Turkey – Too many faces
'Papa, papa, wake up' the toddler demanded as he managed to climb up the huge bed and moved towards his sleeping father. When the small boy, who had olive brown skin and wonderful golden eyes, reached him, he shook the elder man's shoulder, pushing his little face close to his father's.
'Please spare me' he groaned, not even having enough strength to open his eyes and turned to his other side. He had just arrived here, at one of the most beautiful little castles along the shore of the Sea of Marmara, and was dead tired. But even riding till he dropped was worth when it was about seeing his son – especially since he was away for some months now. The sultan himself ordered Sadiq to monitor whether the status quo is honored by the Austrians on the Western border of the Empire. It was a tiring and detestable duty, but one he had to do, nonetheless. And once he was there, he, of course, had to honor the pasha of Budapest with a visit. And enjoy the new bath – and the harem they prepared especially for him. He was so tired of it all, especially since all the women were glaring at him with utter fear in their eyes.
'Go and play tag or something, just make some noise. And if you dare tell the pasha that I didn't take even one of you, I'll chop off your stupid little heads personally' he'd hiss at them and they obediently did as he told them to, though that was the least playful game of tag the girls ever played.
He watched them resigned, and couldn't help thinking how Hungary's daughters didn't even look like her. She was so different than these… these wenches. True, they were beautiful, but behind that beauty was nothing. No pride, no recklessness, no sweetness, just… fear.
And then, when on the last day the pasha asked him to give his blessings on his newborn son, Sadiq had enough of this stupid task and only wanted to see his own child again.
Now he reached out and, embracing his little prince, pulled him close and kissed his head.
'Have you been a good boy?' he asked, still sleepy.
'Yes baba' the child replied smiling and snuggled close to his father.
'Good then' Sadiq groaned before falling asleep again.
But he had to leave just too soon; he needed to report back to the sultan and at times like these, his private life was second to his official duty. As he got on his white horse – beside the sultan, only he was allowed to have one -, he saw his son reaching up to him. He put his hand on the youngster's head and said smiling: 'The next time I come, I want to see you ride this horse, Erkin.'
'Yes, father!' the little boy's face was almost glowing with happiness – this just made it harder to leave him behind.
'How've ya been, you stupid brat?' he asked loudly as he opened the doors. Before going to the capital, he decided to visit this other brat as well, since his annoyance was highly amusing.
Heracles glanced at the masked man, then, ignoring him, continued staring out the window.
'Oi, ya gone mute or sumthin?' he slapped him on the back. Heracles bit his lower lip but didn't respond. He mustn't give in to his provocations. Disgust filled his soul and he wanted to spit at the older man.
Turkey took a closer look at the young man and was pleased with the sight. He was still young and fresh, and had a tender skin and a beautiful face much like a woman's. And those arms and fingers… he knew deep down that this wasn't the way he should feel about the brat, but damn it, he turned him on, there was no helping it.
He crouched down beside Heracles and slowly slid down the white robe he was wearing so his white shoulder was revealed. The young man's eyes flashed at him, in them there was surprise and shock, but Turkey leant close and pushed him against the wall.
'Missed me, Heracles?' he asked in a deep, aroused voice 'You sure did mature into something… extraordinary… I'd never thought…' here he bit into his neck and the young Greek hissed from the pain '… you'd make me feel this way' Sadiq breathed a few seconds later.
'Get off, you disgusting rat' the boy panted and tried to push him away with all his might but Turkey grabbed his arm and twisted it hard.
'You are MINE' he whispered to his ear 'I'll make you remember that forever.'
It was already late at night when he arrived at the sultan's palace. Sadiq knew that his highness wouldn't be in the mood to talk to him in the middle of the night, so he headed towards his own quarters. He was tired from the journey and from all that sex he had with that young brat. It was incredibly exciting to once more have somebody whom he had to force to obey him – it gave him shivers of excitement. This was the most wonderful thing for him: to conquer. Land or person, it didn't really matter. Though the thrill was more physical in bed than on the battlefield, he thought smiling.
He opened the door but stopped from surprise: Hungary was sleeping on a bunch of pillows by the window, and around her there were numerous plates with the best food the cooks could offer. Apparently she had been waiting for him all this time… he felt something a bit like shame and regret, and stepped to the woman. She was sleeping peacefully like a huri who has lost her way from paradise and ended up here, in his room.
Sadiq gently took her in his arms and went to his huge bed with her. The second he put her down she slowly opened her eyes and silently set her gaze on him.
'I'm sorry for making you wait, Tulip' he whispered as he took off his turban and caftan and put them on a chair beside the bed.
'They said you would be home earlier' she muttered quietly and a bit offended.
'I'm sorry' he repeated, taking off his mask, and laying down beside her. Eliza let out a pleased smile as she looked into his green eyes.
'Are you g-gonna… have me?' she asked with a slight blush. Turkey sighed with a smile: this angel was already his, there was no need for further conquest. But this realization made him kind of sad too. Will he always be like this? Always thriving for more, and maybe loosing interest in the things he had already attained…? The thought of this his pointless existence always troubled him, and from time to time, it just overflowed in him – like now.
He placed a quick kiss on her lips, saying: 'I'm a bit tired for that. Maybe in the morning-'
'It's okay if you don't want to tell what's wrong' she interrupted, embracing him so that his face pushed against her warm and soft breasts 'Sleep now. I… missed you, édesem.'
He inhaled her sweet scent and embraced her back; her closeness made his mind go blank and all his worries disappeared for at least a little time. Before falling asleep he pondered how women could do that. How were they able to know when a man needed them and their sweet comfort the most…?
He didn't find the answer, but at least he found some peace for a short time.