Here is the second and last piece of this story, finnished before Christmas as promised.

There was one thing I managed to forget to add in the first chapter. This story is actually based on a drawing by The-Starhorse, who has a profile here and on DeviantArt. Here is the link; the-starhorse. deviantart. Com / gallery / 25626026# / dp47tq (without the spaces)

Sunstreaker sat with his back against the wall inside the garage, glaring down at the concrete floor as if he was trying to see through it. After having sat there for an hour in his alt mode, he had decided to transform back to 'stretch his legs', as the humans tended to say.

The sparkling had been there for a total of ten minutes while adding more to her 'Why-Christmas-is-the-best-thing-ever'-list. She had been forced to stay as far away from the mech while she was drinking some sort of warm liquid, as Sunstreaker did not want her to spill any of it on him. After having emptied the cup, the sparkling had left, saying she had something she needed to do, but would be back later.

The mech moved his gaze toward a small window to his left and watched as the snow continued to fall down outside, secretly thankful for the roof over his head that was shielding him from being buried in the stuff. Face passive, Sunstreaker continued to look outside as his bright eyes dimmed slightly as a peaceful feeling washed over him.

The Lamborghini flinched slightly as his audios picked up on the Christmas music that had started to play from the house. He relaxed slightly after having analyzed the sound and found that it wasn't one of the songs that had been playing none-stop at the ark, which was a little odd when you take in account all the different melodies Blaster had had at his disposal.

Sunstreaker tuned in on the sound of the piano and shifted into a more comfortable position, drifting off into a restful haze. The mech had time to vaguely wonder when was the last time he had felt this calm, as his systems slowly started to shut down, falling into recharge as his optics dimmed over to a light grey color.

A low creaking noise brought the warriors sensors back online with a start, his optics activating as he automatically went into battle mode and pulled out his rifle from subspace. He was about to stand and go into a defensive position, but his sensors warned him of the tight space he was trapped in. Instead he settled for a low defensive crouch. Raising his gun, Sunstreaker trained it on the half-open door where a small figure stared up at him with wide eyes.

The Autobot blinked a couple of times, unsure how to proceed until his memory banks rebooted. Remembering where he was, Sunstreaker scowled as he put his weapon back in subspace and sat back down against the wall he had been resting against. He wanted to yell at the sparkling for being so careless around him, but restrained himself since it had actually been his own fault that he had dropped his guard and 'fell asleep', as the humans put it. Instead he settled for a glare.

He watched the child as she stepped out of the doorway and skipped over to him with glee, not fully understanding that she had almost been blasted away.

"What do you want?" the mech questioned as he looked back over to the window he had been looking out earlier, discovering that it had now stopped snowing. He quickly checked his internal clock, finding that he had been offline for 26 earth-minutes.

"I've got something for you."

Sunstreaker continued to stare out the window, but eventually turned his head toward the child. True enough, she seemed to be trying to hide something behind her back while she waited to get his full attention. Once she had gotten it, the child smile widened as she took out the object she had been covering, holding it up towards him.

"Merry Christmas!"

What she held in her hands was a relatively small (to Sunstreaker, anyway) object wrapped up in a green and red paper and with a golden ribbon put on top. The mech stared at the present for a while, turning his eyes to the grinning human, then back to the present she was holding out toward him.

He continued to stare dumbly at the girl until she turned uncertain and dropped her outstretched arms an inch. "Don't you want it?"

Sunstreaker blinked a couple of times before he stretched out a hand toward the girl and gently took the gift, making her smile in triumph. The mech continued to stare at the object in his hand for a few more seconds, before he frowned and looked back to the sparkling. "Why are you giving me this? If this is some sort of plan to gain my favor, let me just tell you now: I won't do anything to assist you."

"It's a Christmas present", the sparkling pointed out, not faced with his warning. She folded her hands behind her back and shifted her eyes to look away from him in a shy posture before she spoke next. "I thought that since you don't have a Christmas tree and can't get them from Santa, I'd make you one."

The Lamborghini searched her readings for any sort of evidence that she was lying, dropping his glare as he found none. He looked back at the present he was still holding, reaching up his other hand toward it to open it, only to be stopped by the sparkling as she gasped and ran up to his leg before hitting it with an open palm a couple of times to get his attention.

It worked, as Sunstreaker looked over to her, internally cringing at the handprints that the organic was leaving on his paintjob.

"You can't open it yet!" the sparkling exclaimed, thankfully removing her hand from his leg. "You have to wait until Christmas morning." Sunstreaker eyed her for a moment, soon giving in to her wish. He scowled as he slipped the present into his subspace pocket and crossed his arms. "There. You happy now?"

The child smiled again and nodded. Sunstreaker snorted as he lifted his hand to support his head, looking sideways out the window. Sparklings were so easy to please.

There was a new squeaking sound as the door opened once again and the mother stepped into the garage, looking over to her child and their visitor before she gestured for the girl to come over to her. The girl caught the message and ran over to her creator who was now kneeling down to get on eye level with the child.

Sunstreaker kept watching the window in disinterest, but turned up his audios to listen in on the conversation. The human had looked slightly troubled, and even if he had no interest in her troubles, he was still curious.

Once the child had reached her creator, the woman gave her a light kiss on the forehead, nearly causing Sunstreaker to make a face of disgust, but he managed to keep his expression passive.

