching pokemon.

"Hm. I guess it's time we left. Cassidy, Butch, let's go." Giovanni said as he and Persian walked out the door.

"But Boss, what about these three?" Cassidy asked as Jessie, James, and Meowth struggled to get out of their handcuffs.

"Forget them, this place is going to blow up soon and either way they were going to die eventually, let's just get out of here." Giovannie responded as Cassidy and Butch just shrugged and left, leaving the three there to struggle. James then sighed.

"Inkay, please help us." James said as Inkay materialized from it's pokeball, saw them in their handcuffs, and used psychic to unlock the handcuffs. Meowth and Jessie then also sighed in relief.

"Ok, now I'm really glad we thought of dat plan, now let's get out of here!" Meowth shouted as Jessie and James nodded, before running out. As they ran through the halls, the noticed many Rocket Grunts were either dead or severly burned, causing them to shudder. They did NOT want to meet whoever caused this. Which, ironicly, is when they met it, or saw it at least. They ran to an opening to see Giovanni, Cassidy, and Butch flying away in a helicopter, with the figure quickly approaching. The next thing they new the unknown pokemon, (which did resemble a charizard, except it was black, it's wings were different, and had blue flames.) shot a huge flamethrower with caused the helicopter, to their horror, explode. The unknown pokemon then flew away immediatley after.

After the coast was clear, the trio walked out to see there were little remains to the helicopter. And no bodies...

"W..we almost died today.." James announced in horror as he looked at the building. After going around and doing a checkup. They realized they were the only ones alive.

"What do we do now? We've lost everything.." Jessie said staring off into the distance. It was hard to believe what had happened, but it had.

"You know, I've been thinking. Bout all dis. If we had never joined Team Rocket, or just left a long time ago, we could be living really good lives." Meowth claimed. Jessie and James looked at him in confusion.

"Remember the shops we used to have? Dat was good work for us and we always did good." Meowth explained as Jessie and James pondered it for a minute.

"You know.. who says we can't go back to it?" James quizzed. Jessie and Meowth looked at him in shock, surprised that he would suggest it, before thinking about it.

"I don't see why not. It will be nice to do something that we like, and do it right for a change." Jessie said as everyone grinned, before James frowned.

"Theres.. just ONE problem. We have a high criminal record, I doubt we'll be able to make a shop anywhere around Kanto or any of the other regions.

"Hey, you just leave Dat to me!" Meowth said smirking. Jessie and James looked at him in confusion, until Meowth pointed at his amulet.

*End FlashBack*

Everyone stared at the trio, some confused, others understanding, others (more or less Ash) angry.

"So why should we just believe that you're all goody goody now? What about your criminal records in the regions?" Ash responded. Everyone else nodded in agreement, until Bonnie noticed Meowth's head was missing something.

"Hey Meowth, what happened to the Amulet on your head?" Bonnie quizzed, causing everyone to look at Meowth, seeing he was missing his trade-mark amulet. Meowth frowned at this before explaining.

"Well ya see, there's a reason our names are cleared. I figured out how to use Pay Day, and used it until we had enough money to pay off our records, so we could be free, but.. I may have used it too much, I don't know, but my amulet shrank and shrank due to me using it too much." Meowth said, causing everyone to look at him in shock.

"Wow... seems like you guys really did get back on track." Clemont responded as the shop trio nodded their heads.

"Well, I still don't think I should forgive you, you're probably with those traitors." Ash stated, making Jessie, James, and Meowth look at him in confusion.

"Traitors? What are you talking about kid?" James asked, causing Ash to look up in surprise. Were they really innocent? There was only one way to find out. Ash closed his eyes and began to glow blue around him, causing the shop trio to freak out juuuusssst a little. Ash began to read the aura's of the three, and he saw nothing but remorse, kindness, and innocent. They really were telling the truth, about everything.

Ash opened his eyes before looking at the trio with soft eyes. "Looks like I may have misjudged you this time. I'm sorry, but I guess since you were kind enough to explain us your story, it's only right that we tell you ours."

-1 hour later-

The shop trio just stared at them, with Jaws gaped. They couldn't believe what they had just heard.

"So lemme get this straight, you lost in Kalos, and all the other twerps dat traveled with you turned deir backs on you, just like dat? Even da old man?" Meowth inquired, as Ash and Pikachu nodded.

"And then you were banned from anything?" Jessie continued as the rest of the gang nodded in response.

"Hm, seems like you've had it pretty rough. Here, let's make a deal, sort of as making up for those two years of crap we put you through. We're gonna help you." James announced, causing Ash to look up in surprise. " While we can't do to much, we have quite a few things that could be of use, we have plenty of useful items and TM's that we could give you for a lot cheaper than anyone else. And we could keep a close eye on those twerps and tell you what we can get." James continued. The gang just stood there, surprised.

"You'd do all that?" Serena asked, as the Trio Nodded.

"It's the least we could do, besides, we kinda grew to like you kids, and we know that it must hurt, especially from people you thought were close." Jessie expressed. The rest of the gang smiled.

