![]() Author has written 43 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Transformers/Beast Wars, 9, and Portal. Name: Mitsuki-chan Age: 15 Favorite Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, SonicX, K-ON!, Lucky Star, Wipeout, I survived a Japanese Game Show, AFV, Hikaru No Go, CLAMP School Detectives, Transformers: Animated, Monk, Azumanga Daioh, The Amazing Race, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Ace of Cakes, Pysch, Phineas and Ferb, Whose Line is it Anyways?, So Ra No Wo To Favorite Movies: Star Trek (2009), WALL-E, 9, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, Grave of the Fireflies, The Cat Returns, Whisper of the Heart, Ponyo, National Treasure, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Ultimate Gift, Ratatouille, Kung Fu Panda, Transformers, Hoodwinked, Emporer's New Groove, Thr3e, Chronicles of Narnia, The Patriot, Monsters Inc, Star Wars, Indiana Jones Series, Only Yesterday, Iron Man, Harry Potter Series, My Neighbors the Yamadas Favorite Manga: Yotsuba&, Mink, Kaitou Saint Tail, Dream Saga, Hikaru No Go, Angelic Layer, CLAMP School Detectives, Kitchen Princess, Azumanga Daioh Favorite Games: Pokemon games, Harvest Moon Games, Sonic Games, Mario Games, Legend of Zelda Games, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty, Drawn to Life, Professor Layton series, Lost in Blue 2, Princess Debut, Portal Fave Characters: Avatar- Ty Lee, Tokyo Mew Mew- Pudding, Pokemon- TEAM ROCKET, Sonic- Shadow/Maria/Marine Ppgz- Miyako, Sailor Moon- ChibiUsa, Yotsuba&- Yotsuba/Fuka/Ena, Tsubasa- Fai, Hikaru No Go- Tsutsui/Akira, Kingdom Hearts- Yuffie, Angelic Layer - Kaide/Blanche/Tamayo, Lucky Star- Tsukasa/Misao/Patty, Di Gi Charat- Piyoko, CLAMP School Detectives - Nokoru/Akira/Utako, Transformers Animated - TOO MANY! But I will list Blurr, Jettwins, Cliffjumper, Prowl, Starscream, Swindle, Wreck-Gar, Blitzwing, K-ON! - Yui/Azu-nyan/Mio, Azumanga Daioh - Osaka/Tomo/Sakaki/Yukari-sensei, Layton - Layton XD, 9 - 3 & 4, 6, 5, 2, Vocaloid - Kagamine Twins/Luka/Gumi/Miki/Yuki, Utauloid - Teto/Fuuga/Sekka/Mako, Portal - GLaDOS/Companion Cube, So Ra No Wo To - Kureha/Noel Music: Superchick, Newsboys, Group1Crew, Skillet, tobyMAC, Ayumi Hamasaki, Family Force 5, Perfume, Hawk Nelson, Davidcrowderband, Josh Groban, Vocaloid, Owl City, Joe Hisaishi Religion: Christian Alias(s): Shiaichigo and Tyleechan on Youtube, TyLeeChan on Deviantart A bit about me: I'm pretty much the ultimate fangirl. And that isn't always a good thing...But I'm real creative so I put my fangirlness to good use by writing and drawing and roleplaying XDD I'm hyper and crazy but I can control myself and can actually be a voice of reason (when I want to be XD). I consider myself rather intelligent, though I'm a ditz when it comes to normal stuff (I can put a shirt on and five minutes later when someone comments about what I'm wearing I have to look down)and I'm a bit of a klutz (I run into walls in my own house and seriously hurt myself. And my phone if it is in my pocket...). So I don't come across as smart. I plan to be either a mangaka or a voice actor as an occupation, but neither is likely to get much money. So more or less I plan to marry a doctor or a lawyer or something XD. I loathe people who think that certain shows (i.e. Sonic, Transformers, Avatar) are either kiddish or for guys. Girls are capable of liking as much stuff as guys are. In fact, I think I like those a LOT more than the average guy. So there. Updates (Newest in bold): 7/5/10 - In Denver. About to go to the mountains and may possibly not have internet connection D: I'm going to write the rest of Saving Kyoshi while I'm there or at least rough drafts of those so they won't be a burden while I work on SGN, which I will start on as soon as I get the Allspark Almanac 2. I'm uber tempted to start it now, but I want it to be as canon and accurate as possible, so I'm waiting. Also have a possible summary written down in the section dedicated to it, so please check it out and see if it sounds good. I'm horrible at writing summaries FAVORITE SHIPPINGS!! Avatar- Ty Lokka- It's just cute, okay? And it WORKS!! Tokka- Cute too, though it won't happen XD Sokki- Meh. I like it okay. Not as fluffy as Ty Lokka Ty Laru- :D I do adore this shipping. Maiko- Yeah. I'm anti-Zutara. Go figure. Kataang- Meh, I'm not like a fangirl or nothing, but its okay Sonic- Knouge- XD I love how Knuckles is in denial Sonamy- To deny Amy her love is to deny the world Silvase- Its cute, even though