The human gave a heavy sigh as she held her hands on her child's shoulders with a small smile on her lips. "Alexandra, sweetheart", she addressed the sparkling with a tone that could only mean bad news. "I just got off the phone with your daddy. He is still at the airport, waiting for the snowstorm to pass." The female spoke in a hushed voice, not intending for the giant robot in her garage to pick it up.

"His plane has been delayed, and he thinks that he won't make it home in time for Christmas. I'm sorry dear, but it looks like we will be spending the holiday this year without him."

There was a few moments of shocked silence as the girl stared wide eyed at her mother. "B-but he promised he'd be back in time to help me open my presents", the child whimpered, the sound so low that Sunstreaker had to turn his audio receptors up further to hear her. He quickly regretted.

"He promised!" the girl suddenly shrieked, making Sunstreaker jerk back, wincing as he turned back his hearing to standard. He turned his head to glare at the child for almost short-circuiting his audio, but found it fading into a small frown as the girl had started crying with the most hurtful expression he had seen in quite some time.

The mother moved to comfort her sparkling, but her arms were slapped away, before the girl bolted away from her mother and the room. The two remaining residents stared at the door as they could hear her distressed shouting as the girl slammed the door to her room shut.

Sunstreaker continued to stare at the open door, a little taken back by the outburst. He had never seen any Autobots he knew to be anywhere near as emotional as the sparkling was. He thanked Primus for that.

His gaze turned to the woman who was still kneeling, also watching the door with a sad look. Realizing Sunstreaker was still there, she got back up and brushed away some hair that had fallen in front of her face with a tired sigh. "I'm sorry you had to witness that."

"Why can't her other creator simply take a car instead? It would be faster", Sunstreaker pointed out.

The earthling simply shook her head. "No, that wouldn't work. He is on the other side of the country without a car. Even if he took the buss, he wouldn't make it in time. People are forced to drive slowly on the icy roads, and even then there would be a lot of Christmas traffic and accidents which would cause others to stop."

Sunstreaker agreed with her thinking and gave her a slight nod "Yeah, humans have few good drivers."

The woman smiled sadly, but didn't take the insult to her race at heart. After all, it was the truth. The yellow bot glanced down at her as she took a few careful steps closer and pulled something out of her pocket. She held out a folded paper toward him, causing him to eyeing it with a questionable gaze.

"I did some research for you. My sister told me about a man who is known for all the different variables of trees he is selling around Christmas. It's about an hour drive from here."

Sunstreaker reached out and took the piece of paper before unfolding it and looking at the address written down there. He took a couple of seconds to check the position with his GPS before he lifted his gaze over to the woman. "Why are you trying to help me?"

Sunstreaker was confused; he didn't even know these humans, still the both of them offered what they could to help him out. He simply couldn't figure out as to why.

"It's part of Christmas", the human replied with a fond smile.

Seeing the bemused expression Sunstreaker was handing her, she continued. "During this time of year, every person starts acting kinder to each other. Even if Christmas was originally a celebration to Jesus' birth, people all around the world with different cultures still find a way to join in and make something out of it."

"We come together and celebrate with loved ones, family and friends. And humankind shares their joy with each other; even people we don't know we greet with a smile. It's also a time for people to show that they care about each other."

Sunstreaker sat still as he listened to the woman explain the things he hadn't understood till now. He continued to listen to her for a while longer, until she stopped and gave him a knowing look. "Surely you have some friends or family you'd like to be with now? I'm sure the other Autobots would like to have you with them in the holidays."

The yellow bot snorted at the comment and turned his head to the side, looking away with a bitter grin. "Can't really say I have any 'friends', as you call it. Most of the others can't even stand me, but that's the way I prefer it." The grin started to fade, and turned back to glance at the human that was by now fixing him with a pitying look. "But I guess my brother could get a little sulky if I'm not there to help him with the pranks he constantly tries out."

Sunstreaker paused as he looked away, realizing what he was actually saying, and to a human none the less.

"What is his name? Your brother, I mean."

Sunstreaker kept his gaze fixed on the window for a couple of seconds before he opened his mouth to answer. "His name is Sideswipe. We are twins." The warrior was unsure why he had even bothered to talk to this human in the first place. It was strange, how this organic had gotten to reply without any threats, blackmail or torture. And even those wouldn't normally have gotten him to offer any information of any kind.

"What about you?" The woman questioned. "You haven't told us your name yet."

The Lamborghini paused, debating whether he should tell her or not. Eventually he gave in and turned to the human, but didn't say anything at first. He watched the woman who seemed to wear an air of patience around her, not rushing him to get the answer.

"My designation is Sunstreaker."

The human offered him a smile. "That's a pretty name. It's nice to meet you, Sunstreaker. My name is Leila.

Sunstreaker shifted uncomfortably, not used the kindness the humans had kept sending him since he showed up outside their house. The woman eyed him for a moment longer before she turned and walked towards the door. "I need to go check on my daughter. You are free to stay here for the night, but I'm kicking you out tomorrow morning."

The yellow mech stared bewildered at the organic that now stood in the doorway with a grin. "After all, you need to get an early start tomorrow if you are going to get that tree and then drive all the way back to your home base. Family should be together in the holidays." The confusion lifted from Sunstreaker as he understood her sudden change of actions.

With that, the human closed the door behind her, leaving the mech to his planning. Sunstreaker shrugged for himself before he transformed back into his alt mode and started to power down for recharge.

He went over the conversations he had had with the humans one last time. He then shifted his tires into a more comfortable position as he started to drift off, but managed to get out one line before he shut down for the night.

