AN: To Save a Soul will be updated, but I'm having a little bit of trouble with the lightsaber duel. Until then, I hope you enjoy my attempt at humor.
"Train him, I should. Love me, the boy does!"
It was the strangest thing anyone had ever heard Yoda say, but none stopped to gawk at him, the current debate was far too important to deviate from.
"You've had your fair share of Padawans, Master Yoda. I have yet to take ANY, I should train him."
Kit Fisto leaned forward slightly in his chair and glared with his black midnight eyes at the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. The Force was tinged with a slight red, the color of...frustration. Not anger, of course, they were Jedi Masters after all, and not one of them would give into anger over nine-year-old Luke Skywalker.
Said Luke had charmed the Jedi Council, and that is not an easy feat. These Jedi Masters have seen trillions of Force-sensitive younglings over the years. Master Yoda himself taught the youngest of Initiates. Togruta, Twi'lek, human, the Council had seen them all. Yet, with his big blue eyes and his glass-half-full attitude, little Luke Skywalker managed to have all twelve Council Masters fight-debating over who had the honor of training the little cherub.
Well, not all the Council Masters. Master Mace Windu sat in his appointed (and custom made) chair trying not to look amused. Years of Jedi training kept his face straight. He already had a Padawan and thus, was excluded from the debate. Technically, as the matter wasn't entirely concerning him, he could leave. However, watching the Council try to argue in a civilized way over a nine-year-old boy was simply too hilarious to pass up on.
"Irrelevant, that is." The small green alien glared right back at Kit Fisto, as if daring him to make another attempt to claim the famed Skywalker boy.
"It's true Master Yoda, you have had many padawans. However, you, Master Fisto, have no previous experience to fall back on and young Skywalker needs an experienced hand. I should train the boy." Ki-Adi-Mundi soft toned voice fell silent and he looked quite pleased with himself.
"Good gracious, you'll bore the poor child to death!" Master Plo Koon pointed out scornfully, (but not too scornfully, him being a Jedi and all), "I should train him! I have the experience and at least I'm interesting."
This comment was followed by a few awkward silences and an ironic, but ill-timed cricket chirp.
Adi Gallia broke the silence by coughing and glancing guiltily away from a disgruntled Plo Koon. "Anyway...I think I should be the one to train him. He already has a father figure in his life. I am a woman and he needs a mother figure."
"He already has a mother, and a twin sister! How many more female figures does one boy need?" Mace pointed out, speaking for the first time since this particular Council session had started. Adi was not pleased.
"You're just jealous because you can't train him. You already have a padawan."
"I am NOT jealous. I don't want to train Luke." This comment was met by many horrified gasps.
"How could you even say that?" Master Fisto was horrified. The other Masters all glared with their best disgusted-yet-pitying-the-lack-of-knowledge looks.
Mace felt a bit on edge, after all this would be the first time the Council had all ganged up on him.
"Remember, I already have a padawan!" A few looked rather sad at this fact. Although not quite as endearingly sweet as her brother, Leia Skywalker had quite a few possible Masters as well. Mace's signature glare had scared them all off though, and Leia had become his padawan without any intervention from other Masters.
"Right you are, Master Windu. A trade, you cannot do." Yoda's challenging look flew to Mace.
"I don't want to trade Leia! I love her!"
Now, that comment took the proverbial cake. Love was begrudgingly permitted by the Jedi Order since the Clone Wars ended, but no one had ever predicted such a proclamation to leave the lips of the most feared Council Member. All twelve Masters came to a simultanoues cease-fire to stare in shock at Master Windu. Somewhere in the Force, Master Qui Gon was laughing his ghostly butt off.
Master Kenobi was the one to break the silence this time, he'd been silent through all of the arguement. He was an observent fellow, and few things went unnoticed. With a bored sigh, Master Obi Wan stood up.
"If you are quite done here, I believe I have a new padawan to attend to."
This, of course, snapped the attention back to the matter at hand.
"You don't mean..." Ki-Adi-Mundi stared at his friend in shock.
"Yes, I do. I'm going to be training Luke Skywalker, perhaps you know him?" Pure mischief danced in Obi Wan's clear blue eyes.
"Already trained a Skywalker you have, Obi Wan. Leave Luke for others, you will." Master Yoda hadn't counted on Obi Wan ever wanting another padawan. If he was unprepared to debate with the famed 'Negotiator', his expression didn't show it.
"It's true Master Yoda, training Anakin was an experience from which I am still recovering. I think it only fair then, that I have the opportunity to train a padawan that's a bit more...civilized."
None could really argue with that.
"Further more, I have experience with Skywalker padawans. I have enough energy to keep up with him. I also have been bonded to the boy since infancy. His father and mother have agreed. All I have left to do before making it official is to ask the boy himself."
Master Kenobi could not understand for the life of him why the facial expressions of the Council suddenly turned to ferocious glee.
"So it's a race to ask the boy then..." Kit Fisto said as he rose from his chair.
Without another word, Obi Wan spun on the heel of his boot and dashed out of the Council chambers. The rest of the Council made to pursue, but they were all Force-pushed backwards by the smiling apparition of Master Qui Gon Jinn.
*I hoped you liked this. Qui Gon was just begging to get in on the action :P. Anyway, as this is one of my first attempts at pure humor, I would really appreciate a review. Did you laugh?