I continue! FOR BLURR! Still love the dude. Yeah if you didn't know already yes TFA season three ended about two or three weeks ago and we still have absolutely NO idea what happened to Blurr after he was turned into a cube! What the slag?
It was also confirmed at Botcon that there will be no season four of TFA so again…DARN IT! Maybe if we're lucky TFA will come back as a different show. So anyway I am continuing this because I love my evil Blurr. If the text is in this format it's either a flashback, thought or a dream. If the text is in this format it's either the Autobots/Decepticons talking via or a telephone or a television.
One more thing! This is SPECIFICALLY for Blurr! If the text is in this format bold and italicized that means it's Blurr talking at his crazy fast pace that only a certain number of us can understand. Sound good? Okay cool.
Disclaimer- I don't own ANY characters in this story
Crossable Paths
Chapter 3
He lay there completely still and in pain. A mix of energon and oil oozing out parts of his body. Mainly his chest plate.
He was placed in a cell after mega cycles (Earth hours) of being tested on and examined by some of this worlds Autobot scientists.
They had taken off his helmet at one point and had examined some things in his memory core and processor. He prayed to Primus they hadn't peered to deep into his memory core.
The one thing that Blurr utterly despised and hated was when they had pried open his chest plate. They had ripped it open without a care and had shocked his exposed spark numerous times and had even ripped out some wires that caused energon and oil to come shooting out of him at times. It was like they wanted him to feel the pain and withstand it. Or so if he even could withstand it.
Blurr was starting to think those scientists had a thing against the evil Blurr of this world and were unfortunately taking it out on him.
After those monsters had done some more tests they hadn't bothered to reattach the wires and cords they had ripped apart and out of him. So he continued to leak the mixture of energon and oil. Luckily for Blurr though they did put back on his helmet. He hated not having his helmet on. That was so far the only bright spot of his day.
Though they hadn't ripped or took anything important out of him but what they had taken from him brought him complete and utter pain for the entire night. Right now…Blurr so badly wanted to go offline.
'For the love of Primus…can I just join the Well of All Sparks already?' he kept asking himself. This was like going through the Pit and back.
The young mech flinched as immense pain shot through his chest plate once more. This had been happening on an off since he had put in here. He didn't know why. He ahd barley been moving so it couldn't be because of that. 'Please Primus…just take me now…'
Never in his life had he been tortured so much that he would want to go offline because of the pain.
"We are not seriously going to be rescuing Blurr are we?" the young orange bot asked raising an optic ridge. "He is being a big jerk!"
"It's not the same Blurr." The older mech said with a sigh. This must have been the hundredth time he had to say this. Some times these twins were unbearable.
"How is it not being the same Blurr? You said this mech is looking like Blurr." The blue mech questioned.
"I also said he is from another world. He isn't like the Blurr we know. He's good sparked unlike that ungrateful brat we know." The older mech said as he walked down the halls of the Autobot base with the two youngsters.
"I still am not believing we are saving Blurr of any type." Jetfire said crossing his arms with a frown.
"Shockwave sir-" "SHHHH!" the older mech said glaring at the two. He looked around the hall. He sighed in relief. No one was around so no one had heard his real name being spoken.
The older mech turned back to the two younglings "I told you not to call me that here! It was alright outside but not in here! In here I am Longarm Prime! Understand?"
The two younglings nodded "Sorry Longarm Prime sir." The two said looking down with frowns printed on their face plates. Longarm just sighed. "What were you about to ask?" the older mech questioned as they continued walking.
"We were going to be asking how we are getting this 'good' Blurr out of here to Decepticon base." Jetstorm said.
"At the moment he is in a cell. Perceptor didn't want to keep him in the science bay so he moved him to the brig. Probably so he wouldn't have a berth to recharge on." Longarm said shaking his head in disgust. Those science bots were taking all their hatred out on this other world Blurr for what the Blurr they knew had done to them. It was pathetic.
They were only picking on this 'good' Blurr because they had him weakened. Something they could never do to their worlds Blurr.
"That still is not answering question." Jetstorm said raising an optic ridge. "If you'd let me finish." Longarm said in an annoyed tone. "I was going to say that since he is in a cell I can get access to his cell and possibly get him out of there. I just need to find a way to sneak him out."
"How do you plan on doing that Longarm Prime sir?" the twins asked. Longarm stayed silent for a few nano-clicks as he tried to think. A grin then grew on his face plate "I know the perfect way."
"Longarm Prime sir. What are you doing down here?" the red and grey mech asked raising an optic ridge in confusion. His superior rarely came down to the brig.
"Just came to see a prisoner Agent Cliffjumper." Longarm stated simply. Cliffjumper smiled "You want to see that other Blurr don't ya? Tons of mechs have already been down here bit I couldn't let them in. They weren't high enough in ranks you know?"
Longarm just nodded. This is kind of what he expected. Mechs wants to see this other Blurr just so they could poke fun and insult this Blurr in palce on the other one. It was sad really.
Cliffjumper pressed a button on the control panel that rest in front of him and the metal doors leading to the brig slid open. "Have fun. Take shots at him while ya can before those science nerds offline him with their 'experiments'."
"I'll be sure to do that. Thank you Cliffjumper." Longarm said with a fake smile. He walked into the brig and the doors slid shut behind him. The mech just shook his head. These Autobots were horrible. Was there really a place where they were good?
The mech slowly walked down the hall and peered into every cell. Some cells held offlined Autobots who had tried to treason against the great Lord Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus was the WORST Autobot of all. Hard to believe in another world there was a good him fighting to save Cybertron.
