![]() Author has written 23 stories for Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Sherlock. If you are a dreamer, come in! If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, For we have some flax-golden tales to spin Come in! Come in! Shel Silverstein Hello there! My name is LadySaxophone :D Recently, my little sister showed an interest in helping me write these stories and she'll probably be prevelant in the future. I'll put some sort of notice in the description when she's helped me. Stuff About Me: I love God. I'm Catholic. As such stories (when i put them on this site) will reflect values that coincide with Catholicism. I love my family. I have lots siblings and i love them to death. My dad is awesome and my mom is my best friend. I love music. Alot. More than is healthy. One time I was practicing singing while everyone else was at the beach...clearly I have problems. (like the penname suggests I play the saxophone, but i prefer to sing.) I love myths (obviously). I love how stories can unite people. I'm an absolute sucker for a good story and i usually don't care where it comes from. Age: Eh...somewhere between 15 and 20 ;) Stories I enjoy the most (in numerical order :P) 1. The Lord of the Rings--Tolkien was brillant. I'm so much in awe of him that I might not write any LOTR fanfiction simply because I don't think I can capture that brillance properly 2. The Chronicles of Narnia--These are my feel good stories. When I have nightmares or bad days these charming little stories are the perfect remedy 3. Star Wars--My brother is actually the Star Wars freak in the family. I just got sucked in too. 4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians--These books are just hilarious. 5. Disney movies (especially THe Lion King ((i saw that in theatres! *squeal*) and Anastasia which isn't really a disney movie but oh well) 6. Supernatural--So, I broke my rule of never watching non-comedic TV shows and watched Supernatural...I am now sadly hooked. :( 7. Sherlock--And I broke it even more...How could they do this to me??? How long until season 3? :'( On SLASH: I really hate it. That does not mean that I hate gay people I just do not like reading about that. Besides, most of the time I find it vastly out of character On Profanity: If it's in context, I may have a character us it. (For example: If a character is a POW or something, they're not going to just say "Oh Shuckydarn!") But I'm not going to use it unless I deem it appropriate within the context or within the character. I would rate something high if I used swearing or a situation that called for it. Pairings I love: Aragorn/Arwen, Samwise/Rosie, Eowyn/Farimir, Susan/OC (She deserves some happiness right?), Eustace/Jill, Han/Leia, Anya/Dimitri, Percy/Annabeth, Sam/Jess Sherlock/Molly (I don't even know why...they were just sweet) Pairings I'm O.K. with: Aragorn/Eowyn (they WERE kinda cute together) Frodo/OC (these usally end so sadly though), Peter/OC or Edmund/OC (not every story involving the Pevensie brothers is a Mary-Sue, if it is well written I tend to enjoy it.), Digory/Polly, Anakin/Padme (This is cannon and since I love Star Wars this kind of falls under that catagory. However, they are both so very melodramatic about their love that I find it kind of annoying.) ObiWan/Padme (I only like this couple in AU settings because neither of them would be so cruel as to date when Anakin is clearly in love with Padme. But when they are in an AU fic, I tend to really like them because Obi Wan is the kind of guy Padme deserves and they're both so much alike its fun to watch them interact) ObiWan/Siri or ObiWan/Satine (I haven't really read any Star Wars books. Does that make me a bad fan? Maybe. I just don't really have the time and I can't find some of them. I have watched the Clone Wars series but I don't watch it religiously enough to comment on Satine. Therefore I don't know much about the characters Siri OR Satine. But Obi Wan, being the selfless gentlemen that he is, is fun to watch in any romantic relationship.) Dean/Lisa (They were sweet I guess, but we didn't really know much about Lisa. And while you could argue that we don't really know much about Jess or even Mary Winchester, I felt like Dean, being a main character and Lisa being alive we should have known a bit more about her. Just my opinion) Sherlock/Irene: Meh, they had a cool chemistry. But to be frank, the show