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Author has written 4 stories for Professor Layton. Hi there! :D Wow it seemed been years since I updated my profile haha XD Oh well, its long overdue! I first got inspired to join this site by a friend and now I love it! Unfortunately, I do not write much anymore on here and prefer to do my own original works elsewhere, but this site will always hold a special place in my heart because it's where I began writing and met some great online friends :D xx My mini profile :) Name: Abbie (nickname: Abs/Abitat) Age: 21 Basic appearance: Average height, light brown mid-length hair, pale skin, greeny grey eyes, glasses Occupation: Fourth Year Medical Student (2 years until qualification!)! :D :D :D Favourite past times: Reading, RPing, drawing, watching funny movies, solving puzzles, being with friends, family and pets Favourite fandoms: Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Assassination Classroom, Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die Favourite animal: Cats (I have one cat and one dog ) Favourite food and drink: Vegetarian lasagne and strawberry milkshake My Danganronpa OCs (Unless stated, character status is alive XD) -Saturn Demona-Ultimate Occultist (Danganronpa Rogue-New Hope by KISL) -Sinnera Demona-Ultimate Poet (Danganronpa Rogue-New Hope by KISL) -Jun Takahashi-Ultimate Children's Party Planner (Danganronpa: Retribution and Redemption by PoisonBanana) - INACTIVE -Wataru Hisakawa-Ultimate Palaeontologist (Lost City of Talent by zombiefear101)- INACTIVE -Wiriamu Popurra (Talentless worms by Mareessa) - INACTIVE -Gabe Yasunishi-Ultimate Metalsmith (Melancholic Calamity by Amaryllis Green) -Miku Akiyama-Ultimate Geographical Psychologist (Despair will go on by Fogged Unrest) - INACTIVE -Shinjimae 'Shinji' Akahoshi-Ultimate Animal Whisperer (Act of Despair by RioA) -Aki Sasaki-Ultimate Research Scientist (Laughable Rejects by liammarklh88) -Yuki Tempura-Ultimate Itamae (Gone but not Forgotten by Treeja) - INACTIVE -Natsumi Kimura-Ultimate Nature Photographer (Danganronpa: New Game by mayurie) -Reina Oshiro-Ultimate Puzzle Prodigy (Pride) (Danganronpa Virtue by Vice by eunnieshojo) -Takashi Yamamoto-Ultimate Food Critic (Gluttony) (Danganronpa Virtue by Vice by eunnieshojo) -Katashi 'Kat' Koizumi-Ultimate Explosives Technician (Ultimate Despair Ship by Ziggymia123) -Satoshi Takenaka-Ultimate Herbalist (Let's die this jungle red shall we? By wolffang1795) -Tomomi Shimizu-Ultimate Roboticist (Anonymity Round by PoisonBanana)- INACTIVE -Ryuu Akiyama (Release Condition by zephyr) - INACTIVE -Palaemon 'Pal' Katsaros-Ultimate Oceanographer (Society of Talent by iregwert) - INACTIVE -Frances Blackwood-Ultimate Alchemist (Danganronpa: The Lone Hope by El Torro) -Noriko Tachibana-Ultimate Prosecutor (Danganronpa: The game begins by OnlyTruePotterhead) -Lissandra 'Lisa' Castellanos-Ultimate Mythologist (Our first meeting by Ohurie) - INACTIVE - Akito 'Aki' Satou / Blaze - Ultimate Hero (The Living and the Lost by YellowTheWriter) - Ashito 'Ash' Satou / Firefly - Ultimate Sidekick (The Living and the Lost by YellowTheWriter) - Megumi Sato - Ultimate Surgeon (Crimes Against Hope and Despair by Orlando Butler) - Takara Hamasaki - Ultimate Sailor (Salty Waves and Bloody Coral by PrincePokePersona) - Ren Ikeru - Ultimate Dollmaker (Danganronpa: Back and Forth by Lupus Overkill) - Hana Otsuki - Reserve Course Class 2A (And So it Begins by TheRoseShadow1230) - DECEASED - Mikasa 'Mika' Michizoe - Ultimate Chocolatier (Scarlet Stained Snow by Zephyr) -INACTIVE - Casper Clarke - Ultimate Paranormal Investigator (The Melancholia Experiment by Crimson Spider Lily) - Noritaka Fukuyo 'The Phantom Kitsune' - Ultimate Thief (Despair's Shopping Centre by Not-Your-Uber-Driver) - Sora Akahoshi - Ultimate Astrobiologist (The Despair in Our Stars by SanityReqieum) - Chika Akahoshi - Ultimate Cosmologist (The Despair in Our Stars by SanityReqieum) - Ali Abassai - Ultimate Tour Guide (Fogbound Castaways by Sharkeye) - Asuka Meada - Ultimate Travel Blogger (Final Flight by Shirasaur) - Viktor Voss - Ultimate Neurosurgeon (Final Flight by Shirasaur) - Takumi 'Kumi' Takamitsu - Ultimate Storyteller (Danganronpa: Brightmere Mysteries by WritersMind15) - Takeshi 'Keshi' Abe - Ultimate Combat Medic (The Beasts Trials by bellatrixshine) - Naomi Yamazaki - Master Enigmatologist (Chataeu d'Death by Yuuki Itsuka) - Tamiko 'Tami' Hayasaka - Ultimate Toy Maker (Danganronpa: Blood Sport by