Wow. Okay, this idea suddenly popped into my head while I was... taking a nap. Yup. Sorry if this seems a little... slow, or rushed, or just badly written. I wrote this late at night. So. Here we go!

The cave was eerily silent, the very thing that made the Mountain so welcoming and homely absent. With Superboy and Nightwing off doing their own thing, and Artemis returned home, the cave was left to M'gaan, Bart (Who'd claimed the cave was too boring and had 'gone on a walk'), and Garfield (Though M'gaan, much to her chagrin, hadn't been able to find him).

She assumed Garfield was quite taken with the notebook she'd gotten him to keep him busy.

Did he even like notebooks? Oh well.

The peaceful silence didn't last when finally Nightwing and Superboy returned and Batman suddenly found it appropriate to call them just seconds before they nearly collapsed. Superboy looked eager, while Nightwing looked less than pleased and even a little bothered.

That is, until Batman suggested they call in the rest of the old team. Namely, Artemis.

At that point, M'gaan knew exactly what this was about.

Getting the team together was no easy task, considering Nightwing was half asleep while trying to get in contact. Once they had gathered in the main hall, newer members excluded, Nightwing's former mentor appeared on the single largest screen in the room. He wasted no time in telling them exactly what was going on.

"Just two hours ago we received a signal. Weak, but traceable."

He carefully explained how it was messing with their sensors, why it was so important ("We need those sensors for..."), and then a list of possibilities that no one seemed to want to believe. "We think you should check it out. He is your former team member, and therefor our first choice."

Artemis picked up on the 'he'. She held up her hands as if preparing to comment, but then dropped them, "We aren't exactly a team anymore." Since the 'incident', the team was distant and spread out. The few that still kept in close contact were hardly any better.

Batman ignored Artemis and continued. "The reason I called you in is because the signal is very specific." He paused to upload a long string of coordinates to the center of the screen for all to see.

"It's coming from the North Pole."

It took no more than a second for realization to flash across each and every one of their faces in turn, cycling through shock, anger, possibly hope. Artemis couldn't seem to figure out what to feel. Nightwing was the first to speak.

"Wait, wait... I hope this isn't some kind of joke you guys are-"

"No. This is not a joke. I've uploaded the coordinates and I want you to follow them and find out what is causing it." Behind Batman stood Flash, who looked as if he wanted to come along to see if it really was what they all were thinking. "If it's what I think it is... call in. I want to know the second you find out. Understood?"

Nightwing nodded and turned to face his old team. Whether he was excited or worried was hard to tell behind his domino mask, but the straight line that formed his mouth said anxious. He smiled weakly. "So. What are we waiting for?"

Never before had they left a room so fast.

The flight was long, and so far, nothing had come up on scans. They had considered returning when something bright and loud nearly knocked them right out of the sky, if only out of shock. Only moments after the first shock came another pulse of light. And this time, the blinding light remained, hovering inches above the ground.

Once landed, they didn't so much as flinch when the light suddenly expanded and grew, forcing them to cover their eyes or risk blinding themselves.

Then the most unexpected thing happened.

When the light began dimming and shrinking, out ran a brightly colored yellow and red blur. Rather than stopping, it suddenly collapsed face first into the snow and skidding to a halt not far from the light and the team. It did not get up again.

Artemis wasn't the only one to gasp.


Oh this is so badly written... urgh. Anyway, I am a horrible person for doing that. I'll get working on the second chapter hopefully by tomorrow, and get it up by the end of the week.

I know, I know. I'm not a very good writer, but I like writing. You know? I love reviews as well as constructive criticism. Got a problem with it? I did something wrong? Let me know. I like to make sure I'm doing my best.

Until next time!