Chapter 5

Chloe looked up into his dark eyes, darker now that she knew the truth about him. Her legs subconsciously moved backwards, away from him. Her mind was a whirlwind of panic and fear. His face was still the one she had become familiar but the one underneath was all she could see. She couldn't get the image out of her head, the image of his burned, fiery skin.

He reached a hand out to, desperate to stop her movement, to save their disintegrating partnership, to save his brother. He saw all the emotions pass through her expressive grey eyes. He saw the terror and alarm, the glazed look told him that she was seeing something else. Something that wasn't there, not on him at least.

All she could think of is getting out of his presence immediately. She couldn't face the real truth, the truth that she had been running away from since the beginning. Her previous apprehension about moving to the other side of the world was gone. She needed to get out of his vicinity, more importantly get Trixie out of it. She couldn't risk her precious daughters life by taking a chance on the devil. Chloe eyes glanced over at the packed bags, hoping that he wouldn't see them, hoping for him to remain calm. She was well aware of his short temper, the thought only furthering her terror, knowing that he could explode at any time and most likely kill her.

Micheal saw her eyes widen even more—wondering what she could've thought of the cause her reaction—and reached out and grasped her shoulder. Once he had stopped her movements, he was able to snap her out of her tunneling thoughts.

"Chloe! Please you have to listen to me, nothing has changed, I'm still Lucifer and you're still Chloe!" He pleaded with her, shaking her shoulders, begging her to understand. He knew that Lucifer wouldn't be able to last the week it took Dr. Linda to recover. He would spiral to a dark place quickly and it would be near impossible to get him out of it. He needed her.

"Lu-Luc—You can't- I can't do this, I can't be a-around you, I j-just can't, nothings ever going to be the same." Chloe said, her eyes squeezed shut, expecting to burst into flames. Her breath was stuck in her lungs, a rock wedged in her esophagus. Micheal's eyes widened, he hadn't thought a lot of this through, to be completely honest, he had thought Chloe would come around relatively quickly. With the connection she and Lucifer held after all.

"No, no, wait, don't say that, we can fix this, I'll-I'll tell you everything, everything! Anything you want to know just ask me, please." He bargained, determined to do anything to help his brother, anything to repair what relationship they had left.

"No, there's nothing you can do, the-the most you can do for me right now is... is leave." She hesitated, afraid he'll destroy her for saying such a thing. Her eyes still closed, she ripped herself out of his hands and backed away.

"Please, please, just go, I-I don't, I don't want you here." She said, fear drived her confidence, urgent to get away from him.

Micheal didn't know what to do, he didn't have the experience and the knowledge to handle a situation like this. His brother was always the more sociable one. Lucifer was always good at understanding the humans that perplexed Micheal so much. Lucifer always liked the humans much more than any of their siblings. Micheal didn't know how he was going to tell Lucifer that he probably just ruined the relationship he had with the one he loved.

Hands pressed against his chest, pushing him towards the door. The strength of his grace kept him in place, causing her to get frustrated and start smacking his chest, doing no damage at all. Although, the one thing he knew to do was to not injury to her. He was already in enough trouble with Lucifer. He caught her hands, stopping their movements. Her eyes snapped open, the only thing left was fear, she no longer felt the care she used to feel for Lucifer. Micheal now knew that he would probably never get his brother back.

"Chloe, I would never hurt you no matter what, no matter if you never want... to see me again, no matter how much I hate that." He said in a last ditch attempt to salvage the last bits of their connection.

"Get out... please." She muttered, her head lowered, not able to even look at him anymore. Micheal's head dropped, and turned around, surrendering his chances of once again having a relationship with his brother. He opened the door, taking into account the packed bags next to the door. He closed his eyes, hoping that when he opens them, they'll be gone, deep down knowing that'll never happen. Not unless Gabriel is involved.

He looked back over his shoulder, praying that she'll come to her senses and forgive him. All he saw was Chloe with her back turned, already blocking him or Lucifer from her life. He sighed and walked out the door, with no idea what to do next.

