Reviews for Shadow Bound
Dizzydodo chapter 16 . 1/22/2019
I don't know if you check reviews any more, but I read this years ago (shortly after it was posted) and spent hours yesterday afternoon trying to find it again. You're the one that got me hooked on every permutation of Link/Shadow Link/ Malon and it has stuck with me a long time.

So glad you wrote it, and so glad you finished!
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 16 . 12/24/2018
Fuck. This was amazing. Much shorter than the stories I usually read but even then it was simple yet complex, and just dang fun. Good work!
T-tawny chapter 16 . 12/19/2018
But, did he ever get the hang of fathering is what I want to know!
Amy who, as old as this fic is its been great so thank you!
Not aSIaN chapter 16 . 4/28/2018
I know this story is over TEN YEARS old and you probably will never see this, but DANG! This was masterfully written and had me on the edge of my seat! I don't know if you still write anymore, but if you do never forget to keep writing! Your stories bring inspiration and smiles to many faces.
Wiipuu chapter 16 . 9/30/2017
I liked this ending. I liked this story.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/11/2017
Oh my god, this is one of the most beautiful pieces of fan fiction I've ever read. It is hard to find Malon/Dark Link stories and it's harder to find something like this. At first I thought this was unfinished (like a lot of good stories) but the ending really give me the feels. In chapter 13 I really think that 1)The story ending like that; with Malon suffering the loose of Knil but eventually overcoming it or 2)The chapter ending like that.
I know I already say this, but it was beautifully written, I love your character development, how you made Malon and Knil. This may sound really stupid but thanks for finishing the story .
Pilocene chapter 14 . 9/6/2016
...Pppppppppppppppppppppffffffffffffffffffffffff- WHAT!?
WHAT!? (x3)
Lookathooves chapter 16 . 7/18/2016
I read this so long ago, but I remember that it was my favorite story on this site! I have to personally thank you in this review. Thank you for such an amazing story and also to thank you for getting me to ship this! I do believe this turned into one of my favorite LoZ ships.

But onto the actual story. I am so amazed by your portrayal of Knil and Malon. I feel that you've got their personalities down to a T. ALSO! The last chapter is probably my favorite. I love how Knil reacts to the old woman and how you even added in that little tidbit about Toon Link.

Your story is too precious. Thank you for this wonderful read!
Zelda gamer 137 chapter 16 . 10/8/2015
Wow. Truly incredible writing here. Great job. This is the second time I've read this story and I still laugh and cry and gasp at every scene. You did an amazing job with this story. Knil's personality changes were so perfect. I'm not sure if you even get on here any more, but I want you to know that your writing and your talent and your persistence and, most importantly, your ability to make someone who was once a villain struggle has inspired me in my own writing. I was reminded of this story when I listened to the song Stitches by Shawn Mendes (which I think is SO Malon and Knil) I'm so glad I remembered it! Stay awesome, stay strong and for heavens sakes, never stop writing.

3 3 3
Moon chapter 16 . 9/28/2015
Now I owe you a review.

First, excellent work on building up Knil's inner darkness. The first two chapters in particular were perfectly poised for horror and were worded beautifully for their brevity. Lyrical, to the point, and mysterious, they did a wonderful job of drawing me in.

While I very much enjoyed this work overall, I do feel it could use with more character development on the part of both Malon and Knil. While they both showed some growth, the change from victim and abuser to lover felt a little abrupt. Initially, I had thought you were going for a stockholm syndrome like angle or at least a corrupted one, but Malon didn't have nearly enough mental anguish, confusion, and introspection for it.

Similarly, while Knil did a great job or being dark and dastardly initially, he fell to little more than a violent prankster later, with little reason for fear. More conflict would have made this deliciously dark, and allowed Knil's growing affections to be more meaningful. As is, the "possession" angle still worked quite a bit and had enough of that dark aspect to keep me entertained.
Moon chapter 16 . 9/28/2015
Whoops! I just noticed my browser backtracked there so I was reviewing the wrong story!
Moon chapter 16 . 9/28/2015
Beautifully written, well concluded, and well characterized, this was a delightful read!
For a short work, this was simply lovely, but I can't help but feel this story would have been far more powerful and enthralling if things weren't rushed quite so much.

Saria's leaving the forest and Dark Link's transformation from cruel to not-quite-gentle are both momentous emotional moments that could have used more further development and care, as is, they felt like footnotes rather than pivotal moments.
butterflies and feathers chapter 16 . 7/23/2015
I couldn't sleep last night because I desperately wanted to know what happened next. That goes to show how good this story is. I love it!
butterflies and feathers chapter 5 . 7/22/2015
Knil oddly reminds me of Jeff The Killer...
butterflies and feathers chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
Read this much and I'm really intrigued. I'm happy this is a long, completed fanfic. Maybe it will be one to remember! So far I love it!
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