Author has written 21 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Dragon Ball Z, Digimon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Fruits Basket, Doctor Who, Princess Princess, and Torchwood. Name: I can't remember... grins Age: 19 Birth Date:June 17 (reveiw for my storyies plz!) Hair color: brown, boring isn't it Eye color:Brown, again...boring Favorite animes: Fav Manga: Favorite Books: Favorite TV shows: Fav Couples/Characters: Little Bout Me: I'm in the middle of a few stories, but they are either being withheld by my beta.. (coughGeminidragon) or they are stuck in the harddrive of my old computer which broke on me. But I was able to re-write some, so if you want some status of stories that are on their way, let me give them to you: Alchemy meets Wizardy Sequel HAven't started sorry. I don't have any inspiration for it. If anyone has any advice for it I'd love it. Otherwise I might just work on a quick oneshot to round out the ending of the story. Hogwarts meets Demons Geminidragon is holding Chapter 5 hostage for the past 2 years...haven't completed it yet, but it is due to a lack of insperation rather than a lack of interest. Thinking of discontinuing it. Lost all inspiration for the story. Having made a final decision yet Family Secrets Completed, but still proofing. The begining of the End Finished. But still proofing and fixing. Having trouble with the sequel which takes place during fifth year. Slow moving H/D. The Adventure Begins Still working on it...but have the first five chapters completed and ready. Though they will come out sporatically since I still need to work with the ending which is the trouble that I'm having with this story. Untitled Plot ideas -Torchwood So hopefully I can get all these stories done quickly for you all. But there are several complications such as life that might get in my way, but I'll try my best. So thanks for reading this pointless Bio. So until next time... C-ya Updated 2/1/2011 |