Chloe crumbled to the ground once the door closed. Her breath finally released from her lungs, her back still stiff and tense with anticipation. She took long shaky breaths, trying to calm herself, to hold herself together, at least until a point where she could allow herself to fall apart. Now was not that time. She braced herself and got up off the floor once and for all. She rushed over to the bags and juggled all three, before realizing she had forgotten her keys. Hopefully, she set door the bags for the last time, she began to search for the keys. She searched high and low, and was still not able to find the damn things.

Suddenly, she heard them fall on the kitchen counter. She looked up and saw them on the counter, where she had looked first and multiple times after that. She quickly grasped them in her hands and turned to pick up the bags for the last time. She jumped when she had turned and a tall African-American man blocked her way.

"A-Amenadiel!" She exclaimed, not having expected to see him ever again. She didn't know how to act around him anymore, before it was a mutual respect, now... well now she knew what he was.

"Hello Chloe." He greeted, his mellow atmosphere calming her.

"I know you are probably very shocked and scared right now but I need to speak with you." He explained, not leaving much room for refusal. Still though, she couldn't stand to be in LA anymore. Not after everything.

"Look, Amenadiel, I get that you care for your brother, but you have to understand. I can't be around him —and you— any longer. For not only my sanity but for Trixie's safety as well." She insisted, and moved to pass by Amenadiel. He stuck out a hand to stop her from leaving.

"I wasn't asking, Chloe. You need to hear this." Amenadiel demanded, not letting her pass. He turned to face her again, and moved in front of her bags to prevent her from leaving.

"Lucifer has sacrificed a lot for you and your family and friends. A lot of it, he himself doesn't even know it, most of it he doesn't know why he did. But the important thing is that he did. It's not my story to tell so I will hopefully leave that to him but you need to see him at least one last time. Even it's just to curse him and demand he never step near you again. And while you may not believe it, he would do anything you told him to, he would do anything for you. I think that at least deserves a goodbye." Amenadiel described. The sincerity in his dark eyes caught Chloe's attention. She had never seen that much emotion in his eyes before, he was usually so in control and calm.

He took last look at her, silently pleading for her to heed his advice and visit her partner. He finally stepped away from her bags, giving her the option of leaving or talking to Lucifer. He opened the front door and took a step through it before stopping.

"Oh." He realized. Chloe's head snapped to his face, not expecting him to say anything else.

"Don't always believe what you eyes see." He smirked, a smile that held a secret she couldn't quite put her finger on. And he walked out the door, leaving her to her thoughts.

When Lucifer woke up, the penthouse was empty, silent. His brother had gone Dad knows where, probably back to the Silver City. He took a deep breath and pushed him up from his bed. His muscles groaned, still sore from the tirade of bullets that rained down his wings. His eyes lazily scanned the room around and noticed all the blood that must've dropped on the floor was clean. Maybe his brother did want to help, cleaning wasn't exactly the way, although not an unwelcome practice.

He scoffed, not believing the situation he was in. He killed the police Lieutenant got horribly injured while he was doing so, revealed himself as the devil to his police partner. Add on being reunited with his oh so hated twin, who ends up healing of the brutal injuries gifted to him by Cain. He sighed. His relationship with the Detective would never be the same, but only if she even let him in her life again. A part of him told him that she would never accept him, he was a monster, she knew the truth now and he couldn't take this one back. He had always felt ,deep down, that he was never worthy enough to be her partner, he was to selfish and to him. He didn't know how to be anything else. He had just finished convincing himself that she would never forgive him for not only lying to her but also putting her and her daughter at risk. Then, the elevator dinged, alerting him of a visiter.

Chloe road the elevator up, her foot tapped on the linoleum, anxiety started to set in. She fidgeted with her nails, picking at the dirt and grime that was stuck. She made sure to inhale deep breaths to at least try and calm down to be ready for this. She didn't really understand all of what Amenyhad said but the thing that stood out to her was that Lucifer would do anything for her. He was right, he would, she at least owned him that much.

