Sorry for the authors note, but, well, I don't really have an excuse. I hate them two.
So, I wanted to ask you all on the story, like how it is, where you think it should go, and, also, theres one review that says Nero is a bit too op.
I just wanted to discuss him in this.
Nero is the firstborn child of Chaos. Firstborns are extra powerful, as, while they don't have someone to help them on their powers, they are more godly then not. Plus, don't forget, Chaos is the most powerful being in existance, just boosting Nero's power. Plus, he was mainly raised at Camp Chaos from nearly the time he was born. Nyx, Gaia, and Tartarus, with Chaos seeing him every now and then, raised him. They would help him on his powers, with what he can do, and things such as that. They also blessed him, just increasing his powers even more. I know I have not introduced this into the chapters yet, but I was going to in the next one, or the one after.
I just wanted to let you all know this, so you didn't get all bitchy saying 'Nero is too op! Nerf him!' or shit like that. This is my story, not yours. This is my OC, not yours.
Also, Nero did use a lot of his power into the attacks that he did, considering all that was one day. He was very well trained, and, while it might not of seemed like it, it did exaust him.
So, yeah. That's it. If you want the story to go down a certain path, tell me. If you like the way the story is going so far, tell me. If you have any OC's you may want in the story, tell me the name, age, and parent. It could be a child of a titan, a minor god, a primordial, or, hell, even an Olympian! I alreay have a plan to get traitors from the camps and hunters, by ruining something with a certain goddeses or two's reputation.