Although I've been playing Layton games since I was about nine, this is actually my first Layton fanfiction. So I'll do my best and I hope you enjoy it.


I stared out the small window of the coffee shop, smiling. I had the files I needed. I had the proof. I held my satchel closer to me; if I were to lose these files, I would lose everything. I took a long, final sip of my tea and stood up from my seat. The bell on the door of the shop rang sweetly as I walked out the door and turned down the street on the corner. I stopped to watch the children playing happily in the park, they were so carefree. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the cold brick wall. and thought back to a time when I was like them.

"whee!" a young boy in blue squealed as his mother pushed the swing, laughing along with the boy.

"Come on." The mother said, squinting her green eyes in the sunshine "Let's get home in time for daddy." the boy laughed again as the swing slowed down. He hopped off and clasped his mother's hand.

I opened my eyes to find a tear dripping from my eye.

"I have to be strong." I whispered. My eyes filled with fear when I heard a gunshot in the distance. "No... they couldn't have found me!"

"There he is!" I hear some one shout from far away. I break into a run, trying to ignore the fearful screams of Children and their mothers as the secret service soldiers shout bullets down the alleyway which I just ran down. I take comfort in the fact that they can't arrest me. They haven't the power to yet. But soon they will. They'll have power to arrest anyone for no reason at all. They'll have the power to control all of us. Only one person can stop them and that person is me. A service soldier grabs my satchel and rips it off my shoulder.

"NO!" I scream. but its to late. I tried to grasp the bag back, but two soldiers have already grabbed both my arms and one rummages through my bag.

"Ahh... here we are." He pulls a folder out of my bag. Everything I've worked for is being prised from my hands, and there is nothing I can do but watch. "I'll be keeping this." He smiled. an evil, crooked smile that will haunt my memories for the rest of my life. "No what else do we have here..." He pulled a photo. A photo of my mother, father and I. A photo that meant the world to me. It depicted me smiling brightly, a world away from who I am now. My mother was looking down to me and laughing, and my father smiled back at her. "Oh dear, dear Clive..." He tutted, pulling a lighter from his pocket "Don't you know that sentimentality only slows you down?" and with that the photo was alight, blazing with bright fire.

"No... Please, no..." I whimpered. I wanted to scream how much I hated him, but I had no anger left in me. Only sadness. The cruel man gestured to a particularly tough looking secret service soldier.

"Show him not to investigate this matter again." I knew what was coming.

The burly soldier moved towards me, a glint in his eye. Then there was the first swing. He threw his heavy fist into my stomach, so forceful that I threw up. The second to my chest, causing me and the two guards holding my arms to fall back slightly. He grabbed my arm and twisted it until it made a sickening snap. Tears rolled down my face and some of the soldiers winced slightly. Then the penultimate blow to my eye and nose, causing a fountain of scarlet to leak from my nose and my eye began to swell. Then finally, I was knocked out with a fatal blow to the head. I couldn't believe it.. It couldnt be happening.

Sorry it's quite mysterious, it should be explained in the next couple of chapters then you will understand everything :) x