a/n: *whispers* i'm going for it. Can't hold it back anymore. I think i literally created this just for clive/hans. Also, i got to prep for whenever iceburns week starts.
Chapter 1
It was a bright night in the kingdom of St. Mystere and all of its citizens were fast asleep in their homes. That is, all except for their very own Golden Apple.
The moon shone into the bedroom as the little princess climbed out of her bed. She dashed across the cold hardwood floor to her elder sister's bed. Her sister slept peacefully, her silvery black hair gleaming under the moonlight.
"Kat?" The little girl poked her cheek, climbing onto the bed and bouncing up and down. "Wake up!"
She slowly opened her eyes, shaking her head. "Go back to sleep, Flora."
"I can't!" Flora pouted, tugging at her sleeve "Come on, let's play."
The elder sister rolled her eyes, pushing her off of her. "Play by yourself, I'm trying to sleep."
She frowned, tapping her foot. Aha! The girl pulled herself up, tapping on her sister's shoulder again. This time, Katarina had to listen to her.
"Do you want to go ice skating?"
A smile spread across her lips as she pulled herself out of bed. What better time to go ice skating than the middle of the night, especially in the summer?
The two girls snuck out of the palace together, sneaking past the guards stationed at the doors. It seemed that they were the only two in the entire kingdom who were awake on this warm summer's night. Flora dragged Katarina out of gates to the lake that sat right outside the kingdom.
"Do the magic, do the magic!" She tugged at her sister's sleeves.
Katarina smiled, a giggle emanating from her lips. She pulled up her sleeves, clearing her thoughts. In her palm, icicles started to form, making snowflake designs all over her hands and arms. Flora's eyes widened in fascination.
"Watch this." She cast the icicles towards the lake, freezing it over. Flora giggled in delight as she took a cautious step onto the ice.
"This is great!" She twirled on the ice, laughing and giggling as she slid over the lake. "You're amazing! This is amazing!"
Katarina stepped onto the ice with hesitation, adding layers and layers of ice to keep it from breaking through. Flora stayed out of her way, skating happily across the frozen lake.
She flinched when she heard the sound of cracking.
"Flora?" She whispered, hearing her own heart pounding in her ear. "Please, just move away from there and come here."
"What's wrong?" Flora looked up, not hearing the ice underneath her feet crack and start to break apart.
Katarina tried to manage a reassuring smile. "Nothing's wrong, I only need you to come here right now. Please."
Before she could make a move, the ice below her younger sister gave way. Panicked and scared, she sent an icy blast to push her out of the way as the ice split and came apart. Katarina hurried off the ice before she fell in and hurried to her sister's side.
"Flora?" Her terrified whispers fell on deaf ears as she tried to wake up the unconscious girl. A silvery streak appeared on her hair and her skin was freezing. "Flora, please wake up!"
"Princess Katarina!" Bruno, one of her father's servants, called from the gate, running over to the two and scooping up Flora in his arms. "What happened?"
"She was about to fall and I tried to get her off but I hit her too hard." She managed. "What do I do?"
The man frowned. "I know a man, but he doesn't live nearby. He goes by the name of Layton."
A carriage rushed through the woods surrounding St. Mystere. They were running out of time and Flora was growing colder and colder with every passing moment.
"Layton!" The king called as they reached the cottage where the man supposedly lived.
A man wearing a tall top hat appeared at the door, seeing the girl in their arms. "It's a good thing you came to me when you did."
He knelt down beside Katarina. "Born with powers of ice and snow, I presume?"
"They're getting stronger too." The king nodded.
"You're lucky it wasn't the heart." He murmured, examining the little girl. "I'm afraid the best way is to erase any memories of your power."
Layton touched his hand to Flora's forehead as she slowly started to warm up. Katarina clutched her hand to her chest. I did this…
"She… she can't know about my power?" The girl whispered quietly, a guilty look in her eyes.
"It's for the best, dear. There is beauty in your gift." Layton's gaze moved to her. "Yet there is also danger. You will have to control your gift.
"Fear will be your greatest enemy."