"Humans talk too much…"

A yellow Lamborghini cruised down the highway, easily maneuvering through the morning traffic at double the speed limit. The police had showed up and tried to stop him once, but after seeing the Autobot-ensign covering his front, they let him go.

He had been driving for almost half an hour now. After being seen off by the two humans he had been staying with, he had thanked them in his own way, resulting in a "sure, whatever," when the sparkling had asked if he would come back someday. If anyone else had asked, they would had ended up with a dead-panned "no" and maybe some new tire marks on the road as he rushed to get out of there. So he'd say he had been pretty nice with them.

Despite the rough road and the long drive, Sunstreaker had managed to cut the travelling time in half. Pulling off the highway, the Lamborghini continued to drive a little while longer until he came to a small town and slowed down as he checked his GPS once more. He pulled over as he came to the outer side of the town where a big area had been set up, a metal fence rounding the place that was filled with the kind of tree that was used at this time of year.

Sunstreaker entered the compound through a opened gate and drove for about a hundred feet ahead, then stopped by the little shed that had been set up in the middle of the area. A lone human male was sitting on a wooden box with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand as he looked up from the paper he was reading as the sport car pulled up in front of him.

The man folded his paper and sat down his cup at a small table beside him as he stood up and took a step toward the car with a gentle smile. "Hello there, how may I help you this fine Christmas day?"

The human had only a few seconds to look at the Autobot symbol on the car and realize what the car probably wasn't a car, before the car started splitting apart as Sunstreaker transformed back into robot mode. The mech stretched to his fill height as he looked down at the baffled human that had taken a couple of steps back.

"Are you the human that is selling Christmas trees?" Sunstreaker questioned in an even voice, causing the man to reel back into reality. He put his hand on the side of his head, as he shifted his hat slightly and gazed unsure up at the robot. "Uh yeah, that's me."

"So, what can I do for you, Mr. Autobot?" the man collected himself and asked Sunstreaker, still a bit uncertain. It was his first time meeting one of the robots that had shown up couple of year ago, so no one could really blame him for being a little nervous.

Sunstreaker opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted as the air suddenly shifted only a few feet to his left before a new robot materialized out of thin air, looming over the wide eyed human.

"You there! Human!" Skywarp pointed out a servo to the salesman, taking a quick peek over the organic to check if he had come to the right place, grinning as he saw the trees around them. "Finally I managed to transport to the right coordinates", the seeker commented to himself before turning his attention back to the human.

"I require one of your trees. Possibly the biggest and greenest you have. Only the best is good enough." The Desepticon placed his order as he crossed his arms over his cockpit. The human stared back up at him for a few seconds, turning his gaze to his right and back again, then repeat.

"I don't have all day, and what the frag are you staring at?" Skywarp then turned his head to his right with an annoyed expression, but his face quickly fell as he came face to face with the Autobot's yellow frontliner. The seekers hands fell back to his side as red and blue optics looked on each other, both soldiers staring at the other.

The only human present gazed worriedly between the two robots, praying that they wouldn't start fighting right there. Many of his trees had a great chance of getting smashed in a giant robot fight, if it should break out.

"What the slag are you doing here?" Sunstreaker suddenly spoke up with a rather annoyed expression on his face.

"What? Didn't you hear me earlier, Autobot? I'm getting a Christmas tree", Skywarp taunted as he fixed him a glare. "What are you doing here? I picked this location specifically because it was far away from the Autobot base or your patrol routs, so how come I end up right next to one of you?"

Sunstreaker swiftly avoided the question and gave the seeker a distrusting look. "Why in the name of Cybertron would a 'Con need a Christmas tree?"

The seeker crossed his arms as he looked slightly away with an irritated scowl. "That's because it's Christmas. This is the second tree I had to get. Starscream incinerated the first one with his null-rays." Sunstreaker gave the jet a suspicious glare. "So, you are saying that the Decepticons are joining in with the human holidays now?"

Skywarp turned to the ground-pounder with a pleased grin. "Yeah, took a little- okay, a lot of convincing, blackmailing and bribing on my part, but I finally managed to get Megatron to agree."

Sunstreaker gave him a glare, also crossing his arms. "That still doesn't explain why you are doing it." The mech was answered with a raised optic ridge and a look that clearly stated 'you are joking, right?'

"You surely know about that human that goes around and give away free stuff right?"

Sunstreaker couldn't stop himself as his servo flew up and face-palmed himself with a distressed sound escaping his localizer. Even the Decepticons knew about Santa Clause, and they equally believed in the guy. Well, Skywarp did, but he had always been a bit dumb. The rest of the fraction probably had better functioning CPUs than the seeker… probably.

The Autobot peeked out between his fingers to see Skywarp staring at him, so he gave a small sigh before letting the hand fall back down.

"Hey", the black and purple seeker called. "This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but why haven't you attacked me yet?" Skywarp fixed Sunstreaker with a puzzled gaze, tilting his head slightly to the side. The yellow mech stared back at him, wondering the exact same thing.

Normally the frontliner would have tackled the seeker once he had shown up, but Sunstreaker hadn't done so. He wasn't sure as to why, but as the mech thought about it, he came up with an answer, even if it was pretty weak. "The same reason you haven't attacked me yet."

The two cybertronians went into another staring match, but eventually Skywarp shrugged, accepting the answer. "Didn't come looking for Autobots to scrap today, so I guess I just don't feel like it. So, temporary truce until this Christmas thing is over?"