"Thanks alot you three. It's good to know we have some allies around here." Ash said. The trio nodded.

"Besides, we should be thanking you! That battle you had has given Rocket Emporium lots of business! With all our Celebi and Keldeo products, we're getting tons of money!" James said as the trio all had stars in their eyes, causing the gang to sweatdrop.

"Wait, Rocket Emporium?I feel like I've heard that before.." Justin stated, causing Jessie, James, and Meowth to smirk, before the lights went out, and some music started playing.

"Oh no.." Ash mumbled.

"Prepare for Prices that Can't be beat!" A spotlight appeared with Jessie kneeling.

"Maybe buy double because our stuff is so cheap!" Another Spotlight appeared with James standing, holding a rose.

"To protect the world from overpriced items!" Jessie struck another pose.

"To unite our stores to all the regions!" James struck another pose.

"To denounce bad prices for all the goods!" Jess struck yet another pose.

"To extend our store to even the hood!" James said striking yet another pose. (Jeez even the joke in his line can't make the striking pose lines annoying ;-;)

"Jessie!" Jessie backflipped into the air.

"James!" James frontflipped into the air, both Jessie and James landed right next to each other, their backs to eachother, both grinning.

"Rocket Emporium giving sales all the time!"

"Come over now, cause the sales are high!"

"Meeeeowth! That's right" Meowth said jumping onto them, with a foot on each shoulder. The lights then came back on. The entire gang was sweatdropping.

"Uhh. That was... something." Caleb announced with a fake smile, Prankster looked just as confused.

"Well, it's about time we open back up, it was nice talking to you, and come over any time." James stated as everyone stood up, and the gang went to leave, giving their thanks and going to leave. Just before Ash and Pikachu left, James put a hang on his shoulder, an item in it.

"Here Ash, you might find this useful." James declared. Ash picked up the green disc and looked at it in confusion.

"What is it?" Ash quizzed as James grinned.



The gang walked back to their hotel, sighing as they sat down on the couch. It had been a long day for them, and it still wasn't over. Prof. Omni walked in followed By Abel and Minun.

"Hey kids! I saw your match Ash, and I must say I'm impressed." Omni stated as Ash smiled at him and thanked him before Omni gave them a serious look.

"I came here to let you know. Not long after your match, I got a message from Oak asking me to meet him. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's about you." Omni said as the gang gave each other a nervous look.

"But enough about that! I also saw Caleb's match in the Fire Arena, stupendous win my boy! You didn't lose a single pokemon!" Omni announced as Caleb looked proud of himself, before Justin laughed.

"Please, he just got lucky that his opponent had all fighting types!" The gang laughed as Caleb shrunk back into his seat.

"Hey Prof. So when's the next match anyway?" Clemont asked as Omni looked back at him, with a slightly worried face.

"Well, you see-" Omni started but was interuppted by Abel.

"Oh, the first round is gonna last nearly two weeks, I mean there are Five thousand matches happening." Abel stated, causing the gang to all fall on the floor.

"So what the heck are we supposed to do for two weeks?" Ash quizzed as Omni laughed.

"My boy, we're in the biggest city in Genzu, you'll find something, trust me." Omni said smirking as the gang looked at each other.

"Well all of our matches are at some point this week, so it's gonna be kind of hard for us to do anything as a group, but that doesn't mean we can all just do our own thing." Justin verbalized as the group all agreed that that would be the best thing do to.

"Yaawwn, well I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired, and am going to bed." Max said walking up to his room.

"It is getting pretty late, guess we should retire for the night." Clemont said as the gang nodded in agreement, before going to bed. Omni and Abel sat in the lobby for a while just chilling before hearing a voice.

"There ya are Omni! Long time no see!" A plump man in a hawaiian shirt and glasses with tan shorts walked over, causing Omni and Abel to smile at hearing the voice.

"It has been to long, Scott."

Meanwhile. On a Hill

A figure sat on a hill viewing all of Rementano City. He was sporting all black basically, along with a spiked leather jacket. He viewed the city, before looking again at his holograph, a picture of a certain raven haired trainer was on it. He sighed again before walking down the hill towards the city.

Also Meanwhile, on a boat at the docks of Rementano.

A figure with a blue jacket and a red hat with jeens and black hair walked onto the port, before looking over. He checked his pokenav, making sure the region was correct. He took a deep sigh, before saying, "Just wait Serena, I'm coming."

Chapter End ~

Oh boye! What a chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Ultimate Comeback! So much mystery at the end of this one, whos the black figure? Who's looking for Serena, (Might be too obvious) Why's Scott here? All will be revealed in due time my children, in due time ;) Okee dokee, well there ya have it! I don't know WHEN the next chapter will be out. All I can say is that with the new story in the works, and school, (Ug) Ultimate Comeback will NOT be daily, but I'll try to make the chapters a little longer. Ok then, enough rambeling! Later guys!

Next Time on Ultimate Comeback!

Chapter ~ Split decisions on the Frontier!

(Idk, will probz be changed)