tobi-is-an-artist-too) - Kenichi 'Keni' Sato - Ultimate Clinical Research Participant (The Pitiful Plague called Ignorance by RioA) - Aria Harper - Premier Violist (All aboard the SS Lady Junko! by BirblordAlmighty) - PENDING - Kalisto 'Kal' Ribeiro - Divine Adventurer (Prisons of the Past by Magus1108) - Rei Kurowsawa - Ultimate Supernatural Novelist (Danganronpa: Last Hurrah! by mandipokemon) - DEAD (Chapter 2 Victim) - Nafia 'Fia' Oniylogwu - Ultimate Traditional Healer (Danganronpa: Execution Order by Hero Oskura) - Gabriel 'Gabe' Matsumoto-Fujioka - Detective in Juvenile Crimes (Formerly a Rookie Officer) (Our Ghosts Return by TheRoseShadow123) [Investigator Role] - Sayuri 'Yuri' Fujimoto - Former SHSL Plushmaker (Our Ghosts Return by TheRoseShadow123) - DEAD (Deceased Role, Case 4) - Takayuki 'Yuki' Fujimoto - Former SHSL Toymaker (Our Ghosts Return by TheRoseShadow123) - DEAD (Deceased Role, Case 5) - Erick James Matthews - Premier Engineer (Black Gold and Black Hearts by Superguy559) - Nezumi 'Nezzie' Akatsuki - Ultimate Aromatherapist (Broken Bonds by MasterofParafin) - DEAD? - Coralia 'Cora' Riveros - Ultimate Ichthyologist (Danganronpa: Tall Tales and Other Murders by ChaoticMercy) - Iris 'Rissa' Murdoch - Perfect Mycologist (Heartless New World by JCW18) - 'Emerald' (Francesca Croft) - Ultimate ('Treasure Hunter') Archeologist (Danganronpa Out Of This World! By Obiesenpai) - Yori Sato - Ultimate Priest (Remnants of My Heart by Princepokepersona) - Fleur Elaine Deforest - Elite Fashion Artist (Labyrinthos of Dread by TJMike) - Dr Edwin 'Eddie' Payne - Former Ace Paediatrician (Labyrinthis of Dread by TJMike) - Tamaki 'Tam Tam' Takahashi - Ultimate Enka Singer (Tranquil Tower by Fee5H) - Lumoi 'Lu' Nishimura - Ultimate Interpreter (Tranquil Tower by Fee5H) - Lia Almeda - Ultimate Volcanologist (Railway of Desolation by Critfail) - UPCOMING - 'Alpha' - Ultimate Astrophysicist (Rapture by Critfail) - UPCOMING - Dalila Wekesa - Ultimate Dryad (Island of The Foresaken by CelestialSkyDragon) - Jamila El Sayed - Supreme Firedancer (HHPA: A New Despair by CelestialSkyDragon) - Naveen 'Papa Navie' Celestin - Supreme Puppeteer (HHPA: A New Despair by CelestislSkyDragon) - Thalia 'Tally' Angelos - Ultimate Lyricist (Underground Misery by PettyPunk) - Hibiki Homura - Ultimate Robotcs Engineer (Nothing Valued is Here by XionKuramiya) - Samantha Simmons - Ultimate Herpetologist (Nothing Valued is Here by XionKuramiya) - Carlotta 'Lottie' Scordato - Crown Cellist (The Hopeful Lies We Tell by Princepokepersona) - Abigail 'Gail' Merriweather - Ultimate Flying Type Trainer (Pokemon: Hope and Despair by Ziggymia123) - Wakana Takenaka - Ultimate Piccoloist (Hotel of No Return by Quincy Orchid) - PENDING - Alexei Volkov - Ultimate Icicle Artist (Hotel of No Return by Quincy Orchid) - PENDING - Hikaru 'Hika' Hisakawa - Ultimate Scrapbooker (For Whom The Rabbits Mourn by Sanity Reqium) - PENDING - Eden 'Eddie' Thorne - Ultimate Environmentalist (For Whom The Rabbits Mourn by Sanity Reqium) - PENDING - Zuri Shabani - Ultimate Herbalist (For Whom The Rabbits Mourn by Sanity Reqium) - PENDING - Karen Sasaki - Ultimate Counsellor (For Whom The Rabbits Mourn by Sanity Reqium) - PENDING - Sora Yoshioka - Ultimate Trapeze Artist (Danganronpa: The Monsters Within Us by Ocean Astro) - PENDING - Ume Yanagi - Ultimate Botanist (Danganronpa: The World Beneath Us by Rayy12) - PENDING - Ayane 'Aya' Konishi- Ultimate Costume Designer (Danganronpa: Dead Zeppelin by Orlando Butler) - PENDING - Hayate Maeda - Ultimate Actor (Danganronpa: Dead Zeppelin by Orlando Butler) - PENDING - Kota 'Neko Ko' Hosaka - Ultimate Children's Party Planner (Your Faulted Words by Princepokepersona) - UPCOMING, PENDING - Karen 'Karrie' Katou - Ultimate Fantasty Writer (Scars over Stitches by Princepokepersona) - UPCOMING, PENDING - Oliver 'Ollie' O'connor Oshiro - Pseudoultimate Puzzle Master (From The Cremains by Princepokepersona) - UPCOMING, PENDING - Mutsuki 'Suki' Agatsuma - Ultimate Playwright (Danganronpa: Etch it Into My Heart by RioA) - PENDING HOMELESS OCS :( - Kiania 'Kia' Salvador - Ultimate Zoologist - Jeramiah 'Jem' Fleming - Ace Pharmacist -Haytham Zadir - Ultimate Military Aviator - Svana Leifsdottir - Ultimate Ice Skater - Kovu Moujahid - Ultimate Relief Worker My favourite messages Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go life is a barren field frozen with snow- I did not make this up, I read it on a wall in a cafe but I think it's