Sunstreaker thought over the offer for a second, and then nodded. He couldn't actually trust a 'Con to keep an agreement, so he'd have to keep his guard up.

"Great! Now, back to the reason I came all the way here for", Skywarp spoke up and turned back to the human who had been quietly watching till that point. He shifted slightly under the red eyes that were shining down on him, hoping the Decepticon wouldn't try anything with an Autobot only a couple of feet away.

The man cleared his throat before focusing back up on the Decepticon, casting sideways glances to the yellow Autobot to make sure the mech didn't bolt and leave the human alone with the hostile robot. "Um, I do have a few big trees left, but they are a bit expensive." This earned him two sets of intense stares from the two Aliens.

"What? You expect me to pay?" Skywarp exclaimed in shock, before he cast a quick look over to Sunstreaker who continued to stare at the human. "I also need one of your trees, but I don't have any earth currency." The Bot paused as he made a gesture toward the jet. "And the Con doesn't have any either."

The human lifted his hand to the back of his neck with a slightly troubled expression, looking from the two robots and over to the surrounding trees, trying to think of a solution. An idea hit him and he turned back to the Aliens with a small smile. "How about this: I'll give each of you one of my finest trees, and in exchange, you two need to come back here on New Year's Eve with lots of fireworks for the town's people."

The man paused, and then added "Without firing it on anyone or anything."

Skywarp's expression had brightened at the suggestion, but he fell into a pout when the last part had been added. Disappointed at the idea of not getting to blow anything up, the Con was about to refuse, but one more look over to the trees silenced him.

"Fine", Sunstreaker spoke up, agreeing to the deal. He had seen the stock of explosives Sideswipe had hidden away in a closet in their quarter, and he probably wouldn't notice if a couple of them went missing.

"You drive a tough bargain, fleshy", Skywarp stated as he narrowed his optics, glaring down at the human. "But I accept."

The man let out a released breath before he smiled up at them, "Thanks, there have been problems with getting fireworks this year. Glad you are willing to help out."

Sunstreaker shifted slightly before he walked forward and past the human, looking around for a tree that would fit inside the arc, but at the same time not be too small. He strode between the green surroundings, his scanners online while he searched. Skywarp was doing the same thing a short distance away. It was troubling for the two warriors to ignore the fact that their enemy for millions years was right there, and they didn't feel any urgent need to strike each other. They wanted to, sure. But this one time, they let it be.

The yellow bot stopped in front of a fairly decent tree, slightly taller than himself and a dark green color that gave it a fresh image. Sunstreaker looked back to the human who was worriedly watching Skywarp in case he should knock something over with the wings on his back. "Hey! I want this one." The human snapped his attention toward the Lamborghini transformer, and then marched over to him while looking at the tree the mech was now staring at.

"Ah yes, good choice", the human agreed and gave the mech a look. "So, how are you going to-"

The man didn't get to finish his sentence before Sunstreaker had knelt down and yanked out the restrains that had been holding the tree up. Before it could tilt more than a couple of feet, Sunstreaker caught it with one hand. He stood back up before lifting the piece of wood and hefted it up on his shoulder, balancing it as he turned and caught the astonished look the human was giving him.

Sunstreaker grinned at the attention, and then walked back to the small human hut. A few second after Skywarp appeared at his side with a smirk while holding onto a tree that was a couple of feet taller than the one Sunstreaker had found.

The two of them sent each other hostile glares until the human jogged over to them. "Hope you like your trees." Sunstreaker and Skywarp glanced down at the human who offered them a smile. "I wish you both a merry Christmas. Hopefully I'll see you in a couple of days, so I'll wish you a happy new year then."

Sunstreaker simply nodded before he turned around and marched toward the exit with the tree placed against his shoulder.

Skywarp turned and watched the Autobot, wondering how he had planned to get the tree back to his base. It was a long way with a tree which the jet had no idea how he would carry. The seeker shook his head as an irritable idea made itself known. 'I will not ask, I will not ask, I will not-'

"Hey, do you want me to drop that off near your base?"

Sunstreaker halted and slowly turned to stare suspiciously at the 'Con. Skywarp sent back an annoyed look. "What are you plotting?" the yellow mech asked, not trusting the flyer an inch.

Skywarp huffed and looked away with a pout, making him seem like a kid in denial. "Fine, don't trust me. I just thought I'd ask." A new voice spoke up, making the two look over to it.

"Well, I'll be damned. The Christmas spirit even found its way into a Decepticon."

The two mechs stared at the human who was scratching his head, his eyes wide in wonder. "What?" Skywarp asked, confused. The man grinned up at him. "Christmas is a special time of year where people start care more about each other, and offers a helping hand to those that need it. I just didn't know that you guys would be affected with this."

Skywarp looked positively disgusted by the comment, but Sunstreaker continued to stare at the human, thinking back to the conversation he had had with the female earthling the evening before. His processor started working as an idea presented itself. He walked back toward Skywarp and handed him the tree, making the seeker blink in confusion. Hadn't the Autobot been about to turn his offer down a couple of astro-seconds ago?

Sunstreaker quickly transferred some numbers to Skywarp and stepped away before transforming into his alt mode, revving his engine once. "Get the tree to those coordinates. I'll pick it up later."

Skywarp stared bewildered at the bright yellow car, and couldn't help but ask: "Where are you going?"

"I have some things I need to pick up before I can go back to base", Sunstreaker vaguely explained right before hitting the gas, his tires spinning for a few seconds before finding a solid hold. The Lamborghini darted off with a dust of loose snow following his trail, leaving the confused Decepticon behind as he drove out of the town and found his way back to the hallway.