isn't about Irene so she felt a little like a shoo in. Pairings I hate: Legolas/OC (leave the poor elf alone.) Lucy/OC (She's just too innocent. Most of the time it just seems weird.) Lucy/Tumnus (I found well written stories about them romantically involved...and I just don't like it. He's half goat, and a whole lot older than her.) Aslan/anybody (no...just no) Mace Windu/anybody (I just can't see it ever happening.) Percy/Rachel (Percy must always be with Annabeth...always) Annabeth/Luke (no) Sherlock/John (I know everybody loves this pairing, and they have a beautiful bromance, but...well...in case anybody cares any more John's not actually gay! :P) Non Romantic Pairings: Frodo/Sam Merry/Pippin Peter/Edmund Susan/Lucy Lucy/Jill Anakin/Obi Wan ObiWan/Padme Percy/Nico Sam/Dean Dean/Castiel Sherlock/John Sherlock/Mycroft Now that that's out of the way... I'm going to put down some story ideas that I might publish on this site. As I am on a huge Star Wars kick right now most of them will pertain to Star Wars... Chronicles of Narnia: Something Left to Do: Peter survives the train crash (chapter fic) Songfics for Susan: Susan seems like someone who's life could be put into song form (series of oneshot songfics) Forgotten: What would it do to the Pevensie children if Peter forgot Narnia instead of Susan? Last Battle AU (product of a conversation with a friend of mine...probably a chapter fic and plot is in progress) Lucy's Faith a few oneshots on the development of Queen Lucy's legendary faith (character story) Star Wars: Good at Fixing Things: Anakin is given the chance to make ammends with those he hurt the most (short chapter fic) Selfless: An AU Obidala where ObiWan starts to neglect himself in favor of Anakin's infant children and his brokenhearted wife (oneshot or twoshot. I can't decide which) Blank Slate: An AU where Obi Wan is mindwiped early on in the Clone Wars and stranded on Tatooine. He retains all his abilities (like Jason Bourne) but cannot remember who he was prior. All that he has are vague feelings and one name: "Anakin." (long chapter fic...plot in progress) Jedi Stealth: Obi Wan and Anakin's first unoffical mission (humor oneshot) Favorite Characters: Samwise Gamgee: This little hobbit doesn't get enough credit. He's adorable. I feel as though his story is really a coming of age story. In the beginning he is unable to trust himself at all and completely relys on Frodo and the other hobbits. But beginning at Shelob's Lair and going through Mordor Sam finds himself leading the quest. Although he might not have believed it, he made all the right choices. He is able to accept the Grey Havens because he no longer NEEDS Frodo. He's found he can rely on himself. Edmund Pevensie: I love him. I have a really big soft spot for charmers. Edmund is so snarky and clever that I just find myself in awe of him. He went from bratty (but honestly? understandable/relatable) little boy, to bada* Just King. That's amazing character development! Obi Wan Kenobi: He also falls under my soft spot for charmers. Obi Wan is HILARIOUS! Besides that he's selfless and we all have to admire that. :D He is really cool but not very flashy so I feel like he doesn't get noticed as often as he should. His tragedy is fantastically beautiful, because we as the audience (or at least I do) admire his strength, but what happens to him is enough to break your heart. Dean Winchester: You're probably seeing the theme here. I mean, who's more charming then Dean Winchester? I watch Supernatural almost solely because I like his character so much. I love the fact that he's got such a sweet heart and covers it up by being all macho. Also he's probably the funniest character on that show. John Watson: Much as I love Sherlock...I have a thing for John. He's just so cute! And he has the patience of a saint! Best Picture of Obi Wan and Anakin after ROTJ: http:///?q=KenobiandSkywalker&order=9&offset=24#/d3evf66 Wow! Thanks for reading if you actually did! :D I hope this gives you an idea of what kind of stories you will find once I publish them. P.S.: I can be a little impulsive, but I never say anything with the intention of being cruel. So please be patient with me and if I ever say something offensive, know that I didn't mean to and just politely tell me. I will stop/apologize P.P.S. I read a lot of fanfiction. If I use an idea you think is yours, again I apologize. I didn't mean too :( |