Revenge like Atroquinine

Chapter Six: The Rescue

Note: There will be a scene at the hospital towards the end of this chapter. I am not a medical professional so excuse any of the inaccuracies in that part.

LA industrial Area, 7:30 P.M
Miles, Apollo, Phoenix, Klavier, Gumshoe, several armed police officers, and a few techs arrived at the old industrial area where the tech's had narrowed the search for Ema to. There were three warehouses and one office building. The officers believed that Ema was in one of the warehouses. Klavier had just started to walk to one warehouse when the officer in charge, Officer Shawn Williams stopped him.
" No Klavier. We don't know if we will be met with hostile force if it turns out that Kristoph is here and possibly dangerous."
"Well your men are armed, right?" Apollo asked.
"We are on orders to bring Kristoph Gavin back unharmed so he can stand trial on kidnapping and for escaping prison." another officer said.
"Exactly," Shawn said. "I'm going to go through the warehouses with my men. Wait here until we get back. It shouldn't take too long." Shawn and his team left leaving Klavier, Miles, and Gumshoe. Ema got up off the floor despite everything hurting, Kristoph left only a half-hour earlier, but not before beating her agaim. Her ribs hurt, Kristoph knocked her down and kicked her several times in the ribs. Ema was sure that a few of them were cracked. She looked around the room for something to use as a weapon once her captor returned. All she had was the tray that Kristoph brought her daily meal of thin broth and a now empty glass of water. She turned her head towards the window. Ema swore she heard the sounds of three engines pulling into the warehouse grounds. She opened the dirty window and saw Mr. Edgeworth's red Alfa Romeo, a police cruiser, and Klavier's hog. " Klavier and Mr. Edgeworth are here?!" Ema thought. This was her chance. She needed to make some kind of noise to alert them that she was here. She would shout, but it hurt just to breathe deeply. Ema's eyes flew towards the metal tray with the empty bowl and empty glass still on it. If she tossed them out the window the noise should alert anyone here. Ema bent over while wincing from the pain in her ribs and picked up the tray. She walked to the open window and tossed the tray with the ceramic bowl and glass out the window. The metal made a loud clang when it hit the ground while the bowl and glass loudly shattered. Across the lot, Klavier heard the discord and ran over to the radio in the police cruiser to call Shawn and his men.
"Shawn get back out here! We heard something out here towards the office!" Klavier shouted into the radio.
"No need to shout, Klavier. You must be trying to blow out my damn eardrums!" Shawn shouted back into the radio. In moments, the entire search party regrouped to Klavier's location.

"What did you hear, Klavier?" Miles asked.

"I heard something shatter over by that office building. I think we should switch our focus to there instead of the warehouses."

" Very well, let's first investigate the source of the sound," Miles said as the group began to comb the area around the derelict building. It didn't take long before one of Shawn's men found the tray and shattered bowl and glass on the concrete. Shawn looked up and saw the open window. "Hey, there is an open window up there. Let's see if anyone is inside." One officer suggested.

"Then get on it, we don't have time on our side," Klavier said impatiently. The group gathered at the door of the building ready to search it. The officers had their guns drawn in case Kristoph was in the building and possibly armed. Once ready, Shawn threw open the door and they stormed the building. Any unlocked door was thrown open to reveal an empty room. That was until they reached the third floor. They discovered the room where Kristoph had been hiding, he wasn't there though. All that lay in the room were an old mattress, the stolen vial of anesthetic, some pictures of Klavier and Ema prooving that Kristoph had been stalking them, and a notepad with his plans of revenge written out. The anesthetic, notepad, and a bag of capped syringes were collected as evidence from that room. The group continued making their way through every room on that floor, most of the rooms empty. They reached the final room on that floor which was held shut with a chain and padlock. Klavier out of desperation began to pound on the door. Inside, Ema screamed,

"Is someone out there...please get me out I've been kidnapped!"