The car darted around the traffic at a speed that not even the fastest sport scars could achieve, easily maneuvering between vehicles while he was searching through his CPU for a com link frequency his twin had given him once. He had never really thought he would ever use it, but was now glad he had bothered keeping up.

"Swindle, this is Sunstreaker. Respond."

'Sunstreaker? This isn't about the jet fuel I sold your brother, is it? Because I clearly told him to read the manual I gave him.'

The yellow Lamborghini would have face palmed himself if he had been in robot mode. All the things Sideswipe came up with! And what the frag was he even going to use the fuel for.

"No, this isn't about my stupid brother. There is some stuff I need to get my hands on."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Sunstreaker was beginning to wonder if the dealer had hung up.

'Ah, that won't be a problem at all, just name the items you acquire and then we can discuss the price. Since this is our first trade of services, I'm willing to lower the price.'

"I need these things by the end of the day."

There was a new pause, making the frontliner grumble as his impatience grew.

'There might be a problem if the wares are hard to get. Also, the price will go up.'

"That won't be a problem."

'Good to hear. Now, what is it that you need?'

Bluestreak dragged his feet along the floor of the arc as he made his way through the hallway. His sulky mood was easy to spot as Bumblebee stepped out from his room. The two of them stopped up and regarded each other for a moment before the gunner started on his way again, never uttering a word, something which could easily mean the end of the world. A silent Bluestreak was simply not right.

Still, Bumblebee didn't comment on it as he joined the mech as they made their way toward the rec. room.

It was quiet at the Autobot base in the early morning hours; the only mechs still up and around was either on duty or had some other business to attend to. Bluestreak himself had just gotten off patrol duty with Hound, and was now tired and dirty after the drive. His optics was a tad dull as the gunner lifted his head to spot the doors leading into their destination. The mech let out a heavy sigh before directing his gaze back to his feet.

Optimus had been informed of the problem and had tried to require a new Christmas tree for his soldiers, but the humans he had gotten in contact with had told him that there was a shortage of trees this year. In the end, the Autobots had failed to get a replacement in time, and Christmas morning was now right around the corner.

Bluestreak came to a stop in front of the door, but didn't make a move to open it. Bumblebee glanced up at him with pity, even though he himself felt almost as disappointed and depressed as the gunner. He lifted a servo and placed a reassuring pat on the mechs forearm, seeing as he couldn't reach his shoulder.

The gunner glanced down and gave the minibot a thankful glance before turning back to the door and opened it, stepping into the room… only to stop mid-step and jerk back, taking Bumblebee by surprise as the gunner lost his balance and fell onto the minibot. Bumblebee struggled under the bot for a minute before he managed to free himself and crawl away from the mech, giving him a worried look. "Bluestreak, what happened? What's wrong?"

Bluestreak continued to sit there, his optics wide as he stared into the room in shock and wonder. Bumblebee watched him for a moment longer before turning his head to look at what it was the gunner was so taken back by. The minibot soon ended up in the same state as he too stared wide eyed into the room.

Where the previous broken tree had laid, now stood a new Christmas tree, tall and bright colored. It was covered with new light cords, multicolored Christmas decoration and a big bright star at the top. Beneath the tree lay a mountain of presents in many different, but each equally bright wrapping papers .The size varied, but each one of them had a bow knit around it, holding a piece of paper that told each mech's name.

Bluestreak and Bumblebee continued to stare dumbly at the sight before them for several minutes, their processors working at full capacity as they tried to figure out if what they were seeing was real or not.

Bluestreak continued to stare at the sight as a smile slowly crept across his lips. He jumped back up on his feet, and a new found energy buzzed around the mech as he gave Bumblebee the happiest look he could offer. "Bumblebee! Look, we have a new tree! And presents! We must hurry and tell the others!"

The poor minibot only managed to gather what the gunner had said before he had run off down the hall, shouting at the top of his localizer for everyone to get up. Bumblebee stared down the hallway for another minute, then pushed himself back up and took a few trying steps into the room. He waited for it to fade out like a hologram, but it stayed solid as he came to a stop a few feet in front of it.

The mech continued to stare at the tree as Autobots, woken by a pestering Bluestreak, started to appear in the doorway, pausing briefly before they made their way further into the room. All of them stared and expressed their surprise as they took in the good as new decoration. No, it was probably better than the last one.

Bluestreak came back a few minutes later, having gathered all the Autobots. Prime and Prowl walked in together and took in the surroundings in amazement, both of them casting a questionable gaze at each other, asking if it was the other who had fixed this set up. The two shook their heads at each other as a negative, and then sent their optics back to the Christmas tree in wonder.

Bluestreak skipped to the front of the crowd and raised a servo up in the air to draw their attention before he chose to speak.

"Ahem, as you all see, we have gotten a new tree. I happen to have a pretty god idea of who did this." The Autobots in the room stilled as Bluestreak gazed across them, pausing for dramatic effect. His gaze drifted past Sideswipe who stood by the wall with Sunstreaker at his side, leaning back against the wall with a tired look on his face.

The gunner paid them little attention as he moved on, missing Sunstreaker cringing once Bluestreak had declared he knew the truth.

Bluestreak nodded for himself once all eyes were on him, he opened his mouth. "It was Santa Claus."

