Hey, guys! Guess who decided to update, finally! Hint coin: Her penname starts with Talexx & ends with Altava. Correct! It's me! So, here we go. Here's another puzzle, do you THINK I own Professor Layton? Why do we even need to say that?
The Layton household had been much different, lately. After spending a month with Lady Dahlia, & seeing how soft she was on the inside, Flora hadn't the heart to leave her, so she stayed in St. Mystere. (I'm really sorry, Flora fans, but after three games, I still have no idea who Flora Reinhold is. I don't want to make her OOC, so I didn't have much of a choice, really. They should make her talk more, & bring out her personality!)
Another thing; the Tritons moved back to London, much to Luke's delight. He practically lived at the Professor's residence.
But the biggest change was probably the arrival of Alex, Layton's adoptive daughter.
Alex proved to be a bright young girl. Her talent in martial arts was certainly helpful on occasions, & she had the making of a fine young lady, though her temper could get the best of her. A lot.
One morning, the professor woke up early, as usual, dressed & ready for the day. He was making breakfast when a ringing sound caught his attention. It could only be the phone... But who would call so early in the morning?
Layton picked up the phone & held it next to his ear. "This is Hershel Layton."
"Ah, Hershel. It's Dean Delmona."
The professor smiled. "Good morning, Dean. Is there anything you need assistance with?"
"Yes, there is something I've wanted to discuss with you, actually. Can you be at my office, say, 12:30?"
"Certainly. Should I bring Luke?"
"Of course! I haven't seen him in forever! Oh, &, would you mind bringing that girl... What's her name... er, Amy? You've told me about her, but you never actually introduced us."
"Oh, you mean Alex? Yes, I don't believe you two have actually met. Well, I'll see you at 12:30 then, Dean."
"Thank you, Hershel. Please be sure to show up, this is really important." With that, he hung up.
"Morning, Professor!" said a voice behind Layton. He turned around to see Alex, awake & dressed. After he had taken her in, he bought her a new change of clothes. They weren't much different from her old attire, they were just clean & they fit better.
"Good morning, Alex. I trust you slept well?"
The girl nodded. Who was that on the phone?" she asked.
"Dean Delmona. He has something he wanted to talk to me about. After breakfast, would you mind fetching Luke?"
Alex held up three fingers & said nothing.
"... Is that a no...?"
She shook her head, & curled her fingers back up one at a time as she said, "Three... Two..." She waved her arm out as the front door opened.
"Morning, Professor, Alex," said Luke, cheerfully. The professor stared at Alex, looking somewhat amused.
"Luke, I got a call from Dean Delmona."
"The head of the university?"
Alex smirked. "Yeah, how many Dean Delmona's do you know?" Luke gave her a glare. "Sorry, I was only teasing..." the girl mumbled.
"We have to meet him at 12:30. Something he wants to discuss," Layton explained.
Luke nodded. "Did he say what?" he asked, curiously.
Layton thought for a moment, but he couldn't recall ever telling him what it was he wanted to talk about. "No, not that I remember."
Alex smiled as she poured herself a cup of milk. "Well, I'm pretty exited about this. It probably has something to do with archaeological research. Why else would he send for his best archaeology teacher?" she mused.
The professor chuckled. "I'm his youngest archaeology teacher. No one ever said I was the best."
Taking this as his cue to jump in, Luke argued, "But you ARE the best! Your like a British Indiana Jones! How many people can say that they discovered the-"
"Don't go into details Luke, you made your point after the British Indiana Jones," Alex interrupted. It was too early to hear the professor's life story!
"Luke, you've had breakfast, right?"
Luke shook his head. "No time for breakfast today, Professor! I have a feeling that something's going to happen today, something big."
"... Before breakfast?"
"Breakfast will have to wait! I smell a case...are those pancakes?"
Layton smiled as he set two plates of pancakes in front of Luke & Alex. "Thanks, Professor," they said simultaneously.
There you guys go! Chapter 2 should be coming shortly.
Black Lady: Will I be coming shortly?
Gah! What are- How did you- I LEFT YOU IN MY LOCKER!
Black Lady: You forgot to lock it.
Argh! Get out!
Black Lady: You never answered-
I don't care! Leave me alone!
Alex: When's the action? This is lame.
Clive: Yeah. I almost fell asleep.
Clive: So when is-