"Ema! It's me we're going to get you out!" Klavier yelled. "Someone get this damn door open!" Shawn's men scrambled around the building and the warehouses looking for something to break the padlock. Eventually, they found a pair of bolt cutters and rushed them to the room where Ema was held captive. Klavier took the bolt cutters determined to free his fraulein detective himself. Without a second thought, he placed the bolt cutter's blades on the shank of the lock and pressed the handles together hard until the blades broke the lock open the chain fell to the floor. Klavier then kicked the door open to reveal a very pale, weak, and hungry Ema, Klavier erupted into tears and picked Ema up bridal style.

"Ow!" Ema yelled as she grabbed her sides.

" Miss Skye, what is it?" Miles said

" Kristoph beat me earlier and I think he cracked a few of my ribs."

" We should take her to the hospital. Samantha is on duty in the E.R. tonight. Besides we don't know what other injuries Ema has sustained while being Kristoph's prisoner." Miles said.

" I agree," Pheonix said.

" Well, you guys do what you have to. I am going to set up a trap now that we know where Kristoph has decided to hide and he doesn't know that we have Ema so he'll probably check on her. I'm going to have one of my men in his room and one in where he was keeping Ema."

"I have faith in you, Shawn. Good luck." Klavier said as he left with Miles, Pheonix, and Apollo.

"Herr Edgeworth, can you bring Ema to the hospital in your car. I'll meet you there on my hog." Klavier asked once they got to Miles's car.

" Of course, just buckle her in. Alexa's booster seat is usually in the back, but Samantha put it into her car this morning since I was running late and she took her to daycare anyway. So we should have enough room for Wright and Mr. Justice if you want to take your motorcycle, Klavier." Miles said.

" Danke, Herr Edgeworth. I'll meet you there." Klavier put Ema in the front passenger seat and buckled her in. Pheonix and Apollo got into the back seat of the Alfa Romeo and buckled themselves in as well. Klavier put on his helmet and got onto his bike. Once everyone was safe in or on their vehicles, the group sped off towards the nearby university hospital. Miles parked his car in the parking lot near the emergency room entrance. Klavier arrived moments later and he unbuckled Ema and the group entered the E.R. Miles and Klavier walked with Ema and signed her in.

" The receptionist recognized Miles.

" Wait a minute aren't you Dr. Edgeworth's husband?" she asked

"Yes, and our friend is in need of medical assistance."

" Alright. I'll page Dr. Edgeworth right now." the woman behind the desk paged Samantha who was doing her rounds in the E.R at that point. " We aren't busy tonight. So I'll have a nurse take you in." A nurse with brown hair and green eyes arrived to bring The group and Ema into an exam room. Miles recognized her.

" Ah, Miss Leslie. It is nice to see you again. Though I wish it was under better circumstances." Miles said. Leslie was the nurse who assisted Samantha and Miles was very familiar with her.

"Nice to see you too. Now please follow me." Leslie said as she leads the group into an exam room and did a quick check of Ema's vitals. " Dr. Edgeworth will be in shortly," Leslie said as she walked out to continue her rounds. After about three minutes which felt like close to an hour to the group, A doctor who looked to be about thirty with dark brown hair tied back into a ponytail and greyish green eyes.

" Hello Miles, Pheonix, Mr. Gavin, Mr. Justice. Miles has already told me what has been happening for the last few days, but I'd like to get some information from our patient." Dr. Edgeworth said as she walked to the side of the bed Ema was lying in. She was asleep so Samantha gently roused her. Ema's eyes opened to see the doctor, Klavier, Miles, Pheonix, and Apollo.

"Where am I?"

" You're at L.A. University Hospital in the Emergency Room, Miss Skye. I am Dr. Samantha Edgeworth." Samantha explained.

" Oh I know who you are. Mr. Edgeworth talks a lot about you. Am I finally free?"

" Yes, fraulein, we brought you here to make sure you were alright when we rescued you," Klavier said. Ema tried to sit up, but yelped and grabbed at her sides once more.

" What happened?" Samantha asked in shock.

"Kristoph, my brother who escaped from prison recently kidnapped her and she told us that he beat her and might have cracked some of her ribs," Klavier explained while clenching his fist and trembling in rage.

"I'll need to get an x-ray done to get an idea of the damage then. I'll need her to go to the radiology suite here in the E.R."