The Norgie Saga
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Joined 04-15-11, id: 2848351, Profile Updated: 07-16-12
Author has written 2 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers.

S-A-A decided to be done with this and has severed all ties to this account.

It is strictly for a lovely DeNor series we have begun.

It's called the Norgie Saga. (Evident by our pen name.)

Why is it called the Norgie Saga? Read one story. Go on. Do it. Say it.


Name: Clouds/Rachel/Dan/Maximum/Tanguy... oh god just call me anything you want.

Age: 16. I mean 18. I'm of age. Yeah.

Gender: Female

Countries of Origin(or in other words, who got together to make me): Feliks, Vash, Ludwig, FUCK YEAH DAN, Arthur, and Francis.

Other Pairings I Like: GerIta, SuFin, FRUK, AmeriCan, LietPol, AusHun, Germancest, Italycest, Spamano, Pomato, BadTouchThreesome, Prupan (*drops to knees* DAMN YOU HETAONIIIIIII!), TurGree, VietTai, ESTVIA (SHIPTHISFOREVERPLZ), GerAus, Ameripan, Flying Mint BunnyxEveryone.

Pairing I Dislike (Just because): Giripan *brick'd by the entire Hetalia fanbase* , NorIce *brick'd by S-A-A* , SuDen, RussiaxLithuania/Latvia/Estonia (NO. NO. NO.), PrusHun (But I do love the friendshipping. A LOT.), RusBela, Pretty much anyone with Romano (save for Spain and his loving brother), USUK *KILLED BY EVERYONE* (I'M SORRY. I JUST REALLY HATE IT. OTL), FruCan *shudder*.

And I'm not going to say I hate GermanyxRomano... I just... want everyone that likes it to cease existing. By my own hands.

Also, go down and read the line below S-A-A's pairing lists. Replace Estvia with RoCho (or Chu. Whatever one you prefer. S-A-A was like 'ur doin it wrong' so this is now here). It's me.

We don't agree on some pairings... (USUK vs FRUK) but we're sort of forced to tolerate those two. Estvia and RoCho/u, I mean. Why? Because OTP.

Favorite Characters: France, Denmark, Germany, Prussia, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Japan, Sweden, Canada, Monaco, and fuck you all I love Estonia.




But seriously I pretty much love everyone.

Oh wait.

It's actually gotten to the point where there isn't a character I don't like in some way.



Stories This Guy is Writing:

A Breakfast Experience- This story is... in the words of Norgie: NO

Afternoon Sex Dreams- Oh god what. (Complete!)

At the Other End of the Spectrum- Because of Norwegian Swiss cheese. (This is like, half done. I'll finish it soon, I promise!)

Breaking the Bed- Oh god why.

Don't Talk, You're Stupid- Sort of a parody of S-A-A's story 'Don't Talk, You're Injured'. Except with Norway and Denmark, instead of China and Russia.

Of The Notebook, Doritos, and Nicknames: In which Denmark and Norway watch The Notebook.

Sober- Cheesy ass thing. Inspired by that P!nk song.

The Coldest Day of May- On May 17th, 1814 the union of Denmark-Norway was disolved and Sweden took over Norway. (Complete!)

And this one other story that doesn't have a name yet. Inspired by S-A-A and I roleplaying. Denmark is an alcoholic. (This is actually almost finished... it still doesn't have a title.)


Also, here's a little bit about my writing style...

...And how it differs from S-A-A's. Because we write in a significantly different way.

I don't generally use complicated words. Like, I'll say 'bright light' instead of 'illumination'. Because I have the mental capacity of a kindergartner.

And if you haven't noticed, I use short, choppy sentences... that aren't actually quite sentences. Grammar? Screw the rules, I'm a cloud.

S-A-A is a lot better at writing sex scenes than I am, okay? I'm actually really shitty at it. OTL (To be quite honest I've only written like... four.)

While the way she writes Norway is rather cold and sharp, mine's more of a tsundere. You'll probably be able to tell who wrote a story just based on that. But both of us make Denmark a tard.

The likelihood of you seeing a chapter story from me is pretty much not even existent. I'm bad at chapters. All of mine'll be oneshots.

I'm a fluff wizard. I will make you all puke glitter and shit rainbows until your blood turns into maple syrup if it's the last thing I do.

And I can write crack like nobody's buisness.

This really doesn't have anything to do with writing, but it has to do with our difference still. If for whatever reason you have questions, I reccomend you ask S-A-A. First off, she's probably more capable of answering them. Second, I'm terribly, terribly awkward. I mean, we're both awkward but with me it's really bad because I'm also super shy.

But be warned. S-A-A will be frank with you. (Proud S-A-A) So if you'd prefer a hesitant, unsure, but very politely worded response, I'm your cloud.

And now...


My deviantART

My YouTube

My Tumblr

Denmark's Tumblr

Monaco's Tumblr

And finally, some cheesiness. (I'm really good at that, hmm?)

I'm really not one of those people that cares about whether or not someone reviews. To be quite honest, usually I prefer that people don't review, since that reminds me that these are public and other people can see them. And then I question why I post stuff for the 1,000th time. *shyshyshyshy*

But... uhm. I have to say... when I wrote The Coldest Day of May, it was because the story was just a passing thought I had one day and I decided to write it. For the hell of it. And I wasn't expecting much.

Normally, I don't like reviews. But Jesus fucking Christ the reviews I got on that story sort of made my day each time I got one. Never have I recieved such positive feedback. Ever. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother writing (I'm really not that good at it. XD;;). But it sorta motivated me. I doubt any of you people that reviewed are reading this right now, but just incase... thank you.

With love,


Now read S-A-A's profile. She actually has a spine.

And these tales are highly heroic.

Because Danish people smell delicious. It's part of what makes them so attractive. This obviously isn't Clouds who obviously isn't Danish.


Now that you've read all our Norgie Saga shit... WE HAVE ANOTHER JOINT ACCOUNT! YAY! *crickets*

...okay. You can find it here. It's movie parodies and shit.

I bet you can't guess which one of us wrote this.



Starting school in two days will speed up my updates. Seriously, I get 80% of my writing done in my classes.


Look! A really stupid ask blog for Dan and Norgie!

Because I (Clouds) would rather do this than homework. Hurray for failing classes.


I (Clouds) will have something up by April, but other than that don't expect much. I also won't be doing anything real quick any time soon, but kind of for the opposite reason my darling friend has...

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Coldest Day of May reviews
On May 17th, 1814 the union of Denmark-Norway was disolved and Sweden took over Norway. Written by Clouds.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,015 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 9 - Published: 5/17/2011 - Denmark, Norway - Complete
Afternoon Sex Dreams reviews
In which Norway upsets Denmark. Written by Clouds.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 503 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 11 - Published: 4/21/2011 - Denmark, Norway - Complete