PYGOatAP (Professor Yu-Gi-Oh! and the Abridged Puzzle)
Summary: Yet another crossover! This time, the two most kidnapped characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and the Professor Layton games- Mokuba and Flora- have been kidnapped yet again by some weird-ninja-guy-person who wants to lure their friends and family to do stuff for him. The two of them join forces (and maybe fall in love) and try to escape together. Meanwhile, their loved ones try to get them back. Will they be able to figure out how to stop getting kidnapped? Probably not.
Characters: Flora Reinhold & Mokuba Kaiba
Rating: T, to be safe
Genre: Friendship & Humor & Adventure
Hello there! I promised you all this story to be starting soon (I said this at some point in Professor Layton and the Fourth Wall) and here it is! Finally! It's been sitting in my iPod for some time!
I have other crossovers, and there's one like this where two characters come together and bond over their similarities. In "Who Are You", it was Ryou and Canada (from Hetalia) who became friends over the fact that people ignore and forget them. In this, it's Mokuba and Flora who have been kidnapped, yet again, and who become friends while trying to escape. This will be MUCH longer than "Who Are You", with a whole entire crazy plot happening. And puzzles! And card games! Did I mention it's Abridged Mokuba? The title should make it obvious.
I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, YGO:TAS, Professor Layton, or any of the characters/trademarks in those.
•Prologue: Two Stolen Children•
They pushed her out of the car and led her somewhere. They entered a building and led her through what seemed like countless corridors, until she finally heard a door being opened and felt herself being pushed inside. Her captors released their holds on her. Her relief was short-lived, for as soon as they pushed her away she felt another person grab her arm, and lead her further into the room she assumed.
To put it simply, she was scared. She didn't know why these people wanted her, and she would anxiously wait to be rescued. But who knew how long that would take? Her captors had been very quiet and stealthy. They had taken her earlier that night, instantly blindfolded and gagged her, then quietly snuck out and driven to wherever they were now.
She was too scared to try to resist or struggle or cry out. She always was when this kind of stuff happened. And she hated it. She tried to be brave but... She just couldn't fight back.
She felt herself being seated in a chair and tied to it, her hands being tied behind her back and her legs tied to the legs of the chair. It was uncomfortable. Especially for a refined and polite young lady like herself.
Flora sighed and waited for whoever had kidnapped her this time to show up and explain what he or she wanted with her.
He exited the car and was led into a building and through a maze of hallways. He was used to being blindfolded, so his hearing had developed to be stronger than average for his age. He had been able to keep track of every turn and twist in the hallways and on the road, and if by some fluke he escaped he could return home on his own.
But that would be boring. And he wasn't used to that. He was used to being kidnapped and held for ransom, so this was practically standard protocol for him. And how interesting that just before this happened, he was thinking that he was overdue!
Earlier that night, he had been taken from his bedroom by masked strangers dressed in black who immediately blindfolded and gagged him, then quietly snuck out without being detected. He hadn't even struggled or fought back. Because either they were in his room because he knew them or because he was being kidnapped again. So it really didn't matter.
Maybe he would escape this time! Like that one time... No... That was only because there was someone else with him. This time, there was no one else.
He was finally led into a room. He could tell that it was dark except for a single light. Someone pushed him in the room, then someone else took him and led him to a chair. They sat him down in it and tied him up.
Okay... Rare, but nothing new.
As they tied his hands behind his back, he felt another pair of hands touching his for an instant before drawing away. A bit odd, for some reason.
Mokuba began playing his little mental game and sighed behind the gag, waiting for someone to come and tell him why he was kidnapped yet again.
AN: I put the second chapter in here as well because I felt like the first was lacking on its own. So I made it a prologue and made THIS the first chapter.
•Chapter 1: The Damsels Meet and Situation Explanation•
They were still blindfolded and gagged. After about two minutes, they heard the door opening. The girl perked up, her heart grabbing on to the hope of rescue and release. On the other hand, the boy just rolled his eyes and thought "finally!", knowing that his captor was there.
