The Male Hunter of Artemis
Disclaimer: I own no characters unless they are Oc's and all rights go to Rick Riordan
Chapter 1 – Leaving Camp
Percy Pov

It's been a week since the war against Gaea ended and I was practicing my sword skills on straw dummies. They didn't really last long though. I saw a camper running towards me at incredible speeds. It was Travis.

"Mon-s-ters ch-a-sing a –de-mi-god". He said while panting. I was confused at first at what he said. It took me a moment to realize what he said, then I started running.

"They don't need me to kill a couple of monsters". I thought to myself as I was getting to the camp entrance I was surprised. There were two hydras and a pack of at least twenty hell hounds.

Leo came back to camp about a two weeks ago with Calypso and Festus. It was awkward for a while between us, but we got along after a week. I saw Leo and Calypso taking on the two hydras, meanwhile Annabeth and Connor was attacking the hellhounds.

"I thought Travis said there was a demigod"? I thought to myself. I searched for the demigod and found her behind Annabeth and Connor. I quickly rushed over to Annabeth and Connor.

"Get the girl out". I told Annabeth and Connor. Annabeth gave me a nod and started walking back to camp with Connor helping her walk from an injury she got from a hell hound. Travis and Annabeth took care of half of the pack of hell hounds which left me with ten.

I smiled, I've been bored for a while because nobody would spar with me besides Clarrise and Annabeth and even then I couldn't go all out. The hell hounds surrounded me in a circle and all bared their fangs at me.

I solidified the water in the air near me so much that it was as hard as steel. With my dual blades I started decimating the hell hounds.

Whenever the water started to ripple I fixed it almost instantly. I started pushing them back when I killed five of them. I turned my aqua blade back to water and then in to aquatic icicles and fired them at the hellhounds. Four hell hounds got impaled while I rushed the last hell hound and stabbed it.

I almost collapsed right then and there. I have never used my water control that much unless I was about to die.

I started practicing my control over water a lot more because I didn't want anyone to get hurt anymore.

Annabeth had been giving me a boring science lesson about the air and I was partially listening until she said there was hydrogen in the air. At that I got excited and as soon as she finished talking I went straight to the beach.

As I tried to bring all the water out of the air for the first time I could only bring out a few droplets, but now I can bring out at least a gallon without breaking a sweat. I've been practicing doing this since the end of the war.

Time Skip

It's been a week since the demigod we rescued got to camp. Her name is Selene, since her stay in Camp we found out she was a daughter of Athena. Honestly I should've figured that out from the blond hair and grey eyes.

Annabeth had decided that we should break up because there wasn't anything there anymore I had been feeling a bit empty since and now got no one would talk to me anymore.

I don't know why, but I get angry glares from newer campers and from everyone else. Every time I even tried to talk to them they would just glare at me and walk away. Honestly it hurt me a lot.

I would visit my mortal parents, but they died during the war because of Gaea. I had more time to myself and I was just feeling empty. Camp didn't need me to fight anymore which I was fine with, but the glares annoy me a lot.

The next morning I couldn't take it anymore. I found Malcolm after breakfast and called him.

"Malcolm"! I yelled to get his attention. He turned to look at me and then gave me a glare and started to walk away. I ran to him and then grabbed his arm and turned him to me.

"Why does everyone do that"? I asked him.

"How can you say that"! He yelled at me, which got me confused.

"What do you-". Before I could finish what I was going to say he cut me off.

"You cheat on Annabeth then ask why"!

"Did she mean nothing to you"! Malcolm yelled and then walked away. Surprised and angry I ran to my cabin and slammed the door as I got in I just yelled as hard as I could letting all my anger out. I turned around I got yet another surprise. My godly father Poseidon was there.

"Dad, what are you doing here"? I asked.

"I felt an enormous power inside the cabin, but it turn out its just you". He said. After everything that I had just heard I broke down crying and hugged my dad.

"What happened son"? He asked me. It took a while to calm down, but once I did I told my dad everything.

"How could he say that to you"! Poseidon yelled enraged.

"Dad, I've made a decision to leave camp". I told him. I couldn't stay in this camp anymore.

"But Percy it's not safe outside of camp". Poseidon argued.

"If all of the campers think the same as Malcolm and just believe who ever told him that then instead of asking me if I did that then they don't trust me and I don't trust them.". I said to him.

"I understand". Poseidon said.

"If you're going to leave camp then at least let me give you something". He told me. Poseidon snapped his fingers and a watch appeared in his other hand. He gave me the watch.

"Percy put on the watch and press the button on the side". He told me. I did as he told me and a medieval cowl appeared on me. The cowl weighed nothing and even though the hood was covering my head it didn't obstruct my vision at all.

"This cowl is fire proof and it can also hide your scent from monsters". Poseidon said proud.

"Thank you so much". I told him.

"One last thing, I will tell you a cool power". He told me.

"Imagine turning in to mist and then imagine moving a distance, once you can do this and can do it really well try imagining a place". Poseidon instructed me.

"Well Percy you better be safe okay". Poseidon said and after he seemed to turn into mist and then disappear.

I wrote a quick letter to anyone who goes in to my cabin. I focused and turned in to mist then imagined traveling the distance to camps entrance.