"Look, Elsa, I found the perfect dress for you!" Amyleigh was sitting by the wardrobe, holding a white dress decorated with blue and grey snowflakes on the bottom in front of her.

Elsa looked with a smile. "Amy, it's beautiful..." she answered. "Let me put it on." She disappeared behind the room screen. After a short while Elsa wore the beautiful white dress.

"Wow, Elsa," Amyleigh stated. "You really look like a queen now!"

Elsa laughed. "Thanks... The only thing that is missing is a crown."

"That's a minor issue," Amyleigh said, before digging in the wardrobe. After a few seconds she held a golden tiara in the air. "Found it!"

Elsa kneeled in front of her, while Amyleigh put the tiara on her head. "I crown you queen of Arendelle!" she giggled.

Elsa smiled and stood up. "Now bow for me, ma'am!" she said.

"No way!" Amyleigh laughed. Then she ran into Elsa, causing her to fall on the bed. "Elsa, you're the greatest friend ever!"

Suddenly the door opened. Both Elsa and Amyleigh looked scared when they saw Arisan standing in the opening. "Queen Elsa, you come with me!" he demanded.

Elsa was frightened. Is it going to happen now? She hugged Amyleigh; she could feel her being frightened too. "It'll be okay, Amy..." she whispered.

"Will you come back?" she whispered back. Elsa could see she was fighting tears. She nodded. "Of course I'll come back."

Arisan now walked towards the two girls and took Elsa by her arm. "I said come!" he shouted. "My lord doesn't wait all day to see you!" He put her hands on her back while attaching a chain between the shackles around her wrists and pushed her towards the door.

"So, my queen..." The lord was watching out of the window in the library. "There we are again." He turned around when he saw Arisan pushing Elsa through the door. "Please, have a seat," he said while pointing at the two chairs in the middle of the room.

Elsa sat down with a sigh. There we go again...

"What does Amyleigh have to do with all of this?" she asked with a sharp tone.

The lord walked in front of her. "For you, my queen, you speak to me with my lord." He took her hand. "And about the girl: we will talk about that in a minute." Elsa was scared and accidentally started to freeze her hand. Then there was this heat again. She moaned.

"Okay then, let's start it all over," he said, while sitting down in the chair opposite hers. "I guess we both didn't make a normal introduction to each other. Hello, I'm the lord. And may I say that you look beautiful in that snowflake dress?" He held out his hand.

Now it's enough! She was getting annoyed by the behaviour of this lord. "I'm queen Elsa of Arendelle!" she yelled. "And as your queen I demand you to let me go! Oh, if I only-"

"If you only what?" The lord asked with a heavy tone, while waving his hand upwards. "If you could use your powers?" Elsa suddenly felt that her throat was pinched. "You should know better before yelling at me. You see, Elsa, if you can't behave like a queen, I may have to deal with you in another way, and that would be a shame, wouldn't it?" While the lord pinched his fist together, her breathing only got heavier.

He... he is going to kill me! Elsa tried to scream, but was unable to until the lord finally released his fist. She fell on the ground, longing for air. Then she looked at the lord.

"W-why are you d-doing this?" she said weakly.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" the lord asked ironically. "Then let me tell you a little story."

A/N: Finally another chapter! It's rather short though, since I hadn't thought of a good background story yet, that Elsa is going to hear right now. I also slightly have rewritten the preceding chapters, mostly grammar and spelling. More will come soon! And thanks for your reviews!