There was complete silence for a moment before some bots started to mumble something to each other, as well as a few snickers which Bluestreak chose to politely ignore. Instead he half turned and gestured to the presents behind him. "He must have given it us when he realized we didn't have a tree he could put our gifts under."

The bots went quiet again before Bumblebee chose to speak up. "There are presents for everyone here, come here and find yours!"

A couple of bots walked over to the tree and glanced around, looking for a package with their name on it. The rest slowly followed as they found their own present. Optimus and Ironhide hung back as they watched their soldiers shift around in the room. Prowl had been with them a moment before, but was forced to move over there as Sideswipe pushed him forward, claiming that he had to join in if he didn't want the red twin to take the gift for himself.

The two officers continued to stand outside of the crowd until Jazz called out to them. "Hey guys! Come check it out, there is this huge present for the both of you."

Prime and Ironhide cast each other a unsure look, but decided that they had better get a move on, before Jazz decided to take matters into his own hands and either drag them over or push the package over to them.

The two of them stopped in front of a gift that was about half of Optimus' full height and equally wide. Jazz stood beside it and grinned at the two of them as they stopped by it.

"So… how a' we s'posed to open it?" Ironhide asked, slightly annoyed by this whole set-up.

It soon became appeared that this dilemma wouldn't be a problem as the top was pushed up and Ironhide suddenly found an energy cannon only inches from his face. "Don't move. We are hereby declaring this our temporary residence for the holiday. Any objections to us taking over will have to deal with me."

All the mechs in the room had stopped what they were doing, now focusing on the possible threat.

Ironhide blinked in shock as he stared down the barrel of the gun, and then moved his gaze over to its owner. As his optics registered the blue paintjob and the smirk directed at him. "… Chromia?" the weapon specialist asked dumbly, making the corners of the femme's lips to draw up even further.

"Do you comply with our demands, or do we have to start taking hostages?" another voice asked, making Ironhide look over to where Optimus stood with a different gun pointed at his spark. Elita One couldn't help but grin at the shocked expressions around the room, but the way Optimus was staring at her made her want to fall into hysterics.

Optimus continued to stare at the pink femme for a few moments longer before he managed to find his vocalizer. "H-how did you two get here?"

Elita was about to answer, but her second in command beat her to it. "A strange human dressed in red brought us here. We got to ride in this strange hover craft that was drawn by some four-legged organics with horns", Chromia explained, sounding like she had been waiting for them to ask so that she could tell them.

There was a new set of silence before Elite tapped her gun against Optimus' chest. "Well? Do you comply?" The Prime tilted his head slightly in a caring gesture, smiling beneath his faceplate. "We comply. You may stay here as long as you see fit."

Chromia wasted no time with drawing back her gun as she grabbed the edge of the box and used it as she threw herself over the wall, throwing her arms around Ironhide as she looked up at him as their optics locked on each other. "You miss me?"

Ironhide chuckled as he offered her a grin and held his arms around her, "More that you can guess."

Optimus held out a servo to his spark mate to help her out of the box, which she gladly took and jumped out of her previous entrapment. The two of them gazed affectionately at each other for a moment before they moved closer, Elita leaning up and giving Optimus a quick kiss.

"Get a room, you two!" came Sideswipes off-hand comment before he was suddenly hit across his helm with the new wrench Ratchet had gotten as a present.

"Hmm, not bad", the medic commented as he moved to pick up his new equipment from beside Sideswipes place on the floor.

Bluestreak had much fun moving around, checking on all the fun stuff all the Autobots had gotten, and he soon came face to face with Prowl who was holding out a small present with a couple of small holes in it. "This one is addressed to you", the second in command told the gunner, which took the gift offered to him.

The mech carefully moved a servo to unwrap the paper, afraid that it would break if he weren't wary. Bluestreak stared at the small wooden box that had surfaced for a moment before locating a small door. He lifted his hand again and grabbed the handle, pausing to cast a look at Prowl who was patiently watching him. The gunner turned his attention back to the box and opened it.


Bluestreak jumped at the sound, gawking down into the small opening as a furry head poked up. Big green eyes stared back up at the gunner in curiosity, as blue optics staring back in wonder.

"Bluestreak?" Prowl called the gunner as the mech seemed to have short-circuited his processor, but luckily wasn't the case as he turned to the SIC with big bright optics and the most brilliant smile the tactician had ever seen.

"I got a Kitten!" Bluestreak shouted in glee as he danced around with the cat held safely in his arms. Autobots were quickly moving away, not wishing to be run over by the overexcited mech.

Sunstreaker, who had been standing at his previous spot near the wall while watching the others bots move about, now pushed himself off the wall and started making his way toward the door. Bluestreak, having seen the yellow warrior, stopped in his salsa with the feline.

The gunner quickly looked around under the tree looking for a present addressed to the frontliner, distressed when he didn't find any. He was about to ask Mirage if he had seen any gifts addressed to him, but paused as he spotted something a little further up. Bluestreak cradled the white and gray kitten near his Spark as he stepped closer to the tree and reached out a hand, grabbing a small white envelope that had been parked on one of the branches.

Sunstreaker had opened the door and was about to step out when Bluestreak called out to him, and he could hear the mech jog over to him. The warrior gave a tired sigh before turning back around, facing the gunner as he reached out a hand with something in it. "This is for you. I found it in the tree, well, more like on the tree, but you know what I mean. It just says 'to Sunstreaker'. I don't know who it's from, but whoever it is has really nice handwriting. By the way, did you know that-"

Bluestreak was back to his talkative self, but Sunstreaker didn't pay too much attention to him. He was more focused on the piece of paper his hand. The warrior stared confused at the letter for a few moments before taking it from Bluestreak, then turned back to the open door and took a step forward.

