Author has written 12 stories for Final Fantasy X-overs, Cowboy Bebop, Gilmore Girls, and Supernatural. The real writer is the one who really writes….You have to like it better than being loved. I feel the story I am writing existed before I existed; I'm just the slob who finds it and rather clumsily tries to do it and the character justice...It is entirely ghostly work; I'm just the medium. -John Irving Being a writer is a condition. You're born with it and stuck with it. You have no choice. -Cynthia Ozick 8/18/10 A long, long time ago, I posted my VS stories: "The Great Gig in the Sky" and "Devil Inside". The latter was another collaborative effort with the lovely Gaelicspirit. I am writing with Bayre for the series "A War With No Front." I should have a new story coming soon called "Frozen Over" As for any solo works for Supernatural it might be a while before I can get to anything. I start graduate school this September and I can't make any promises. It's as the muse leads and with a new season of SN coming up soon I might want to do some one-shots or a few other projects I've got scribbled down in notebooks. I will not be finishing "Blurring the Lines". That story will always have a special place in my heart, but it has been so long since I updated, the vision has itself blurred, and so I leave the rest up to the imagination and apologize to those who followed it and were hoping for an end. Thank you, guys, for reading! And thanks to those of you who like to spur and encourage the creative. It's truly a joy to have you as readers. Also, I'll have a link up soon to an archive I started. A place where you can see some art for these stories. Awards: Turn Your Back won twice in Round 10 of the Sensue Supernatural Fanfiction Awards: Sunday Bloody Sunday won in Round 14 of the SFA: Phoenix was nominated for Round 10, Devil Inside, The Great Gig in the Sky, and Fatally Flawed for Round 14, and Sunday Bloody Sunday for the People's Choice Awards. Great Gig was nominated for the Best VS episode 2008, and Devil Inside recieved the award. |
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