Reviews for Letters from Wolfram
Denymoree chapter 22 . 5/2
I really like this story! Especially the part when future Yuuri talked to the past one.

Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/11
Korin Emina chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
it's 2019 and still re-reading this fic... just shows how much I love thid story...
Lillybe chapter 22 . 6/17/2017
I stayed up until 3am reading this and it was so worth it!
Thank you for writing and sharing this, I really enjoyed it! X
SheWhoLeavesCrappyReviews chapter 9 . 12/14/2016
I was planning to wait until the last chapter before reviewing, but I just have to say it: I love how you wrote a mature Wolfram without him being out of character. I also like how Amanda isn't as annoying as most OCs played as the ''other party'' tend to be. Her emotions for Yuuri may not be genuine, but she has a certain... dignity to her, I suppose you can call it that.

Anyway, I just really love this chapter despite it being an unhappy one.
bobbyneko chapter 22 . 8/13/2015
Sweeeet this was really awesome
bobbyneko chapter 19 . 8/12/2015
Awesome twist!
bobbyneko chapter 11 . 8/11/2015
Wow so intense! I love the Maous role in this its so cool
bobbyneko chapter 7 . 8/11/2015
Awesooooome. Love this so far
bobbyneko chapter 3 . 8/10/2015
Wow this made me wanna cry. Even if Yuri didnt care for Wolf like that, if he could have ay least regarded him like a true friend…or with more respect or something! I feel like Yuri didnt even see Wolf as an equal. Not just when i read tgis but when i watch the anime. Everyone is so patronizing towards Wolf.
ReilyWay chapter 22 . 11/7/2013
Loved it! I love all your stories of both Yuuri and Maou falling in love with Wolfram. It was a wonderful story. I hope you don't me saying this but some have said your stories are 'boring' and I have to say I disagree with them. I hope you'll write more. Please write another MaouXWolframXYuuri. I found them exciting
bluerose-28 chapter 22 . 4/23/2013
I love the story so much. This is the first fanfiction I've read for Yuri and Wolfram, and it's because of this, I'm kinda addicted to this pairing. Such a wonderful story. I love how you described all their emotions and omg, i just loved it so much. Thank you and... Imma favorite this story :3
mofalle chapter 22 . 4/10/2013
I can't believe it took me so long to read this fic. I'm so happy with how this ended I was fearing the worst in the middle. One of my favorite lines in this fic was Wolfram stating, "the ink is dry." It had some many different undertones. I also loved the whole balcony scene with Yuuri trying to hold on and remembering Wolfram's quote of I will fall with you only to have Wolfram force his hand. I loved how Wolfram's family was with him and how the Moah healed him. Also the Moah was wonderful. I thought you matched his verbage very well. I enjoyed his strong gentilness with Wolfram. I was very happy that Yuuri was able to go back in time and stop Wolfram forming being impaled and crippled. Yuuri was truly Wolfrman's Knight in shining armor in the way Chadwick could only dream. The five years later with the boy's was very amusing. Poopie Polps or whatever the term Walther used made me laugh out loud. Thank you for writing this fic, I look forward to rereading it.
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 22 . 1/16/2013
oh wow sooo i read the entire thing though it did take the beter part of 8 hours :) it was sweet and cute and random but i like it tho i wish i had more on how he goes from decied to marrying him
DinieLuvYunho chapter 22 . 1/3/2013
Awww its ended too quickly for my liking.. I really want more.. More cuddled YuuRam, more kissing and maybe more than kissing YuuRam? ;-) oh i really love the future naughty Yuuri that molested the sleeping Wolfram, he is soo sweet.. And to think Wolfram didnt know that till the end make me a bit sad but im happy they and even have 3 more cute sons.. :-)
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