The elevator finally arrived after what seemed like an eternity had went by. The doors opened to the vast, spotless room. The dim-lighting doing nothing for her nerves. She took small, apprehensive steps into the room, her heart raced so fast she thought it could've just burst out of her chest right there.

"Chloe?" A deep familiar voice called out confused. Her eyes went to find the origin of the voice and found Lucifer there standing, shirtless, in the wide doorway of his bedroom. Her eyes glanced over him, a habit she had hated having for a long time.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" Lucifer questioned, still puzzled as to her reasoning. She couldn't possibly want to be around him right now.

"Look, okay, if I don't get this all out right now I'm not going to be able to say it again, so please don't interrupt me right now." She paused, he remained silent, giving her the time and confirmation she needed.

"When we first met, I hated you, you where everything that LA represented that I despised, you were arrogant and pompous and a downright asshole. But over the years I feel like I've come to know you fairly well, and at the moment I'm doubting everything that has ever happened between us, but after you left," this made Lucifer pause for a moment, but let her continue anyways. "Amenadiel came to visit and explained some things that not matter how much I didn't want to believe wasn't true, they were. And he was right, the least you deserve is a good bye, but you deserve more than that. You gave up your life to save Trixie and I, and I'm not saying that we'll ever be the same, but I... I can try. We work good together, and I'm not ready to give that up just yet." She finished. Her breaths laboured, panicing slightly, not fully prepared to say the next thing.

"I don't think I'm exactly ready to be around you yet but, I'm not going to leave, and I.. I hope you won't either." She sighed, looking down at her boots, glad that he hadn't interrupted her and she said all she needed to.

"I would like that, and it's okay if you're not ready. You can take all the time you need..." He was cut off by Micheal arriving on his balcony for the second time.

"Brother! I am so sorry for what I've done, I want to be honest with you so I'll say it. I tried to help mend your relationship with Chloe but I was too hasty and I fear I may have ruined it forever, I will understand if you never want to see me again." Micheal has shouted all this out without lifting his eyes from the ground, too ashamed to face his brother. He was pleasantly surprised when he finally did and saw Chloe herself standing there.

Chloe was bewildered, she didn't understand what was happening before her eyes. Two Lucifer's stood before her, identical every aspect.

"What the Hell?!" She yelled, demanding an explanation from the two.

"Chloe this is my twin brother Micheal, whom I assume you've met by you explaining that I was at your house while I was here sleeping." Lucifer calmly gestured to his brother, who smiled sheepishly.

"Hello Chloe, it's nice to officially meet you." Micheal greeted. Thinking better of it to hold a hand out. Chloe was speechless and just stared at the two of them, the two famous Archangels.

"Honestly, Detective, I don't even believe that you mistook me for Micheal, I am much more handsome than he is."

Chloe scoffed, famous her ass.


Hey everybody!! Thanks for reading, favouriting, following, and reviewing my book! I really really appreciate it!! It makes my day! First, I'd like to apologize to anybody who made suggestions for the plot of this book, I had already previously planned out what I wanted to happen and I didn't want to change that for my first fanfic. Second, to those people I say don't worry, I do plan on writing more Lucifer fanfic with some BAMF!Lucifer, hopefully some of him returning to hell etc, I have many ideas. Third, I may or may not end doing an epilogue to this book I dunno we'll see, the deckerstar would be in that if I did. Fourth, id like ur opinion on the next book I'm planing on writing, its gonna be about another sibling of Lucifer's but Chloe won't know that he's the devil. The thing I want to ask you is if I should make this character good or bad? At the moment I'm leaning to bad/double motiv-ish. Anyways, hope you enjoyed my book, I plan to write about many different fandoms (including Spn, lucifer, white collar, and psych, etc)

Thanks for reading!

The End