The buildings and shadowy figures of London passed by in the early dusk. The young assistant sped through the streets, nimbly dodging the traffic in her direction on her trusty scooter. Most that were watching the spectacle could only assume she was in a hurry. And indeed she was. There was news to be told, and it would seem rather urgent.

Earlier today, she received a package and letter that was apparently addressed to Professor Layton himself. Moreover, she wondered exactly why it was mailed to her, and rather if it was just a mistake on the sender's part. Emmy's own intuition could only assume that she needed to be involved in some way, even if it was to just deliver the package to the professor.

Her scooter came to a stop in front of the Gressenheller University. The lady in yellow pulled out the package carefully whilst reaching for the envelope. After pulling her helmet off and putting it in the compartment of her motorcycle, she looked around the campus.

"Geez, the fog's really starting to roll in," Emmy muttered to herself. "Hopefully the professor's still around."

After making a mental note about the misty evening, she strolled her way in.

The cleaning lady, Rosa walked out from the halls with a yawn, obviously tired and leaving for the night.

"Hi there Rosa! Is the Professor still here and awake?"

"Oh yes, I just got finished tidying up a bit in his office. Be a dear and make sure it doesn't get too messy again, would you?"

Emmy giggled, knowing the normal state of his office. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to keep the place as spic and span as you left it."

The woman sighed in relief. "Thanks a lot, Emmy dear... To say that man is very organized when teaching, he isn't organized where it should also be. You take care, now."

"Thanks, you too!" She waved her off as she began walking to his office. Once reaching to the right door, she politely knocked.

The professor answered with a smile. "Ah, yes. Come in."

Layton was hard at work, looking the research essays of his students. He furrowed his brow, checking for any signs of errors. Emmy gave another giggle on her way in.

"I'm guessing you're just spending the evening with your usual papers, Professor?"

He chuckled in response. "These are essays this time around, Miss Altava. Fairly different than the usual, I'd say."

"Hardly. And please, call me Emmy, as usual." She set down the box on the couch with a light grunt before plopping down herself. "Phew. Glad I caught you before it was too late."

"Right, right. My apologies. Something bothering you, Emmy?"

She opened her mouth for a moment before closing it again. It was hard to assess rather the package was truly bothering her, but it definitely peaked her interest, and she thought Layton is the best man to show.

"Well, not 'bother', but I have something to show you."

After Layton finished off grading one of the essays, he moved the stack aside, making room for the package. After placing box onto the table, they both looked at it in anticipation.

"Oh yeah, there was a letter that came with it too. " She handed the envelope to him and fiddled with the camera hanging from her neck with eagerness.

"Intriguing..." He opened the letter to give the letter a nice glance.

Dear Professor Layton,

Rather than appearing myself,

I sent you a nice box of tea.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy.

Kindred of mine you may not be,

Upton's tea seemed rather good to me.

Please enjoy.

- An admirer

Layton raised a brow. "Well, this is certainly peculiar. Seems to be a poem of sorts."

Emmy leaned a bit on his shoulder for a better view. "Oh excuse me, Professor. Just needed a good look too."

"Not a problem, Emmy. I think you should read this too. It seems to be rather straightforward with its message, wouldn't you agree?"

She mumbled a bit as she read the letter. She frowned slightly."The only thing forward I see about the letter is someone's got their little eye on you. Don't have a clue as to why it was sent to me, though."

"Look closer, Emmy, my dear. I think you may have missed something."

She took a closer look at the puzzle deeper within. "Drink...up?"

Layton gave a smile. "I do believe you've got it. 'Drink up'. So I suppose whatever tea was sent, we'd have to drink it in order to figure out exactly what is asked of us."

She wrapped an arm around his neck, giving a smirk back. "Sounds like a perfect case for you, wouldn't you say, professor?"

He adjusted his hat. "Indeed. Well, shall we give it a try?"

After a few minutes of unwrapping Emmy opened up the package to show an elegantly decorated mahogany box filled with different ingredients as well as a recipe list. After setting the water to boil, she looked back at the ingredients.

"Most of these are some pretty high-end stuff..." she mumbled before getting the teakettle to boil.

He overheard her mumble. "Then I'm sure the tea will be great, if the ingredients are just right, that is."

After a bit of talking, the teakettle finally gave its whistle. The duo looked toward each other in wait. It's now or never.

Once the ingredients were put together, the brew was ready for a taste.

The gentleman, gave a sniff. "Hmm... Smells particularly sweet."

She smelled it as well. "Mmm...~ I'll say. Well, down the hatch." She raised her teacup. "Wanna toast, professor?"

Layton smiled. It's all in good fun. Why not? "Very well." He raised his.


They both drank at once. How sweet tasting it was. So sweet that it was almost... bittersweet?

"I...feel a bit sleepy..." The female rubbed her eyes.

"...As...As do I...Emmy..."

The room began to spin. Soon after, their eyes grew heavier to the point of no return. Maybe tea wasn't a great idea, or rather... maybe delivered tea wasn't the best idea.