Longarm had to get this 'good' Blurr out of here. Blurr wouldn't survive here much longer. Many mechs hated the 'evil' Blurr because he was basically Ultra Magnus's lap dog and obedient servant.
Most mechs had guessed that Blurr was only pretending to be so loyal so one day he could shoot Magnus in the back and take power. Blur would do anything to get power. He had murdered many mechs and femmes…even sparklings and younglings had been offlined under his power. He was just as horrible as Ultra Magnus. Some wondered if Blurr could be Ultra Magnus's own creation.
But Longarm knew that was just a rumor. He knew who Blurr's real creator was.
He heard footsteps. Probably more of the high ranking Autobots of this universe come to insult him in place of his anti verse self. He didn't mind much. It wasn't like they were aimed towards him. They were aimed towards his anti self.
Blurr tried to move to a sitting position but instantly stopped his efforts as pain shot through him once more. 'I can't take much more of this…'
The young mech soon heard the footsteps stop and looked at the door to his cell. Blurr's optics widened. It was Longarm! Longarm would be his superior in the other verse and his mentor…but here…he was just another evil clone of the mechs he knew from his world.
The young mech narrowed his optics. He hated seeing his mentor as a bad guy. He cared deeply for his mentor. Like a creator figure. But before him stood the evil clone of his mentor. He didn't want to see it but he had no choice.
"I'm not here to hurt you or insult you. I'm here to help." Longarm said staring at the young mech 'Wow this is akward…' he couldn't believe the sight. Even though this wasn't the Blurr he knew it was still Blurr.
The Blurr lye there helpless on the floor. Unable to move or barley speak. This other world Blurr didn't deserve this. He hadn't committed any crimes the 'evil' Blurr had. This was completely and utterly wrong.
The young blue mech raised an optic ridge "H-help…?" he stuttered. Longarm nodded "I'm going to get you out of here and to safety."
"N-no…" Longarm raised an optic ridge at the young mechs response "No?" Longarm repeated.
"E-evil…clone…not…L-Longarm…" Blurr stuttered once more. Longarm could barley make sense out of the mechs sentence.
"I assure you I am not like these Autobots. I am trying to help you. You've been told here that the Autobots and evil and Decepticons are good. I'm a Decepticon." Blurr's optics widened at this. "D-Decep…D-Decep…" he could barely say the word.
If Longarm was a Decepticon spy here? Did that mean so was the Longarm that Blurr knew was a spy too?
"Yes. I am going to get you out of here and get you home. I need to take you back to the Decepticon base first." Blurr tried to protest but couldn't say another word. He was to weak and he felt himself passing out.
Longarm took a quick glance at a nearby camera. Luckily the cameras were only able to look in on bots and not hear what there were saying.
Longarm's back was to the camera. He slowly pulled a device out of his chest plate. There was multiple buttons on the tiny device. The large mech pressed a blue button and grinned as he saw the red light on the camera that meant the camera was recording…go off.
"We don't have much time." Longarm said putting the device back in his chest plate. "The cameras will only be off for a few cycles and with them off the Autobots will rush down here." He explained as he started to transform into his real form.
Blurr's optics widened once more as he looked at Longarm's real form. He stared at the mech…right into the mechs one blue optic. 'Oh Primus…please some one say this is a dream.'
The Decepticon spy pulled out another device and hit a button on the device which opened the door to Blurr's cell. The mech walked in and gently picked up the fallen Autobot.
Blurr flinched at Shockwave's touch. It hurt so much. "I'm sorry but you might have to withstand the pain a little longer." Shockwave explained. The mech ran towards the cell door. He sighed. He heard the Autobots coming. But he was prepared for this.
Shockwave took out a large red and black gun and aimed it towards the nearest wall that led outside. He fired the gun and smoke filled the room.
He heard the Autobots coming once more…he only had little time to finish out his plan.
"Ultra Magnus sir, all the cameras in the brig have been shut down. A weapon also was heard and believed to have been fired. I have sent some troops to go check it out."
"Thank you Agent Cliffjumper. Tell me the results once you find the problem." The dark blue and white mech said. Before Cliffjumper could respond Ultra Magnus cut off the connection of communication the two had and sighed.
The mech turned in his metal chair as he heard some one walk in "What is it Sentinel Prime?"
"We have just got word from Optimus Prime's crew on planet Earth. They seem to have beaten the Decepticons that followed them to Earth with their 'secret' weapon and will be returning back to Cybertron with the Earth Decepticons, the All Spark, and their secret weapon. " the blue mech said rolling his optics.
Ultra Magnus grinned "Good. I've heard much about their 'secret' weapon. I can't wait to meet it."
'Meet it?' Sentinel just raised an optic ridge. This earned him a frown from the commander "Now leave! I have much more to attend to." Ultra Magnus roared as he pointed to the door.
Sentinel just nodded with a frown and exited the room. Optimus was once again getting attention from Ultra Magnus. Ever since Optimus and his crew of glitch detailed flunkies had crash landed on Earth with the All Spark and managed to get some high tech weapon of mass destruction….Ultra Magnus seemed to pay more attention the Optimus now.
'I swear Optimus you're gonna pay.'
I end with a cliffhanger! Fear me and my cliffhanger! Yeah my story takes place on Cybertron not Earth. But Optimus is on Earth with his crew I kept that the same. But Megatron is not. It's a different band of Decepticons on Earth and you'll find out who they are soon. So for now...think of what you learned! Okay for some reason the one part where Cliffjumper is telling Ultra Magnus about the brig cameras will not stay underlined so yeah just telling you now it ain't a thought or flashback or nothing it's the Autobots communicating.