its kinda MEGA DOOMED Vocaloid (Not an anime/manga/game, but I still ship!!) - MikuxMaster -It's kinda onesided, but I still ship it. MeikoxKaito - Everytime Meiko wacks him for eating ice cream I feel warm and fuzzy on the inside :D LukaxGackt- It just works, okay? I mean, it's amazing how OTP it is RinxMaster- The basis of 'Suki, Daisuki' (I like you, I love you). It's cute, but I like it more onesided from Rin's POV (The master has some wicked attraction) LenxMiki - Their voices compliment each other. I know that is weird, especially since I have yet to hear them sing a song together, but they just do. That and the personalities I believe the have click together perfectly Transformers Animated- BeexSari - Cute XD Although it is more like a friendship, I can see it going romantically inclined since Sari is older. And I love how love defies the barriers of species. RatchetxArcee - The only old couple I've ever supported in my life. But really, every time Ratchet would go on about Arcee my heart would sigh Red Alertx Hot Shot- XD I love relationships where the female is more of the 'man'. Not because I'm sexist/feminist, but I just love how different it is. This is one of those prime examples. NanosecxSlo-Mo - Am I the only other one who ships this? I actually LIKE Slo-Mo's character, and they are totally into eachother. The suggestive dialouge was so obvious. Bulkheadx Glyph - My own shipping XD The first one I ever really made. It's cute and simple. Optimus x Blackarachnia - Optimus is so dedicated, how can you IGNORE IT!? I do think that Sentinel also was in love or at least attracted to her when she was Elita-1. Flareup x Jetfire - Artisan Brown made an EPIC WIN pairing! And Consuelo Higdon writes them so well! RosannaxCliffjumper - Another Artisan Brown classic. How can she just magically put two bots together and make it work? Onesided Red Alertx Perceptor - After reading 'Emotions' again by Consuelo Higdon, I'm starting to like it XD Layton- FloraxLuke 9- 7x9 5x4 - This is only in the case where 4 is a girl. There is this person on dA called littletiger-something or other (I forget XD) who draws them together SO CUTELY! Onesided 5x7 Onesided 6x7 Fanfics I am currently doing and/or plan to do (Updates in italics): Transformers Animated: Shikata Ga Nai - Thinking of a summary. I suck at those. This is what I got so far: 'Drift still doesn’t know why he left the Decepticons to join the Autobots. To train at Yoketron’s dojo. Was this the best decision of his life, or would it lead him down a path he never wanted to go?' Does that sound good? Circle Me, Circle You - Based on the Vocaloid Song 'Kakome, Kakome' by Miku Hatsune and Megurine Luka. Non Sequitur - An alternate ending to my oneshot 'Et Sequitur'. Title is Latin for 'It does not follow', and is also an informal logic fallacy. Memories Come Tumbling Down - Parody of Only Yesterday, only certain flashback scenes I like. BulkheadxGlyph My Neighbors the Autobots - Parody of My Neighbors the Yamadas (HYSTERICAL MOVIE!). Only my favorite scene which is the first section of the movie. WAY Future titles: Prowl of the Valley of the wind - Parody of Nausicaa of the Valley of the wind. Jetstorm is Asbel and Jetfire is Lastelle, but there is NO ProwlxJetstorm like there is NausicaaxAsbel. Its just friendship. Yoketron is Nausicaa's dad. Blackarachnia is Kushana, Starscream is Kurotowa, and Optimus is Lord Yupa, Ultra Magnus is the Mayor of Pedjite. Drift and Tap-Out and maybe Warpath are Mito and those other dudes (Sorry, Goll and Gikkuri. I forgot your names :3). Ninjas are from the Valley of the Wind. Decepticons are Tulmekians (sp?), and members of the Elite Guard are from Pejite. On hold Princess Someone (working title) - Parody of Princess Mononoke. Seriously. I don't know how to do this. I want to, because it was a great movie, one that Miyazaki is most tied to, and it was requested by someones. Whisper of the Spark - Parody of Whisper of the Heart. Glyph as Shizuku, Bulkhead as Seiji. Flareup as Yuko, Jetfire as Sugimara, Ratchet as Nishi-san, Ravage as Moon, Red Alert as Shiho. Optimus so far is the Baron in my mind...which leads up to... The Bot Returns - Parody of The Cat Returns and a sequel of sort to Whisper of the Spark. Blackarachnia is Haru, Optimus is the Baron and that's all I got so far... 9: Ars Artis Gratia - Latin for 'Art for Art's Sake'. Another oneshot about 6 pre-movie. Avatar: Saving Kyoshi- A fic about Ty Lee in the Kyoshi warriors. Sozin's Comet canon. Finishing up finally :D |