Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction. None of the canon characters, settings, or past story arcs belong to me. All original, non-canon elements of the story including characters, plot, and settings belong to me. Credits to Rick Riordan for creating the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus series.

[Percy's POV]

It was a chilly evening at Camp Half-Blood, and I was amid my usual stroll when I heard the shriek. It rang out from the direction of Half-Blood Hill. I made my way there as fast as I could, when I saw a sixteen year old boy with cuts all over his torso. Behind him was the Minotaur. I pulled out riptide without a second thought and yelled, "Hey meathead!"

The Minotaur turned to face me, anger burning in its eyes. He charged at me but I side stepped with ease. He charged at me again but this time I attacked. I shoved riptide through his heart, and its loud groan filled the air. The beast vanished into golden dust. Before I could process it all, a hand roughly shoved me to the ground. When I looked to see who I had to beat up next, I saw the boy I saved. I frowned, confused, as campers arrived and flung questions at us from all directions. Suddenly, Chiron made his way towards the two of us.

"I was just trying to attack the monster, while this kid," he said while pointing at me, "just stood there and watched with this sword so I grabbed it and killed the beast."

I gaped at him, bewildered. Surely Chiron wouldn't believe this runt. After all, I'd killed countless monsters before and he'd only just arrived.

"What is your name?" Chiron asked.

"My name is Cody Gorham!" he replied with confidence.

But before anyone could respond, a golden pink aura glowed around his gawky frame and a dove symbol materialized over his head.

And that's when my torture began.