Don't own Yu Yu Hakusho



A letter to Botan

Botan went up the stairs. She could still here Kazuya reading the letter. As Botan entered Kurama's quiet bedroom, she went straight for the drawer Kurama had indicated in his letter. Carefully opening it, she looked inside. There were three things inside. A beautiful, thornless, blue rose; a small velvet box and a letter. She took the three items and placed them on the desk. She then went on to open the letter. She started to read it after she recognized Kurama's neat handwriting.

To my dearest Botan,

I don't know how to start this... goodbye letter. This is the one thing I'd hope I'd never have to write... and hoped you would never have to read. If you are... then you must know you are dead. I am so sorry to have left you so soon, I truly am. I had hoped to have spoken to you to have asked you this question... but I guess since I couldn't grab a chance to ask...I'd might as well just give you the gift. Open the box. Botan opened the box. She gasps at what was inside. Tears formed in her eyes. Inside was a ring, an engagement ring to be exact. On top of the white gold ring were 4 stones. An amethyst, a sapphire, a ruby and an emerald. She went back to reading. I was going to ask you to marry me... although it seems kind of stupid to as you that now. So I guess you could keep it... since I was going to give it to you. The next gift is the blue rose. It'll last forever... just like my love for you my dear deity. It is also the most perfect rose I have ever created, please keep it with you forever, and whenever you are lonely look at it... and know you are loved... even if I am dead.
Botan please don't cry for me. I don't deserve your tears; and I can't stand you crying. It hurts me so much, especially if I'm the one to cause you tears. Botan, I will forever miss you. Your beautiful smile, you melodious laugh. The way your eyes sparkle when you're happy. The wonderful taste of your lips. Everything, I'll miss. I truly will.
Botan I want you to be happy, I don't want you to be sad. I also don't want you to do anything stupid. I love you too much to see harm comes to you, even if it means I had to die. I love Botan; I will always love you. So please don't cry for me. All I want you to do is to be happy. I know I'm being repetitive... but it's true.
As I said at the beginning, I don't know how to really write this. All I can say is that I want you to live a happy life and that you won't be sad. I don't really know how to tell you how much you mean to me, how much I love you Botan.
Botan, I do, I do love you. I want you to always remember that. I hope you live for a long time to come my dearest deity, and that you live a happy live.

Love you Forever,

Botan let the letter fall, tears streaming down her face. Falling to her knees she sobbed into her hands. "Kurama you idiot. How can I be happy if you are gone? I loved you, you idiot." She somehow dragged herself to Kurama's bed and lied there, crying her eyes out. She kept the rose, ring and letter next to her. "Kurama, I'm yours forever." Botan whispered. As she took out the ring and placed it on her finger. She then burst into a new batch of tears. She laid in the bed for what seemed like eternity, but it could have very well just had been a few minutes. All she felt was her heart breaking into pieces. Why did he have to die? Why him? Why? Botan laid there, tears pouring from her dull purple eyes.


Shuiichi whipped away the tears in his eye. "I'm going upstairs to see how Shuuichi, Kurama, Yoko, or whatever his name died." He started to climb the stairs, He heard Shiori following him and a few moments later his father came up behind her.

As all three of them neared Kurama's bedroom they heard someone crying. They knew immediately who it was... Botan. They quietly entered the room. They were all mildly shocked to see the happy-go-lucky Botan in you tell us how Shuuichi died?" Shiori asked.

"Because of me." Botan whispered. "We were on a mission. The demon knocked out Hiei and Kuwabarra; he was going to attack me. The attack would have killed me... if Kurama hadn't gotten in the way. He stopped it from hitting me...but he died the process. It was all my fault. I was so weak...he died in my arms" Botan's voice creaked under the strain of keeping it steady.

"Oh Botan, shh, shh." Shiori said as she pulled Botan into a hug.

"He wanted to ask me to marry him. He was going to ask me. Why did he have to die? Why?" Botan sobbed.

"I don't know Botan... I don't know." Shiori replied.

"Mom..." Shuiichi asked.

"Yes Shuiichi?"

"Is there anyway he could have lived. Is there Botan?" Shuiichi asked tears leaking down his checks.

"Not that I know of..."

"Why is everyone so sad. Who died?" A voice called from the doorway.

"Kuram...Kurama! Your alive! How... When...." Kazuya exclaimed.

"Kurama!!!" Botan, Shiori, and Shuiichi looked up in shock.

"Well, Ummm...let's just say Hiei convinced Shessy-chan that he should return the favor I did for him a few years back." Kurama smiled "Though he'd probably will kill me if he fines out that I called him Shessy-chan."

"Kurama. You're alive." Botan smiled as tears poured down her checks. "I'm so glad that my future husband is still alive...." She hugged him.

"Future Husband? I don't remember proposing." Kurama stated generally confused.

"We read you letters," Shiori told him

"Oh... Well that helps me out. I didn't have to worry about being rejected" Kurama smiled as he kissed the top of Botan's head.

It's done! I hope you like since people have been beginning me to update and put the final part of the story up so here it is. So please R&R and tell me what you think. Also be sure to read some of my other Kurama & Botan stories. Also sorry for the later entry... I have just recently typed this up so I'm posting it now instead of doing it a while a go. Sorry. Anywho.They are pretty good. So until next time.