Sunstreaker paused and half turned to watch as the gunner slowly walked back toward the rest of the crew of the arc. "Hey, Bluestreak!"

The gunner turned and gazed at the warrior puzzled with why he had been called out. Sunstreaker seemed to hesitate for a moment before gave a small grin and turned, lifting a hand as a wave, and walked out of the room. "Merry Christmas." Then the door closed, leaving a baffled Bluestreak behind.

Sideswipe, who had been watching the exchange, grinned for himself as he grabbed his unwrapped gift and ran past Bluestreak, "And happy new year!", the red mech added for his brother before sneaking out of the room after his brother.

Sunstreaker stared down at the letter in his hand, his name spelled out in smooth golden letters across the front. He made a quick stroll through the empty halls, ending up in his and Sideswipe's quarters. The mech ventured over to his berth and sat down on it, slumping tiredly back against the wall while holding the envelope in front of him.

Blue optics moved over to the door as it opened, and a merry Sideswipe walked inside with a data pad in his hands, throwing himself down beside his brother. The two of them sat in a calm silence for a while before Sideswipe turned his head and gave his twin a smirk. "Thanks for the present, bro." Sunstreaker looked up at his brother, who was now holding up the data pad, displaying the title; '1001 Pranks'.

The yellow warrior was about to feign ignorance and deny the claim, but thought of it to be useless lying to a mech that had been at his side for millions of years. Sunstreaker turned his gaze away, "Don't mention it…", the mech frowned and cast a puzzled look at his brother. "How did you figure out it was me?"

Sideswipe grinned and moved closer, leaning slightly against his brother (who was too drained of energy to complain) before answering.

"Well, for one, you showed up here only a few minutes before Bluestreak ran around waking us up. Not to mention how tired you are after setting up all that stuff within a few hours. You were also the only one in the room who didn't seem either surprised or interested at the magic trick. And last but not least; I just knew."

Sunstreaker stared down at the letter his hand as his brother talked, turning the piece of paper from time to time. Sideswipe noticed the action and fixed his gaze down at the envelope. "But I'm guessing that you weren't the one who put that on the tree." Sunstreaker nodded, and Sideswipe cast a glance around their room, before landing on the present he had gotten.

"Sorry, I haven't got a gift to give you back. It must suck to be the only one in the arch who didn't get a present."

Sunstreaker stopped in his fumbling with the letter and looked up as he remembered something that had gotten lost in his memory banks with all the distractions he had had the previous day. The mech put the envelope aside as he opened his sub space pocket and pulled out the small gift he had gotten from the human sparkling.

Sideswipe closely watched his brother as he unwrapped the present, amusement as well as a bit of puzzling expression on his face plate, as the twins stared down at the small cloth angel Sunstreaker held in his hand. The small doll was dressed in a white outfit and a set of matching wings on its back, a steel wired halo was set up around the head. Yellow thread had been used to make short blonde hair and a smile had been put on the face with a permanent marker.

It was obviously home made, and while not perfect, it was still a pretty well made angel… for a child at least.

Sunstreaker felt a tug at his lips as he let a faint smile escape his features, shifting the angel in his hands and held it up by a small string that had been put at the back of its neck. He let it dangle slightly from side to side for a while, watching it in a peaceful manner. Sunstreaker would probably have fallen into recharge right there, hadn't been for Sideswipe choosing that moment to ask the question that had been bugging the both of them.

"Who do you think it was that gave you the letter?"

Sunstreaker blinked and rebooted his optics a few times before turning to watch the envelope that was lying on the berth at his side. He but the cloth angel down at his thigh, then took the letter addressed to him, studying it for a moment before opening it and pulling out the note from inside. Sideswipe leaned in closer as the both of them started to read.

Dear Autobot Sunstreaker.

I write this to you, as a way for me to show you how grateful I am for your actions in these past few days. Your efforts have been noticed, and I am happy you have learned to take, at least a little bit of responsibility for your faults, and accordingly corrected them. You have also helped making my job a little easier this year, so I send you my thanks. I hope you continue to enjoy what Christmas may offer you and your family.

Also, please send my regards to your brother and tell him, that even though I received his letter, I was unable to get my hands on any of the rockets he wanted. Nor did I wish to give him something that had a high probability of destroying your base and hurt your crew.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

-Santa Claus.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe stared at the signature at the bottom of the page, neither of them moving an inch as they sat there in the half lit room. The red mech narrowed his optics as he focused on the paper, and then nudged his brother lightly. "Sunny, there is something written at the back."

The frontliner blinked before turning the paper, reading the last lines before Sideswipe could move in to look. Sunstreaker quickly stood up and put the letter down on the berth as he checked his internal clock. "I can still make it…" the mech muttered more to himself than his twin, but Sideswipe had heard it.

"Sides', I need to go fix something. I'll be back in a few hours" the mech roughly explained before his brother had a chance to ask. Two seconds later, Sunstreaker was out the door, half running toward the rec. room to find Skyfire.

Sideswipe continued to stare at the closed door for a few moments, then reached out and took the dismissed paper, holding it up as he started to read the last few lines.

Ps. there is one last favor I must ask of you-

Alexandra sat up straight in her bed, staring sleepily at the clock on her bedside. The numbers glowed in the half darkened room, showing the time; 08:12 a.m.