They heard a snap and footsteps. Their blindfolds and gags were finally removed and both breathed heavily through their mouths. Their breathing slowed and their eyes turned to the figure they assumed had walked in. They didn't bother trying to examine at their darkened surroundings.
"Hello there, children!" the voice said. He was hiding in the shadows to the side of them, and all that could be seen of him was his height, tall, and clothing, long-sleeved and black. "I don't feel like introducing myself. But I already know who you are."
"Children?" Mokuba asked.
"What's going on?" Flora asked.
"So. You two are in the care of and know people who have great minds- possibly the greatest minds in the world- and lots of money. So I'm holding you for ransom. All I need is for them to come to me and agree to do what I want. That's all. I don't want anything of you or plan to put you into any harm. Because you two are useful as well. But they don't know that."
"Okay so let's just go through this," Mokuba boldly and boredly interrupted. "You want my brother and this other person's guardian to come here and do something for you, and maybe you'll use us later and pretend to threaten us. Then you'll either knock us out and bring us back home or wipe our memories."
"Whoever you are," Flora called out fearfully, "Please don't make things worse for us!" Then she addressed the man. "What do you plan to do with us?"
"Now my dear, I will let the boy speak and ignore him. And I will tell you in good time. I'm actually not going to leave you like this. I just wanted to set the mood, so I tied you up and darkened the room. I'll release you when I leave the room. Enjoy yourselves children!" He walked out the door which only Mokuba faced, which was plain and had a barred window. Mokuba couldn't see him any better because the hallway wasn't much brighter than the room. The door closed.
From outside the room, a person he assumed was their watchman looked inside and said, "You can untie each other. The knots are simple." Then his face disappeared.
As soon as Mokuba couldn't see the watchman, he reached out his hands and tried to touch the girl's hands. He felt them and grabbed them. "You wanna untie me first or should I?"
"Me first please!"
Mokuba quickly untied the knots and slid off the ropes. Then she began untying him. When both of their hands were free, they wiggled and squirmed to get their arms in front of them so they could remove the ropes around their torsos. They succeeded and bent down to untie their legs.
The last of the ropes fell to the floor and they sighed in relief. "I must say, none of my other kidnappers ever bothered to use rope before."
The girl turned around. He could barely see a confused expression on her face. "Other kidnappers? You mean this has happened to you before too?"
"Too? This has happened to you before too?"
"Wow. I just love how they kidnapped two children that have been kidnapped so many times before. Isn't that nice?"
"Um... Yes it is. Who are you?"
"I'm Mokuba Kaiba. My brother is Seto Kaiba, the richest and biggest-" Mokuba refrained from cursing in front of the girl, on the off-chance that he would make friends with her. Or more. Anything could happen. "-I mean the president OF THE biggest- gaming company in the world. Right after Nintendo."
"Oh. My name is Flora Reinhold. My um... Guardian... is Professor Hershel Layton, the best professor at Gressenheller University in London."
Mokuba's eyes widened. Holy crap! he though, Not only is she from a game, but from a game played on a system created by one of Kaiba Corp's rivals! And she's one of the least useful main characters! And to make things worse, she's from Bakura's home country! This is the worst possible person to be kidnapped with! But then again, I'm from an anime about children's card games. This must be a fanfic. I should play along so the fourth wall doesn't break and Seto doesn't yell at me again. I wouldn't want another fangirl getting in here. "Um... London... Wow. England. Gressenheller... Never heard of it."
"I wouldn't expect you to. We're from England after all. I mean, I know he's famous around the world, but I know not everyone has heard of him."
"Right..." After a few more seconds, Mokuba couldn't resist. "You're British. Forgive me for being rude, but I'm trying to find your accent."
"Hmph! I've heard about something like this happening to a friend of mine and don't even start bothering me about where I'm from! Just don't. Please. Now where are we? And how do we get out of here?"
Mokuba calmly walked over to the wall near the door and felt around. Then he found a light switch and turned on the light.
Two lamps in opposite corners of the room turned on. They were finally able to examine their surroundings. It was a basic room with a simple desk, two more chairs, a couch, a coffee table, a broken flat screen TV, and other boring furniture.
