Misty's Nightmare

It was another night for the 20 year old, former Cerulean City gym leader. She came home from her job as a Pokémon breeder working with Brock and helping in him the water type area as that is her specialty. Afterwards she had her dinner which was usually, ironically, cereal followed by a shower before getting dressed and heading to bed. She fell into a peaceful sleep easy enough but about 3 hours later, that peace was taken away as quickly as it came.

"Ash, don't go. I have a bad feeling" Misty pleaded
"Don't worry about me Misty. I am, after all, the newest Pokémon master" Ash said acting like a 10 year old again
"I know that. But this feeling, I don't like it"
"Mist, it's my 3rd week there. They can still kick me out if I don't show up"
"I...I know but-"
"Misty. I know you care about what happens to me just as much as I do you but I have to go"
At this Misty's face falls
"How about this. I'll go but I'll call as soon as I get there and as I am about to leave. Then I'll take you out to dinner somewhere. Sound good to you?"
"Yeah" Misty says deflated
"Hey, cheer up. It's Pikachu's day off. You can spend the day with him"
"OK. I'm holding you to dinner though"
"I'd expect nothing less" Ash says as he kisses her, grabs his keys and waves good-bye. Misty remembers that today is Ash's birthday and decides to go after him. When she gets out the door, Ash is about to exit the drive-way with is hood a little bit out onto the road, so she calls his name and he turns around with that smile of his but before he can get out of the car, the hood gets rammed by a pick-up truck and Misty runs to Ash's car with tears in her eyes. When she makes it to his car, she sees Ash bleeding heavily from his head
"Oh Ash" Misty says crying
"I guess you were right" Ash replied with his usual smile
"About?" Misty asks
"About that bad feeling" Ash says as he manages one last smile before dying.

"AAAHHHH!" Misty screams as she jumps awake, drenched in sweat. "Aarrrggh. I really hate that dream" she says as she turns to Ash's side of the bed.
"What I hate even more is that it's a memory"

A/N: That ending huh? I didn't even consider ending it like that but that's what happens when you challenge yourself with 20 minutes. Let me know what you think and want in a later one?