The child blinked a couple of times before slowly crawling out of bed. She walked over to the window and dragged aside the curtains, gaining access to the winter wonderland on display outside of her house. It was Christmas morning. Once the realization hit, the child brightened and darted out of the room, running down the hallway before stopping in front of her parent's room, opening the door as she peeked inside the room.

Only one human being lay sleeping in the big bed, reminding the girl that her father had failed to return home from his trip in time for Christmas.

The girl slowly closed the door and then started making her way toward the door that would lead into their living room. Alexandra unhurriedly walked over to the white door, reaching for the handle before pulling it down. She paused for a moment before she began to open the door. The girl peeked her head into the room where the Christmas tree stood with presents underneath.

It took a few minutes before the girl stepped into the room, turning her head around to check if there was anyone else in there, but she was alone. Her gaze paused at the table beside the fireplace, where there stood an empty glass and a tray with a few crumbs spread across it.

The child cast another look around the room before giving a sigh and walked over to the tree, kneeling down as she reached out and grabbed one of the presents that were addressed to her. She reached for the bow on top, about to pull it off when she suddenly heard a sound coming from the front door.

Alexandra quickly put the gift back down and stood up, dashing over to the hall, stopping short when the door came within view. The white door made a clicking sound as the lock was undone and opened up shortly after, revealing a middle-aged man dressed in a black coat, dragging a suitcase behind him as he stepped inside the house.

"Daddy!" The man looked up, startled as he suddenly was tackled by the girl, throwing her arms around his waist in a tight hug. "You made it! You made it in time to open presents with me, just like you promised!"

The man smiled warmly at the child as he put his arms around her. "What is going on?" a sleepy voice asked as Leila stepped in line of sight with a dressing gown hung around her. Her hazy mind soon cleared as she spotted her husband and she quickly stepped over to him and gave him a tight bear-hug. The woman had to let go when her daughter started complaining that she was getting squished between her parents.

"How in the world did you get here so fast? Weren't all the flights cancelled?" Leila questioned in shock, not expecting her husband this early.

"They were, and they still are", the man offered with a smile. "But then I suddenly got my own private flight. And I even got to ride in a Lamborghini of all things."

The two females froze and shared a knowing look before they redirected their eyes to look out the open doorway. Alexandra hurriedly jumped into her winter boots as she spotted the familiar yellow sport car pull out from the sidewalk, about to leave down the road. The girl ran out the door in only her light blue pajamas covered in penguins as she rushed out of the driveway and after the car.

"Wait! Sunstreaker, wait!"

The Lamborghini seemed to have heard her as he slowed down and came to a stop. The child hurried up to him and didn't stop before she was right in front of the grill, breathing heavily as she stared at the windshield. She blinked as she noticed a familiar cloth angel hanging from the rear-view mirror inside the car.

Sunstreaker was about to ask what it was she wanted, but didn't get a chance as she suddenly threw herself onto his hood, hugging his car mode with a beaming smile on her face. "Thank you for bringing my dad home!"

The Lamborghini rumbled slightly at the unwanted contact, but was too tired to give any further protest. "Yeah, sure. Merry Christmas, kid."

Alexandra grinned and suddenly planted a quick kiss on his hood before jumping away. Sunstreaker reeled back in surprise and disgust. "Agh! Don't ever do that again!" The child only gave him an innocent look before she darted back to her house where her parents stood in the doorway, waiting for her.

The family waved at the Autobot as he started to drive down the street again, driving away from the neighborhood. Sunstreaker traveled out of the suburbs to where Skyfire stood waiting. On the ride back to base, Sunstreaker longed for his berth where he would be for the next few days in recharge.

The exhausted Autobot ignored all mechs he passed in the halls through the arc, only stopping once he stood in front of the door to his room. He went inside, taking notice of the fact that it was now empty. Sideswipe must have been somewhere else, bothering other residents of the Arc.

Sunstreaker lay down on his recharge berth, off lining his optics first, and then started shutting down other programs. He was about to go fully into recharge when suddenly an explosion rocked the base. The yellow frontliner groaned before he sat back up and marched over to the door poking his head out to check what it was.

"You mixed jet fuel with motor oil? Just how fragged up is that glitching processor of yours?" Ratchet's voice boomed through the halls, making Sunstreaker face palm himself as he realized who the medic was yelling at. And true enough, only seconds later, Sideswipe darted down the hallway with a furious Ratchet behind him.

The red mech was suddenly pulled out of the hall and into a dark room once he rounded a corner, the door closing behind him. He could hear the medbot run past the room, shouting threats directed at the warrior all the while.

Sideswipe looked up at Sunstreaker who was still holding onto him. The yellow twin suddenly dragged Sideswipe over to his berth and threw himself down on it, then climbed onto it. It was a tight fit, but the two mechs managed to make enough room to lie there without either of them falling off.

"Sleep", Sunstreaker simply stated, leaving no room for argument as he started to shut down his systems for recharge again, listening to the sound of his twin's spark humming in his chest, filling the warrior with a peaceful serenity.

"Hey, Sunny?" Sideswipe quietly whispered from tight beside his brother.


"Merry Christmas."

Sunstreaker let a small smile cross his faceplates before shutting down the rest of his systems. "Merry Christmas, Sideswipe."

The end.

Well, this have been fun :D I'll see if I feel up to write more Transformers stories later on. But right now i need to get back to my abandoned Predator story XD

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Chapter 2: Christmas tree.