Then they looked at each other. Mokuba wore the clothes he normally wore, and that familiar yellow vest. Flora wore a dark green floral dress and thin navy blue leggings underneath. Flora was taller than Mokuba by about a foot or less. "Hey there," Mokuba said.
"Hi," Flora responded.
She's cute, Mokuba thought. But I probably shouldn't say that out loud.
He looks adorable! Flora thought. But I'd better not say that out loud.
"Um... Like I said, I'm Mokuba," he said, holding out a hand.
"And once again, I'm Flora," she said, shaking the hand.
They turned away and looked around, trying to find a way to escape. At a first glance, there wasn't any. But they would try to find one later.
"Where's the food?" Mokuba asked.
"All of my kidnappers usually feed me to keep me quiet. And content."
Flora looked at him with concern. "Mokuba... How many times have you been kidnapped before?"
"Hm... Let me think." He began counting on his fingers. Flora's eyes widened as he went through several rounds of five. "Maybe about... I don't know... 20 or more."
"Oh my gosh! You poor thing! Why so many?"
Mokuba shrugged. "My brother is Seto Kaiba. He's the richest person in Japan. I think. I'm always getting kidnapped for one reason or another. I'm used to it by now. Once in a while I escape. But not often."
Flora thought. "Well! We're going to escape now! Well not NOW now. But this time we will escape. Before anyone comes for us. I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt trying to save us."
"Well I hope no one gets hurt. Usually all they have to do is play a card game and they get here alright. For you all they have to do is solve a bunch of puzzles."
"Let's look for stuff."
"Well I don't have any better ideas, so let's do that."
So the two began searching. Mokuba, for cards. Flora, for puzzles and hint coins. She inspected all of the doors and walls, while he inspected all of the cracks and crevices where cards might be hidden. They were about to search the bookshelf in the room together, when they heard the door being opened.
They spun around and saw who seemed to be their captor again entering. He wore all black and had his face covered except for his eyes, kinda like a ninja.
"I'm glad to see that you are trying to escape. How adorable. But it won't work." The door closed behind him as he entered the room. He leaned against the door. "Now that you both know a bit more, allow me to explain even more stuff that probably won't be of any use to you. Flora... What I'm after are the expert puzzle-solving and deductive skills of your guardian and adoptive father, Hershel Layton, and the animal-talking abilities of his so-called 'apprentice', Luke Triton. Mokuba, what I want are the money your brother Seto has as well as the puzzle solving skills of Yugi Muto and the Shadow Magic of his other soul, At-"
"Don't spoil it now!" Mokuba suddenly shouted. "Not everyone has watched Season 5 yet!"
"Um... Right. And the Shadow Magic of his other soul, known as Yami or Pharaoh. Those five things are crucial to us. And at some point I'm going to get answers and weaknesses out of you so I can lure them here and wherever else I want."
"What makes you think that Yugi is going to come with my brother?"
"And what makes you think that the Professor will allow Luke to come here with him?"
"Because they always do. All I need to do is set up about five dozen puzzles and about a dozen card games along the way and everyone will come running. I know how the Yu-Gi-Oh! and Professor Layton series work. And I know exactly how to get what I want from you two. Even if someone comes to rescue you, the room has a soundproofed barrier over the walls and door. No one will hear you so they won't find your room. So I suggest you enjoy each other's company and I'll see you later. Maybe I'll have food."
"I don't want food! I want out!"
"Oh boy food! Be back soon!"
The ninja-guy-person-man chuckled at them, then exited swiftly.
Neither of them even dared hope to be able to beat a guard to the door before it closed.
Well, I hope that interested you a lot! I have at least 5-7 more chapters of this ready. I'll maybe post AT LEAST one a week, if not more. Now you can hold my word against me and quote me on it. I check the site every day so if you notice that I've forgotten the week's chapter, tell me. So did I forget teh next chapter? TELL ME! Someone: "Oh you'll find out! I'm about to summon it!" lol...
And so the fun begins! And the suspense! And the puzzles! And the card games! And the shut up Mokuba.
Next chapter: Feeling Trapped And Kidnapped and Finding A Hopeful Puzzle
See you next chapter!