beautiful. If you agree with this poem and think that it is beautiful, copy and paste this to your profile and let the whole world know. The boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today. She’s a virgin. The boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. She’s already being abused at home. That girl you called fat. She’s starving herself. The old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars. He fought for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying. His mother is dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You don’t...Re-post this if you are against bullying. I own not one word of this quote and have nothing but admiration for the person who wrote this. If you can raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed erveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Paste this to your profile if you can read this! I love how other people have been copying and pasting the Professor Layton Oath into their files, so I decided to do my own extended version using almost all of the main characters in Professor Layton. Please read and enjoy! :) :) :) -My Professor Layton Oath - I promise to remember Layton, when I wear my hat with pride, I promise to remember Delmona, when my grandchildren are by my side, I promise to remember Luke, because I wear blue or talk to a pet, I promise to remember Jakes, when I see something caught in a net, I promise to remember Flora, whenever I'm left behind, I promise to remember Randall, each time there is something to find, I promise to remember Emmy, if I ever get stuck in a fight, I promise to remember Dahlia, whenever I see the light, I promise to remember Clive, each time I see a dove fly, I promise to remember Schrader, when an artefact catches my eye, I promise to remember Clark, whenever I'm with family, I promise to remember Melina, when I hear a sweet melody, I promise to remember Brenda, each time someone tells me they care, I promise to remember Anton, if someone ever gives me a scare, I promise to remember Claire, when I'm wearing glasses and studying science, I promise to remember Crow, with the Black Ravens who form an alliance, I promise to remember Dimitri, every time I wear a white coat, I promise to remember Bucky, each time I travel by boat, I promise to remember Tony, when I act like a child at heart, I promise to remember Oswald, when I play a musical part, I promise to remember Loosha, whenever I visit a lake, I promise to remember Rosa, each time I clean and bake, I promise to remember Arianna, every time that I see a kind face, I promise to remember Grosky, whenever I run in a race, I promise to remember Chelmey, if I ever need to talk to my boss, I promise to remember Sophia, every time someone suffers a loss, I promise to remember Barton, whenever I try my best, I promise to remember Rosetta, when I study for a hard test, I promise to remember Janice, each time I am a good friend, I promise to remember Don Paolo, when there are machines to mend, I promise to remember Descole, when I talk French and think of fame, I promise to remember Amelia, during a hard chess game, I promise to remember Nina, each time I find a sea shell, I promise to remember Katia, when someone asks if I'm well, I promise to remember Belgua, whenever my nephew is near, I promise to remember Sammy, when I play music for all to hear, I promise to remember Angela, when I think of days from my past, I promise to remember Henry, when I know something bad will not last, I promise to remember Aurora, when I dream of a whole new life, I promise to remember Bronev, when I'm found by trouble or strife, I promise to remember Sycamore, along with Raymond and the Bostonius too, I promise to remember Rachel, when I believe my wish will come true, I promise to remember Bruno, when I know I'm going the right way, I promise NOT to remember Bill Hawkes-of any minute of any day, I promise to remember Misthallery, home to Triton and Barde, I promise to remember Future London, Gressenheller and Scotland Yard, I promise to remember Monte d'Or, St Mystere and the Crown Petone, I promise to remember Folsense, whenever I feel alone, I promise to remember the Azran and the lives of all who died, I promise to remember the times when I played their games and laughed or cried, I promise to remember Professor Layton and to profusely thank Level 5, For giving us all of his puzzles and bringing the people alive... |
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