Laura's P.O.V

My heart had never beat faster in my entire life. I was speeding down the roads as fast as my motorbike could go, Luke clinging to my back. My hair was probably whipping his face, but I didn't have time to apologise. My top priority was getting to that hospital, making sure Flora was okay and finding Clive. Luke's breath was warm on my neck, comforting me. Reminding me to stay sane. I silently thanked Luke again. When we pulled up at the hospital we didn't bother checking in, I knew where Flora's room was so I ran straight there. All the background noise seemed to blur out so that all I could hear was the thudding of my own chest and the squeak of my boots against the hospital floor. I threw open Flora's door, still panting, and she immediately sat upright. Luke arrived just a second later.
"Flora are you okay?" Luke breathed. Flora nodded meekly and I side stepped to her bed.
"Flora, Is it okay if I just have a quick check you haven't been bugged or drugged?" I asked, and Flora nodded in response. I tugged back the covers and ran my hand along her fragile body, taking extra care around the usual spots: back, hips, neck and wrists. But there were no needle holes or bumps, just the bullet wound from before. I sighed in relief. "I'm going to ask the receptionist whether you had any other visitors in the past few hours."
Laura was determined to get to the bottom of this, once and for all.