Author has written 19 stories for Jak and Daxter, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Mega Man, Young Justice, Resident Evil, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Fable, Pacific Rim, Danny Phantom, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Gravity Falls, Transformers/Beast Wars, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Halo, X-Men: The Movie, Overwatch, and Walking Dead. I'm Sam, and I like to write. My writing is always improving and always evolving, and I often like to use fictional characters to improve myself. Unfortunately, my ever-changing style leaves me disgusted with most of my old works. Many of them from the beginning of my fanfiction writing 'career' have either been abandoned or deleted, and I apologize if you enjoyed them. More stories are always on the way, however. The majority of my writing seems to waver in quality, which is why I struggle so much with getting stuff out and writing anything new. A lot of my old work is abandoned, so sorry about that. I appreciate and read all messages and reviews, even if they're just to chat. So feel free to poke me whenever. |